Other IS MxM ( fxf too) roleplay gay roleplay?


One Thousand Club
Heyo I was just curious on roleplay that I've been noticing a lot of MXM roleplay and some fxf roleplay and I was curious if it means that's it's strictly a gay roleplay thread or is it a roleplay thread that allows two male or two female characters working together that are not sexually/romantically attracted to eachother.

Thanks everyone and have a good day!
It is referencing romantic pairings yes. A good rule of thumb for 1x1 search threads is that if the person does not specifically state they are open to platonic relationships assume every pairing listed is romantic. (slight edit, if they list prompts or plots than you can always ask if it isn't obvious)
FxF means two females, MxM means two males. It has no more romantic nor sexual implications than the average 1x1 plot. That said the average 1x1 plot does have minimal romantic overtones, but unless specifically stated you should assume that the player's stance will be "I like romance but only if it develops naturally between the characters".
FxF means two females, MxM means two males. It has no more romantic nor sexual implications than the average 1x1 plot. That said the average 1x1 plot does have minimal romantic overtones, but unless specifically stated you should assume that the player's stance will be "I like romance but only if it develops naturally between the characters".

I could not disagree more heavily. The vast majority of 1x1 searches are after romance, and not as a minimal requirement either. It is an expected part of the storyline that is pretty much required unless the person specifically states they'll take platonic relationships as alternatives. I should know as I have used your assumption multiple times with an endless array of potential partners and have had them all bow out because there wasn't enough focus on romance for their liking.

Now that isn't to say anything against them, there is nothing wrong with wanting to write romance. But giving people this false expectation that they can have a roleplay where there will not be romance if the characters don't naturally develop it is setting them up for disappointment.
I could not disagree more heavily. The vast majority of 1x1 searches are after romance, and not as a minimal requirement either. It is an expected part of the storyline that is pretty much required unless the person specifically states they'll take platonic relationships as alternatives. I should know as I have used your assumption multiple times with an endless array of potential partners and have had them all bow out because there wasn't enough focus on romance for their liking.

Now that isn't to say anything against them, there is nothing wrong with wanting to write romance. But giving people this false expectation that they can have a roleplay where there will not be romance if the characters don't naturally develop it is setting them up for disappointment.
While I can see where you're coming from what I'm saying comes from:
1. People's direct answers on this matter, both on discussion forums and me asking (until I got too annoyed at getting that exact answer every time).
2. The fact that I seldom do an actually romantic roleplay and I rarely have to say anything about it.

You may still disagree and there is certainly some truth to what you're saying, but I wouldn't go as far as you went in regards to how much people want romance.
I could not disagree more heavily. The vast majority of 1x1 searches are after romance, and not as a minimal requirement either. It is an expected part of the storyline that is pretty much required unless the person specifically states they'll take platonic relationships as alternatives. I should know as I have used your assumption multiple times with an endless array of potential partners and have had them all bow out because there wasn't enough focus on romance for their liking.

Now that isn't to say anything against them, there is nothing wrong with wanting to write romance. But giving people this false expectation that they can have a roleplay where there will not be romance if the characters don't naturally develop it is setting them up for disappointment.
While I can see where you're coming from what I'm saying comes from:
1. People's direct answers on this matter, both on discussion forums and me asking (until I got too annoyed at getting that exact answer every time).
2. The fact that I seldom do an actually romantic roleplay and I rarely have to say anything about it.

You may still disagree and there is certainly some truth to what you're saying, but I wouldn't go as far as you went in regards to how much people want romance.
Let's just try to calm and simmer the situation a little bit plz, this is just a ask for assistance in knowledge, not a conflict.

Anyways both of your points value and deserve to be looked at but there is no need for any heat to either side. Thank you for your time reading 😸
While I can see where you're coming from what I'm saying comes from:
1. People's direct answers on this matter, both on discussion forums and me asking (until I got too annoyed at getting that exact answer every time).
2. The fact that I seldom do an actually romantic roleplay and I rarely have to say anything about it.

You may still disagree and there is certainly some truth to what you're saying, but I wouldn't go as far as you went in regards to how much people want romance.

For two I think you have such high standards that once someone meets them it's going to be more likely they'll be willing to compromise on things just to keep a partner of your caliber.

For one, people can say they are fine with romance not being in a roleplay. My point is when you ask them to actually do a roleplay without romance they discover that it's a lot more important to them than they realized.
Let's just try to calm and simmer the situation a little bit plz, this is just a ask for assistance in knowledge, not a conflict.

