Iriless: Romance of the Seven Nations


It's so FLUFFY!!!
This is where you make your character come to life. The more detail, the better!


Any social status is fine, the only omission is prince, princess, King, and Queen. You can be a Duke, a Duchess, or be a lowly beggar on the streets of a Nation. As long as the race you are can correspond to it.

If you want to be a dragon, the Height Limit is Ten feet, and the Length limit is 7 Feet. We do not want Island sized dragons.

Classes include Mage, Archer, Rogue, Wanderer, Warrior, Priest/cleric. There is no battle system in this roleplay, but weapons and fighting can be in this game, as long as its detailed.

If you want to add an existing character to your Bio, make sure it is approved by the user portraying that character.

Absolutely no Trolls! In and out of the game. All nations hate trolls who resides in the mountains, I am sure everyone doesn't want that in their midst.

If you are confused about the race you want, Refer to the Lore page and look at the character pages.

Here is the outline:


Name: Include the name and surname, and include a nickname if there is one

Age: Age limit is shown in the character page. varies by race

Race: Are you a Graceful Dracon? or a War hungry Orc?

Status/ Occupation: Rich? Poor? Member of the Nobles?

Appearance: Give out any detailed piece of information regarding your character. You are more than welcome to add an Image, but you must add worded detail to it, so no pasting an image and go "look at pic." Add in the clothes they mostly wear, the weapons they use, the accessories, have fun. does your character have a birthmark? Add it, be detailed as you can! the more the merrier?

Class: If your character is a warrior, and you want to fight, what do they reside in? Are they Dual wielding Rogues? or Are they mighty Warriors?

Skills and Strengths: Minimum of two, what makes the character tick? what sets them off unlike other characters? Are they great at persuasion? Are they proficient at Rapiers? Are they fast flyers? add in detail with each skill or strength they have

Weaknesses: Certain Races have natural weaknesses, so they don't have to be listed? Are they greedy? Do they have an unspeakable lust for women? minimum of two weaknesses, you can add more if you wish


Goal: What drives them? What are their goals?

Personality: Be as detailed as Possible, the uniqueness of your character, the diversity of the Roleplay falls on this part. So many possiblities, endless opportunities to have for your character.

Behavior: What makes a character unique? do they tap their foot if they are nervous? shifty eyes? fluttery wings? be detailed here too

Hobbies: Self explanatory,

Views on certain things: Include religion, races, war, etc. What do they like in Iriless, what don't they like in Iriless.

Biography: This is the final and juciest part of your character, The origins of your character. Give them a detailed history of how your character came to be, Make sure the Lore is not changed around, but anything goes here. Have fun here.
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Name: Tuamsus Nyx

Age: 40

Race: Night Elf

Status/ Occupation: In a way you could say she is middle class. She is not poor but not really rich

Appearance: Tua has log white hair that reaches a little past her shoulder blades, generally keeping it up in a bun like ponytail. She has crystal blue eyes and bow shaped dark lips. She makes enough money to keep up a nice wardrobe but for her business she generally dresses a bit nicer, trying to draw in customers with hand sewn halter dresses in golds and blacks with fluffy or lacey sleeves that are like gloves since they start at her elbows and go from there. She also wears her mothers old metal neck and bicep pieces as well as her old cloak. But outside work she dresses pretty modestly with long skirts and and cotton dress shirts with poofy sleeves (She loves poofy sleeves if you cant already tell). She also wears a necklace with a single piece of moonstone. She also loves the color purple. On her hip she has a long scar that starts over her hip bone and travels around the outside of her thigh to her knee.


Class: Tua is a middle class merchant who sells hand made, wooden and metal weapons. Her best selling are her bows and arrows since they were the first weapons she ever learned to make. But she can also make spears and shields and sword. Her house is her store and has an extension on the back of her house as a workshop for her metal and woodwork.

Skills and Strengths: Obviously she is skilled with the work of metal and wood, she was taught by her father and was given the shop by her grandfather. She also practices archery and has the skills and means to use any weapon she makes, such as the duel sword, the bow and arrow and the spear. She was told by her father that if she was going to make weapons she needed to learn to use them as well. This shop is her life so you better watch yourself when talking about it and her work, it was her families legacy in which she carries on, besides shes pretty sure she has more weapons behind the counter than you have on your person ;)

Weaknesses: She is very passionate about her work which can get in the way of many things..shes sensitive to her work and will beat herself up over the smallest of problems. And she doesnt give herself the time of day to make friends or meet a nice man. That and hes pretty oblivious..shes had men come up to her and flirt and invite her to their house but she just doesnt think about it and its kind of a bummer.


