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Fantasy Is The Demon Lord A Myth [Arcanepunk High Fantasy] [Open/Looking For Players]


Cuddly enby auntcle
This is an ongoing roleplay that we need more roleplayers for since some dropped out.

Link to MAIN ROLEPLAY: Fantasy - Is The Demon Lord A Myth [Arcanepunk High Fantasy]

Link to CHARACTER THREAD: Fantasy - Is The Demon Lord A Myth [Characters]

Note: This is retrofuturistic in the sense that in a world that seems medieval in many aspects, it also has mana powered electronics and arcanepunk cybernetics.

The holy nation of Veres located on an island continent has enjoyed peace for several hundred years already and has experienced technological leaps despite some pushbacks by the temple. Many homes experience the use of arcane technologies that make life easier such as mana powered stoves or even screens to view certain varieties programs. However the nation still has many medieval aspects that include clothing, society and weaponry. And despite technology existing that replaces lost limbs, the temple frowns upon the use of such technology, stating it as impure to use such tech. It has gone so far that clergy that use these technologies, are considered fallen and have certain rights stripped, such as free movement within the main temple or having certain jobs.

It has been several hundred years since the last invasion of the demon army and the demon lord is largely believed to be a myth nowadays. However due to some events recently, there are signs that a new demon army may be emerging, however not even the temple seems to be taking it too seriously. A lot of the civilian population doesn't seem to have the time or resources to think about it. The world seems to be more concerned with dealing with beast races and social class politics. In the capital, there are however foes lurking in the shadows, ready to cause chaos in the capital for the demon lord or other bad actors. Even if you are not a hero or a knight, things begin to become suspicious for you.

The players can be different roles. Some may be "heroes". Others may be ordinary folk. There is no requirement to be part of a group. However eventually certain events with players will influence the story of others.


In "The Holy Nation of Veres". In a world where arcane devices have increase the life quality of most, even being able to replace limbs that have been lost, there exists a nation that is virtually a theocracy. A temple where the gods are worshipped holds pretty much the most power, despite a king supposedly holding the highest position of power. Many laws are dictated by the temple. While the temple has many gods and goddesses, there are still people marked as heretics, such as those who worship the demon god or certain people who have deviated from the official teachings. Clergy hold a lot of power here with those following the main goddess Aevith holding the most power.

Capital is named "Aevithia". About a couple hundred thousand people live here. The metropolis is full of temples, many domed. There is a subway system in the city. The city has a lot of pedestrian traffic. You often find the preaching priests along major roads. There are many narrow alleys lined by tall multistory residential buildings. Many buildings are pretty old. Towards the city walls are the slums. In the center of the city is the main temple, which is a massive building. The center piece of the main temple is the shrine of Aevith. In the preceding halls are the hall of the major gods and the hall of minor gods.

Near the main temple are government buildings, the traders guild, the arcane university and the adventurers guild.


Magic: Most people have a magic affinity and can only used magics outside of the affinity to a lesser extent. The magics are elemental magics (fire, water/ice, earth/plant and air), summoning, taming, illusion, combat magic, dark magic, death magic, abyssal magic and healing magic. Healing magic can be only used by those who have received the blessing of a deity.

Social class:
Veres has a social class system:

Elite class: Royalty, the high priestess, bishops, decorated heroes

Upper class: Nobility, priests/priestesses, new heroes, knights, wizards, guild leadership

Elevated class: Traders, high class adventurers, clergy apprentices, clergy of minor deities, bureaucrats

Middle class: Citizens, fallen clergy, adventurers, ogres (despite being beast race, they appear close enough to elves and humans to be considered similar to demi-elves) etc.

Lower class: Criminals, heretics, mercenaries, sex workers, slaves, beast races, people with "impure" chronic illnesses (fantasy version leprosy for example).

Species: Humans, elves, demi-humans/demi-elves, beast races (wolf people, cat people, orcs, ogres).


Main deity: Aevith (goddess of creation and childbearing)

Major deities: Hars (war god), Ea (water goddess), Kora (goddess of harvest), Fira (fire god), Kirvath (forest god)

Minor deities (over 100)


1. Please post within three days. With notifying the other players, you have up to a week to post.
2. No one-liners
3. No face claims of real people
4. No powerplaying or godmoding
5. Have fun
If you're still open, I might be interested in playing a fallen priestess of Aevith. with healing? Someone who watches over an orphanage now after whatever the cause was for her falling.

Or just a wolf kin adventurer with ice and water element magic?

or a bastard royal. I'm open and flexible to suggestions.
If you're still open, I might be interested in playing a fallen priestess of Aevith. with healing? Someone who watches over an orphanage now after whatever the cause was for her falling.

Or just a wolf kin adventurer with ice and water element magic?

or a bastard royal. I'm open and flexible to suggestions.
All of them work. You can play virtually anything as long as it isnt setting breaking. Also demons cant be play at the time being.
Or if you need a concrete idea for a character that could be made, like I told Rcticwolf Rcticwolf the childhood friend character is also available. It just would be that her name is Irali Levendaire and was in priest(ess) training with my character. Personality, species and appearance and whatnot is up to whoever wants to play her. Alternatively, if you don't want to go with her but still want to play the "childhood friend" role, you can make someone who was either in training together when Ephelina was still Felis or like someone who hails from the same village as my character but is unaware that my character was reborn after suffering fatal wounds in battle.
Actually I think if it's alright I'd like to play This guy
As a bastard royal/Adventurer that's got suspicions of all the higher ups. (Not someone specifically in power atm or even known) I've tried to read up on the roleplay so far...and I think I understand they're in the middle of the capital amidst a ritual/celebration for a diety? I'd be okay with him being another childhood friend of Felis. Maybe they were rivals before Felis fell/was reborn?

In regards to Felis' background, Felis comes from a large village or small town and came from a household that wasn't very wealthy. Like not impoverished but barely middle class.
Alright cool! I'll say his name is Gerard. No last name. He's supposedly an orphan. To his current knowledge. With only a necklace his mother left when she died. And the dagger she'd told him his father had left for him. He's a little cocky/confident. Competitive. I could see him challenging Felis a lot as kids. But he's kindhearted. With a strong sense of moral. He raised himself after his mother passed when he was five. I think he'll have dark magic, or Actually, can he have a Dir wolf companion? I'll make a character sheet and try to get a post out tonight. If that's alright
Alright cool! I'll say his name is Gerard. No last name. He's supposedly an orphan. To his current knowledge. With only a necklace his mother left when she died. And the dagger she'd told him his father had left for him. He's a little cocky/confident. Competitive. I could see him challenging Felis a lot as kids. But he's kindhearted. With a strong sense of moral. He raised himself after his mother passed when he was five. I think he'll have dark magic, or Actually, can he have a Dir wolf companion? I'll make a character sheet and try to get a post out tonight. If that's alright
If he is an adventurer, a dire wolf companion is possible.
Staring at the lack of new heroes here, and how do they work? Does someone pick them to be an hero or something? 🤔
Well, um. I see how nobody in the character thread wants to be an hero. It’s just priestess, adventurers, spy, and the temple paladin. 😅
Well, um. I see how nobody in the character thread wants to be an hero. It’s just priestess, adventurers, spy, and the temple paladin. 😅
Oh, hero is selected by deities. A deity can select a champion/hero. Due to the amount of deities, it would allow like 100 heroes to exist at the same time.

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