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Is there really love for me out there? ~ (Closed)

Suri smiles, "I don't look or much. I just look for someone who would allow me to be myself around them and vice versa. Also, someone who treats me right." She looks at him curious, " What about you?"
James smiles and says happily looking into her eyes in deep conversation- I am basically the same way, im more into the sweet personality of someone then the beauty of them on the outside -he smiles and refills both their glasses-
Suri nods agreeing and smiles, "I am too. My grandmother used to always tell me that 'Beauty is only temporarily, it comes and goes as it pleases. However, personality is strong and leaves behind an unforgettable imprint.'"
He smiles at her grandmothers wisdom and nods in agreement and says- She is exactly right, that is how i was raised and thats how i intend to raise my kids someday -he smiles-
Suri smiles, "It's great lesson many should learn." She drinks a bit more of the wine and the wine starts to stain her lips red. "I was raised with my grandmother, and wouldn't allow us to fall in love with something because of its outer beauty. I remember she would give us worn down teddy bears from when she was young to prove to us that sometimes it's the worn down things that carry history are the ones who have the most value."
James smiles and absorbs the story she just told and says happily- Your grandmother must've been/ or is a wonderful woman -he adds- She is very wise, everything she told you is the truth -james smiles-
Suri smiles nodding remembering her grandmother's wisdom, "She was a very wise woman."
Looks at the time and smiles and says lightly with happiness- Would you like to be taken home after dessert Suri? -Asks james with a soft smile, hoping to be able to see her again-
Suri frowns a bit wanting to spend more time with James, "Sure, but I do want to see you again."
James smiles and feels the same way about her and sees her sad frown and asks- Do you have school tomorrow dear? -he asks with a smile-
She nods scrunching her nose and slightly pouts, "Sadly, yes." She looks up at him.

((I'm log into my phone instead of my laptop so if it shows I'm offline I'm really online since I check for any notifications every few minutes :P ))
Suri smiles and nods, "Yes, please. I would definitely prefer being around you over being at school.
James smiles and pays for the dessert and says- I feel the exact same way -james smiles more with a mre charming smile but it has more of a kind glow to it
Sufi smiles back being attracted to him and looks happy, "I think this was on of the best blind dates I had. Thank you"

((Hello? :o ))
Siri kisses his cheek and smiles, "You're very welcomed. And you deserve to always feel happy."
I feel happy here with you -James smiles and rubs his cheek happily and hands her his number and says- lets get you home so we can be ready for tomorrow -he smiles and kisses her cheek back and opens the car door for her-
She smiles happily, "I'm glad that I make you feel happy and okay." She holds onto his number blushing when he kisses her cheek and sits in the car.
Dont you lose my number now -he smiles and says it playfully as he closes her door and gets in the car and smiles looking at you- where do chu live?
Suri smiles, "Don't worry I won't." She gives him the address and directions on how to get there as she saves his number on her phone.
He happily drives her to her house remembering where he's going for future use and smiles as he pulls up beside her house and gets out and opens her door- cx
Suri smiles grabbing her purse and gets out the car. "And again, thank you for tonight." She smiles showing him one of her rare full on smile that shows her dimples on her cheeks.
James smiles fully as well, this smile is rare and has a special charming quality to whoever is looking at him and he says- I had an amazing night with you suri -he smiles-
Suri smiles and nods, "I had an amazing night with you as well."

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