Goal: To make and distribute the best weapons and give her family something to be proud of and to give them a good name. If she can maybe one day she can sell her weapons to nobles and knights.

Personality: As a child she was adventurous and happy, but s she got older she was also told by her grandparents that she has an old soul like her father. She loved to read and seemed to rather play alone than with friends. Spending her time in the woods and learning about all the animals, vegetation and fruits that grew there. She was an animal lover and was very eco friendly like her mother. But as she got older her interests changed and she became interested and enamored in he art of metal work. But she was always like that..getting into something so quickly and so whole heartedly. But after that thats all she seemed interested in, making her family proud and doing the very best she can n whatever she does.

Behavior: She is kind to customers and will have a smile on her face 24/7 no matter how she feels at the moment. Also without trying to be rude she will normally blow off a mans or womens talk of romance mainly because she has shown no interest at the moment.

Hobbies: Metal and wood work, reading, and painting

Views on certain things: Tua is not overly fact she was not raised as such. Her family never forced it on her and int urn she took interest in other things that did not include religion, and she likes it that way. As for the other races she does feel a little uneasy around the draconian race..they just..make her feel nervous is all. Especially after a run in with one when she was younger. But living where she does she is happy. She loves the foresty area and usually the people around her are quite nice and all work together to keep a peaceful existence.

Biography: Theres really not much else to be said. She was raised by her mother and father and at times by her grandparents. Her mother taught her to garden and what fruits in the wild were safe to eat and how to paint. Her father taught her to defend herself and how to use different weapons and all the basics to what he and his father did in the shop. Her mother didnt so much as like it since she was suppose to be a lady but she loved to whittle he wood and shape the metal to make something magnificent. That and she knew her father would never have a boy to teach these things to since the night she overheard my mother crying about not being able to bear anymore children, lucky enough to even have her and such. So she also dedicated her time to being the best daughter she could be. And in terms..she was. She cleaned the house and took care of the animals and grew up to be kind hearted, brave and headstrong. When she was older her father always worried about boys but her mother wanted her to find a nice elf in the village to be with. She liked boys dont get her wrong but..things were getting a little more difficult at home. Her mother seemed to be losing energy so she had to help around the house more often and grandma was starting to make no sense, especially after grandpa died. Which after that dad had to take over the store full time. Her family was the most important to her and no boy could change that. Besides she was being taught to sew by her mother and was finally making her own weapons for the store which was far more exciting then going out. She admired the things her mother sewed, her cloak was especially beautiful, which made Tua surprised when her mother gave it to her. But it didnt take long to understand just how much everything was changing. Within the next year her mother grew more sick and even more weak, by the years end she was in bed all day for days on end. When her time came she slipped away peacefully in the night, which made Tua happy she wasnt suffering anymore but it tore her family up. Her father stopped taking care of the store and grandma stopped talking in general. And though Tua was torn up about her mother she knew she had to take care of her family, it was her time to be the one make things better and make everyone happy again. It gets hard but years of hard work have really paid off. She pays for the house, the materials and for food for her frail old grandma and her quiet father. Sometimes her father will help but it doesnt take long for him to disappear from the house for a few nights and to come back even more drunk then when he left. Tua is trying to be the women her mother was..and the provider her father was never going to be again.​
I will be making a Character, i dont wanna be left out


Cressily Conamore

Age: 20

Race: Dracon

Status/ Occupation: Cressily is Noble born, and sings opera and plays violin



Cressily is a blonde Dracon with the blue eyes of a soothing lullaby. Since she was born of nobility, she always wear noblemen's dresses. When she is out traveling, she carries with her her red cloak, a dagger for defense, and her violin if she ever is needed to perform. She has a tail, a common trait for female Dracons, and she has small horns coming out of her head. Her birthscales are located on her thigh, a small patch that no one has seen unless they are intimate with Cressily, and that has never happen on her watch. When she is doing swordplay with her father, she wears leathers and light armor boots, her tail swishes out and she wears leg scabbards for her daggers

Class: She is classified as a Rogue, since her father was a warrior who fought with the Nation of the Black Rose. She was taught general defense with two daggers, and learned to attack with her tail, if she wears clothing that displays her tail.