Anyways both of your points value and deserve to be looked at but there is no need for any heat to either side. Thank you for your time reading 😸
As far as I can tell we're both perfectly calm. It's just a minor disagreement regarding the knowledge you wanted and at such times a good civil discussion can foster a better understanding for the involved.

For two I think you have such high standards that once someone meets them it's going to be more likely they'll be willing to compromise on things just to keep a partner of your caliber.

For one, people can say they are fine with romance not being in a roleplay. My point is when you ask them to actually do a roleplay without romance they discover that it's a lot more important to them than they realized.
Hmmm...so probably the accurate advice would be that it depends on the kind of roleplay one does then, spefically regarding detail or length I'm guessing.
As far as I can tell we're both perfectly calm. It's just a minor disagreement regarding the knowledge you wanted and at such times a good civil discussion can foster a better understanding for the involved.

Hmmm...so probably the accurate advice would be that it depends on the kind of roleplay one does then, spefically regarding detail or length I'm guessing.
I just don't want any trouble like fifteen minutes later the mods come in to shut the thread down that's all. Not saying that anyone is doing anything wrong
It can mean either two characters of the same gender working together to make a story or it can have romantic implications. In my experiences it has been either, but I personally don't like forced romantic storylines. I like the romance to develop naturally.
As far as I can tell we're both perfectly calm. It's just a minor disagreement regarding the knowledge you wanted and at such times a good civil discussion can foster a better understanding for the involved.

Hmmm...so probably the accurate advice would be that it depends on the kind of roleplay one does then, specifically regarding detail or length I'm guessing.

Well more like it depends on how well you and your partner click. If you are the first person they have met that shares similar interests or standards for roleplay they are going to be more likely to make compromises so the roleplay works. Versus if they have less standards and can more easily find other partners they'll be a little more likely to leave if they aren't feeling like their needs are met.

Detail might have something to do with the slow-burn romance though, at least it does seem to pop up more often in detailed searches than more casual ones. But even then the expectation is that there will be a romance in the plot just not that it will be one that pops up right away.
I just don't want any trouble like fifteen minutes later the mods come in to shut the thread down that's all. Not saying that anyone is doing anything wrong

I believe you have to report it in order for the Staff to step in. Or the disagreement has to go several pages.
Heyo I was just curious on roleplay that I've been noticing a lot of MXM roleplay and some fxf roleplay and I was curious if it means that's it's strictly a gay roleplay thread or is it a roleplay thread that allows two male or two female characters working together that are not sexually/romantically attracted to eachother.

Thanks everyone and have a good day!
It could depend on the person really. I have seen, not just here, many type of request threads MxM or FxF where the person wasn't so much looking for the romantic side rather just a friendship type of pairing same thing with FxF. Of course there's other cases where people are looking for the romance. It just depends on what the person is looking for in their request thread I suppose.
So given the scenario that I see a thread called "MXM rp" should I think of it as a gay romance thread and not go for it because I'm heterosexual or go for it thinking that they will accept me as a regular male in a guy and guy roleplay ?

Idea Idea rae2nerdy rae2nerdy T Tove Jannah Jannah
So given the scenario that I see a server called "MXM rp" should I think of it as a gay romance thread and not go for it because I'm heterosexual or go for it thinking that they will accept me as a regular male in a guy and guy roleplay ?

Idea Idea rae2nerdy rae2nerdy T Tove Jannah Jannah

Well, you could if you're comfortable playing homosexual characters(lots of Non-homosexuals do, myself included). It's really up to you.
I'm not comfortable playing homosexual characters that's the issue

Then use your best judgement. If you feel like it's going to be a romance RP then don't go for it.
Then use your best judgement. If you feel like it's going to be a romance RP then don't go for it.
That's what I'm saying like how can I tell if it's called only Mxm roleplay? That is one of the hardest things to figure out since there are no keywords like romance and stuff
So given the scenario that I see a thread called "MXM rp" should I think of it as a gay romance thread and not go for it because I'm heterosexual or go for it thinking that they will accept me as a regular male in a guy and guy roleplay ?

Idea Idea rae2nerdy rae2nerdy T Tove Jannah Jannah

I would err on the side of romance personally but as others have said nothing is hurt by simply asking the person if they would be comfortable with platonic relationships.
I agree with the statement that it usually means romance in search threads, but usually is not always. There is no universal rule for this.
Asking the person directly would be the only way to find out.

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