Iron Raptor Technique

The Boss

New Member
Since the description of this charm say that is "treated as a normal melee attack", can I do a flurry while using Iron Raptor?

The description of the charm says that it is a "melee-based attack", which all that means is that it uses your regular melee attack pool and does damage as normal for your weapon.  It is treated as a melee attack in all other ways is just a quick way of saying, it's like a melee attack, only ranged.

The big thing to note, is that this charm is Simple.  Which means that you -cannot- flurry with it. You can combo this with Iron Whirlwind for example, but you cannot make multiple attacks or even include it in a flurry otherwise.

Nope.  You may combo one extra action charm with one simple charm, provided they are both combo ok, and then every extra action on the charm must use the simple charm.

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