Skills and Strengths:

Dagger proficiency: Cressily learned how to fight with daggers, and is very agile in combat.

Quick Memorizaton: Since Cressily is a musician, she honed her memorization skill to the point wehre she can memorize a face, or know the ways around a city in less than no time.


Perfectionist: She must make sure everything is precise and neat. She hates being sloppy and dissymmetry. It sometimes gets her to the point she can not perform or fight if something is not symmetrical in her eyes. She spends most of her time organizing everything, and tried to organize the orchestra she plays with sometimes, and yells at the maestro for not keeping an organized position.

Sheltered upbringing: Born of the noble class, she knows nothing of below her class and the outside world. She is unknowledgeable when it comes to other nations, and it bothers her.


Goal: She wants to become the Star singer and musician of the Obsidian Theatre hall, and also a side goal for her is to learn more of the outside world.

Personality: Cressily is a bit shy and quiet when meeting new people, but when she is around those she is familiar with, she is outgoing and happy go lucky. Being of the noble class, some noblemen are snooty and snobbish, but Cressily is none of the above, unless she finds something unsymmetrical and not precise.

Cressily is a young girl, and she is such a groupie of the King Dinomor, along with other girls saying he is "dreamy" or "gorgeous"

Behavior: Cressily has a tendency to flip her hair when she starts talking and keeps her arms to her side when she is quiet and not spoken to. When she does talk, her hands move fluidly to her speech. Learning theatre, she also walks toward the person she speaks to and then looks at something different for a more dramatic effect. When she finds something unsymmetrical, her left eye twitches and then her ears start to get red fro the anger of having to fix it.

Hobbies: singing, playing violin, fixing imperfect objects, swordplay with her father, fangirling over King Dinomor.

Views on certain things: As sheltered as she is, she does not know anything of the outside world other than the theatre, and Obsidian.

Biography: Cressily was born in the Conamore family, a noble class with Relian Conamore as head of the house. She was also born with a silver spoon in her mouth, given all the new fashionable dresses, and nice jewelry. When she was five she took up violin and singing lessons, and grew her skill of them exponentially. When she was not learning the way of the voice or strings, she took up lessons of daggers from her father, so she can be a fighter as well as a bard. At age ten, she started to perform at the Theatre, as a violinist, and got some background chorus roles in the operas and musicals. Being of the noble class, she attended many events with her family such as the Scalwen spring Hatching, or the Meridian Balls that the Human prince held, or the banquets that King Dinomor held (Much to her delight). The next event she must go to as a musician is the coronation of the Crown Prince of Meridian.
Name: Include the name and surname, and include a nickname if there is one

Age: Age limit is shown in the character page. varies by race

Race: Dracon

Status/ Occupation: Rich? Poor? Member of the Nobles?

Appearance: Give out any detailed piece of information regarding your character. You are more than welcome to add an Image, but you must add worded detail to it, so no pasting an image and go "look at pic." Add in the clothes they mostly wear, the weapons they use, the accessories, have fun. does your character have a birthmark? Add it, be detailed as you can! the more the merrier?

Class: If your character is a warrior, and you want to fight, what do they reside in? Are they Dual wielding Rogues? or Are they mighty Warriors?

Skills and Strengths: Minimum of two, what makes the character tick? what sets them off unlike other characters? Are they great at persuasion? Are they proficient at Rapiers? Are they fast flyers? add in detail with each skill or strength they have

Weaknesses: Certain Races have natural weaknesses, so they don't have to be listed? Are they greedy? Do they have an unspeakable lust for women? minimum of two weaknesses, you can add more if you wish


Goal: What drives them? What are their goals?

Personality: Be as detailed as Possible, the uniqueness of your character, the diversity of the Roleplay falls on this part. So many possiblities, endless opportunities to have for your character.

Behavior: What makes a character unique? do they tap their foot if they are nervous? shifty eyes? fluttery wings? be detailed here too

Hobbies: Self explanatory,

Views on certain things: Include religion, races, war, etc. What do they like in Iriless, what don't they like in Iriless.

Biography: This is the final and juciest part of your character, The origins of your character. Give them a detailed history of how your character came to be, Make sure the Lore is not changed around, but anything goes here. Have fun here.
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Name: Hayden Gensyw

Age: 19

Race: Dracon

Status/Occupation: Rich at one point, but now poor, sings and plays ukulele on the streets.

