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Fantasy Iron and Earth | Fantasy Dieselpunk RP


Roleplay Type(s)



The Soft Moon




word bank

fantasy, magic, dieselpunk, ww1, action, angst

Welcome to Iron and Earth, a dieselpunk fantasy rp with a world war 1 aesthetic. Your character will be a member of the Iron Sentinels, a military organization that over the years has lost strength fighting the sire threat on Pangon. The sires are an underground race of mutants with the intent to kill every living being on the surface.

The Iron Sentinels have been stretched thin across Pangon with a lot of their forces concentrated in Lirus to fight the sires. They've tried to get aid from the other forces on Lirus to aid them but have turned down the call to arms. In a desperate attempt, the sentinels are planning a preemptive strike on the sire horde. Whether or not they will succeed is up to fate.




the lore

The Iron Sentinels formed as an organization of human warriors who banded together to stop the Order of the Dragon from taking over Pangon. Over the course of the war, the sentinels recruited other species into their ranks and beat the order, driving the dragons back to the Caldivon Isles while the cultists who followed them were either hunted down or tried to reintegrate back into society.

The Iron Sentinels oversaw a period of peace, innovation, and expansion. The war had brought the world closer together and the sentinels were the paragon of world peace. That was until the sires came from the earth. With expansion and innovation came the accumulation of natural resources. The humans, elves, and dwarves mined the underground for fuel sources which disrupted the sires and their habitats.

The dwarves faced the brunt of the first sire invasion with the dwarves living underground, many megacities had fallen and when they came to the surface they sustained heavy damage to the other races. The Iron Sentinels organized a response along with other factions to fight against the sires, with the conflict lasting 80 years.

Pangon was in ruins but united in rebuilding what was loss. The sentinels still maintained their strength and was the unifying force of Pangon. But their influence would be challenged. The human and elven nations were building stronger economies and militaries, some even overtaking the sentinels.

This caused tension especially on the island of Lirus where the humans and the elves wrestled over resources. The sentinels attempted to broker peace as many in power still respected their authority as peacekeepers, but the peace was still fragile as the situation along the border diving human and elven land became more tense.

It was at this time that the Second Sire Invasion would commence on Lirus. The sentinels attempted to get allies to fight the new threat but very few answered the call.

Osinia was the first battle of the war. A ruined elvish city, the sentinels occupied and used as their base of operations on Lirus, from there they met the sires on the city outskirts. The sentinels won, but at a great cost as the sires overran the outer defenses and nearly got into the city.

Knowing the city could not stand another attack, and men and material not being due because of stretched supply lines, Col. Bargak prepares the sentinels for a preemptive strike on the sire army.




the rules

i. All ages welcome. As long as you can present mature and suggestive themes within in RPN guidelines.

ii. Discord is necessary, it’s what I prefer for OOC and plotting.

iii. Everyone is permitted one character and can choose from one of the six races provided. We’ll be using non-realistic fc’s.

iv. POC and LGBTQ+ characters are strongly encouraged!

v. Depictions of violence, gore, and abuse will be present in this rp as a note to people who can’t handle said themes.


Humans are the most populated race on Pangon but they are by no means the most powerful. But they make up for it by being adaptable and ambitious. Their desire to expand has led to the creation of new cultures and the marking of new discoveries across Pangon. They have made advancements in technology and the study of magic which made other races seek them out and aid them in developing their societies. The human nations however have tense relations with each other as they each compete over economic dominance.


The race with the longest lifespan on Pangon, elves have been the apex species on Pangon with their proficiency in magic and learning. If one wanted to be powerful or successful then a connection to high-elven society was a chance for anyone of any race to receive world fame and renown. However, the technological innovation of humans and even the dwarves have threatened their power base as economic growth among the elven nations stagnates.


Dwarves reside in the Pangon underground. Each landmass on Pangon will have some sort of dwarf nation residing in the earth, and their ability to make a home inside the earth has made them mostly immune to surface politics. Their unique conditions have necessitated their technological advancement and their megacities are the most elaborate civic infrastructure projects the world has ever seen. Living underground has also given them the ability to see in the dark. Dwarven mining enterprises have also been profitable and they have open trading relations with humans and elves to sell raw resources and precious stones. The sire invasions have damaged a lot of dwarven infrastructure however and as a result, lost various mines which provided a good chunk of the dwarven economy.


Orc society doesn't receive a lot of attention from other races. A lot of them are confined to strongholds across Pangon. Strongholds are simply a catchall term for any populated area run and controlled by orcs, with orc law and culture. These strongholds range from small villages to large and prosperous city-states. Because of their larger mass, orcs are sought out as mercenaries, but in recent years they have been sought after for more 'cultural' and academic professions.


Beastfolk is an umbrella term for humanoids with animal-like features. Centaurs are the most well-known as they are seen across Pangon as laborers and soldiers. Normally though, beastfolk keep to themselves. They live in tribal villages and only interact with other races if it has to do with trade or any other type of transaction.


Faes aren't commonly seen around Pangon. They keep to themselves in their own domains and don't involve themselves with interracial politics. Innovation and expansion in recent years have made diplomacy necessary. For the last century, high government officials and very important people have been exposed to the fairy high forests with many of them leaving their domains and interacting with the other races. However many other fae species are still considered a mystery across Pangon. Changelings for instance are a mystery, some even denying their existence but it is their ability to blend into the more advanced humanoid societies like humans and elves that have kept them alive for so long.

♡design by terrorkitty, coded by uxie♡
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I might be interested. The setting alone has me intrigued.
Sick setting! There's not enough dieselpunk around here, imo.
Looking pretty cool.
Are fae a broad racial category like beastfolk, or is there a more singular look for them?
This definitely seems interesting! Historical Fantasy Great War era is a very specific favorite of mine. =p
Thanks for showing interest yall! I’m preoccupied rn but I’ll set up a server and cs page soon (:
Yes faes are a broad racial category, they’re not just fairies I forget to mention that lolol
All good! That's what I assumed, but wanted to double check. My first idea was of a gremlin/goblin fae to act as mechanic and tank driver, if you think that fits.
I'm certainly interested!
Question: Are there any rules for how things like combat and other NPC interactions will play out; things like dice rolls and such? Or will this be more of a narrative-only rp?
I'd also like some more lore on the 'sires' and what they are, exactly.
Everyone, I am genuinely sorry about doing this but I won’t be able to start the rp due to a family emergency. If anyone would like to take the rp concept I strongly allow them to but I have to focus on things irl.

Again, many apologies
Everyone, I am genuinely sorry about doing this but I won’t be able to start the rp due to a family emergency. If anyone would like to take the rp concept I strongly allow them to but I have to focus on things irl.

Again, many apologies
No sweat, real life first always.
Everyone, I am genuinely sorry about doing this but I won’t be able to start the rp due to a family emergency. If anyone would like to take the rp concept I strongly allow them to but I have to focus on things irl.

Again, many apologies
No worries. Take care of yourself and your family. Thank you for letting us know.

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