Appearance: Hayden is a brunette Dracon with hazel eyes.She wears an old torn blue dress and a brown cloak. Her hair just barely covers her ears. Her skin is golden tan from years of sitting in the sun. She is usually seen looking at the ground. She wears an old torn brown leather bracelet. Under a lot of grime lays a beautiful face with high cheekbones and full lips. Her nose is small and dainty. The one thing that ruins her beauty is a small frown that is always on her lips. She has small gold wings that she keeps hidden at all times.Her birthscale is in the shape of a flower on her left ankle.It is royal blue and visible under her torn skirt.

Class: Mage

Skills and Strengths: She is good at throwing knives.She doesn't show how good she is,she once competed with a few of the best knife throwers known and won. She is also good at persuading people,otherwise she wouldn't be alive. She can persuade anyone to do anything that she believes needs to be done.

Weaknesses: She has a weakness for anything that shines. She is easily distracted by shiny objects and will completely forget everything but that object. She also has a weakness for males. She loves to talk to them and doesn't care if they are the enemy or not.


Goals: to bring peace to her nation. She wants to be remembered not for who she had been,but for what she has done. She wants to be seen as more than just a pretty face.

Personality: She is mostly shy,but once she starts to talk she doesn't seem to want to stop. She is a very observant person.She doesn't think much of herself and will give her life to protect her friends. Another thing, she doesn't trust easily and will try to push people away if she feels that they want to use her. If you gain her trust then you have made a friend for eternity. She isn't afraid of death, but of the process of dying.

Behavior: when she is happy her eyes will sparkle and she will look ready to cry. When she is nervous she will start to mess with her hands. When she is embarrassed or flattered she will blush and not look at the person who is speaking to her.

Hobbies: singing,traveling and reading whenever she gets the chance to.

View on things: She doesn't believe in religion. She believes that war is necessary to bring peace. She doesn't think race should matter and that everyone is equal to each other. Iriless isn't something that she thinks about and so doesn't know what she dislikes or likes about it.

Biography: When she was about eight years old she left her easy and simple way of life. Her father had been a merchant,but his dishonesty dragged him and his family down to the lowest level of society. She was then called upon her family to be the one that got food for them. A few years later her parents died from starvation and she was the only one left. Now she sings and plays a ukulele that she had managed to keep from her previous way of life. She plays in hope that someone will help her. Or in the very least guide her to help, but so far no one wants to help. People have asked her about her birthscale on her ankle. She just shrugs in reply.
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The Dreamweaver

I will show you the world through an artist eye and the beauty that lurks in the shadows of a dream...



Synoah "Syn" Dracynthine










A Dracon of middle class means she prefers to live away from others. She makes her living with her art but at one point was a reknowned dancer. Her current primary source of income is sword for hire work.


Synoah is a slender woman of a pale complexion, with a lean yet slender build. She has sharp almost elven like ears with a number of small metal rings and studs in each. She has short silvery hair that hangs messily about her shoulders.

Her facial features are soft and usually hold a sleepy or distant expression. Her visible eye is a pale violet devoid of a pupil. Like many Dracon females she has a tail, slender and covered in sleek black scales that spike out at the tip. Two curved horns protrude from the side of her head. Synoah's birth scales are thick black scales that completely cover her left eye. Synoah is one of the few female Dracon who have wings.

Her usual outfit consists of a short tutu like skirt of layered nearly sheer black fabric that is torn at the front, a black leather corset, and two fluffy bands around her upper arms. She rarely if ever wears shoes.



Synoah is a mercenary who is skilled with blades. However her true power revolves around her ability to use paint and ink as a weapon

Skills and Strengths:


Despite their appearance and size Synoah's wings are incredibly strong. She can fly almost as fast as any grown dragon. Her small size makes her a highly agile flyer.

|Enhanced Strength|

Because she is a Dracon, Synoah is stronger than those of human or elven descent. She is capable of easily lifting up to twice her body weight.

|Enhanced Agility|

Synoah is agile due to her limber frame and small form, allowing her to be both flexible and swift.


A rare power known to have originated with a Dragon race known as the Nightwraithes, this power allows Synoah to manipulate paint and ink to create "phantoms" or anything she can envision. She can only sustain these phantoms within 20 feet of herself for a maximum of 5 hours. Creating then phantoms uses her energy and requires her to rest aftwards.

|Duel Fan Combat|

Synoah is skilled at offensive and defensive short to midrange combat with the use of two bladed fans with long razor edged ribbons attached to them.

|Lore Keeper|

Synoah is highly intelligent and enjoys studying the history and lore of other races. She has memorized many old texts from varying nations as well as important cultural and social facts.

|Art Prodigy|

Synoah is an incredibly talented artist capable of rendering anything she has seen on heard into a work of art.




Highly Temperamental

Drinks Excessively




To show the world the true beauty to be found in fear


Synoah is enegmatic at best and insane at worst. A truly eccentric character it is almost impossible to puzzle out her thoughts and motivations. Despite a bright and attentive mind Synoah can come off as vacant or aloof, seeming to be paying little attention to anything around her. However she rarely misses anything and is often quick to point out the most minute of details.

When it comes to personal interaction she is known to be alternatingly intense and withdrawn. When she does speak it is usual with sarcasm or indifference. The only time Synoah is known to become truly passionate is on the battlefield or when working on her art or music. It is then that the high octane intensity that borders on madness becomes evident.


Synoah tends to looks sleepy at all times and as such her eye is perpetually half closed. When it is fully open she is painting , dancing, or fighting. Synoah's speech patterns is slow and thoughtful and she often refers to herself in third person.





Playing the Violin



Views on certain things:

Religion: "Religion...? Synoah sees no beauty in blind faith..."

"Beautiful... A symphony, a masterpiece of mortality and emotion..."

"Irrelevant... All live and die... Se simply do so more beautifully..."

"Liore... A vast canvas waiting to be painted... It makes Synoah excited..."


Born in the Black City surrounding Jet Castle, Synoah was the first child of a disowned noble woman and an artist of reasonable popularity who had come down to the city from high in the Ash Mountains. Her mother Rinoa, was an albino dragon from an upperclass family who had been disowned by her family when she had become pregnant with Synoah. Her father was an artist whose heritage had long been forgotten

When Synoah was born it was evident that the girl was different. Unlike most others of her kind Synoah was born with all three dragonic traits; having horns, wings, and a tail. In addition her birth scales, which were unusually thick covered one eye. As a child Synoah was often sickly, her mother tending to her as well as she could. But as she grew the girls body began to grow stronger.

As a teenager Synoah showed an uncanny talent for the arts, being able to draw from memory and play by ear. However her primary talent was her graceful ability to dance. Coupled with her unique black and white coloring and rare wings soon made her a popular entertainer. At the age of fifteen Synoah was doing shows at the great Hall of Obsidian.

It was also during this time that she first learned about the Dreamweaver. On one of her days off Synoah was home at the small estate her parents owned. Her mother was off visiting her parens and Synoaj and her father, Acelius, were home alone. Bringing tea to her father she walked in on him working on what appeared to be a living dragon made of pure black ink. The dragon attacked Synoah and she fainted. When she regained consciousness it was in the charred ruins of her home.

Acelius was one of the few Dracon whose bloodline was descended from a breed of Dragon known as Dreamwraith; sleek dragons, as black an night, known for causing nightmares and hallucinations. The Dracon descended from them, known as Dreamweavers, were hated because of their abilities to create living "phantoms" from paint or ink. Before marrying Rinoa he had been moving from place to place avoiding the people hunting him down. However that particular night he ha been found and killed while the family estate had burned. Synoah had escaped being found when her father hid her in a false cabinet.

With her father dead and realizing that she was a danger she fled to the Ash Mountains. Using her own money she purchased a house alone in the mountains to work on her art and music. She makes money by taking mercenary jobs.
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attention all roleplayers. I will start the roleplay. If there are new characters, they can join. But to keep y'all from waiting, ill start.

@alex the fox, your character, once he is done, you can start. I got your name and race down, your job is to think of a personality and bio for him
umm the bio will be a while and personality is out going center of attention loving yet very very hating of embarrassing things
The Nightmare Orc


Rogmesh Vhaalurk <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c150ec6d9_OrcFemaleDeathKnight.jpg.f9ceef609a3ab6c1ba81b73783a35145.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c150ec6d9_OrcFemaleDeathKnight.jpg.f9ceef609a3ab6c1ba81b73783a35145.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 27 (roughly)

Race: Orc

Status/ Occupation: Has no occupation/status other than a renown or rather infamous warrior.

Appearance: Like all Orcs, Rogmesh has her unique skin color* and black hair. Unlike most orcs, she looks more human. Some even say she looks eerily similar to an elf but couldn't be far from it. Rogmesh wears anything that she can acquire but prefers to wear something battleworn or clothes of intimidating status.

Rogmesh has a slender build of a woman but has muscles that can put many males to shame, not to mention she is eight feet in height having reached the maximum height which was uncommon for female Orcs. Yet even with this, she still keeps her woman features and despite her personality, looks more of a gentler Orc but woe are to those who underestimate her power.

Class: Rogmesh is a warrior at heart, mind, and body. She knows nothing else and nothing better.

Skills and Strengths:

  • Pure Strength - Expected from all Orcs, Rogmesh has strength that few can match. Strength for Rogmesh is everything. It enables her to wield her weapon, move her gigantic body, and most importantly fight. She respects the gift she was given as an Orc and relishes in her skill.
  • Inhuman Stamina - Rogmesh has a skill that not many have which she acquired from years of training and experience. She has the stamina that none can match. Rogmesh can run for many days, barely stopping for sustenance, and can still fight with massive strength. This was acquired from hunting her enemies in personal battles to hunting large game that even Orcs are wary of.

Weaknesses: Rogmesh is very unsociable and hard to talk to, not to mention all she really cares about is war and fighting. Rogmesh is not the brightest being on the Earth and can be easily confused by seemingly complicated subjects. She is not entirely dumb but rarely knows much from fighting and war.

Another weakness is that she fights without any fear and lacks restraint. She goes all out every battle, repeatedly putting herself in harm's way purposely to enjoy the thrill of the fight. In short, she can be very reckless but don't mistake this for her not knowing the ways of battle.

* = @Kiwi I purposely left the skin color blank as I was unsure what skin color this world's would be for an orc.

@X3 Infernal Infinity I sorta kinda based a bit of my character sheet format from yours.. >.> I couldn't help it! It looked so nice! Please don't hurt me Infernal-senpai!


Rogmesh has a goal to die a worthy death. She wants to fight and die in battle. That is her wish as an Orc. She will not stop her endless battles, constantly finding stronger foes until one day she finds one she cannot beat. That is when she'll be truly happy.

Personality: Rogmesh is a very simple being. She loves to fight and kill. She's very hard to converse with if you speak more than five words and none of them consist of "Let's kill each other now". Despite her inability to concentrate on things other than fighting, if you take your time, she can be an "enjoyable" person to be with. Rogmesh is very loyal to her friends and when she wants to, can be very very wild when she relaxes. She's not one to say no to a drink.

Behavior: Surprisingly, Rogmesh is very fidgety, especially when she's not fighting. She constantly clenches her hands as if feeling for the handle of her weapon that is not there.

Hobbies: ...killing...things..? And drinking if you can count that..

Views on certain things: Rogmesh has no religion and cares not for it. She believes that any being should pursue what he or she wants, regardless of what people think.

Biography: Rogmesh was "born" like all Orcs which consisted of being created from the Earth itself so in a way, Orcs could be more in tune to Mother Nature than the noble Elves.

This first thing that Rogmesh can remember is waking up in a field, not knowing her name nor where she was or even who she was. She was already born capable to fend for herself and that is what she did. For two months without even knowing who she was and why she was here, she survived and learned. After those first two months a passing Orc found her by chance. The Orc who's name was Gagbuk explained who she was.

Rogmesh was an Orc, born from the Earth. Gagbuk taught her how to speak Orcish, how to properly wield a weapon, and Orc culture. When Orcs are "born" most are left to fend for themselves but one way or another, they will find other Orcs who usually take in the youngling and adopt him or her into their tribe.

Since there was technically no such thing as a parent as an Orc, Gagbuk became Rogmesh's mentor and friend. Gagbuk was older Orc who had already been in many battles and was very strict with Rogmesh. Unlike other Orcs, he had a higher intelligence level as he had spent the last few years traveling the lands seeking knowledge rather than blood.

Rogmesh however felt in her blood that she yearned for battle and Gagbuk did not try to turn her from the path she had chosen. Gagbuk taught her a fighting style exclusive to axe-wielders and when she was strong enough, he gave her a great axe which she cherished above all her belongings. Night and day he trained her to be a warrior. He showed her how to sharpen her axe, how to run long distances, and how to hunt.

Nearly ten years had passed since Gagbuk found Rogmesh and finally he said she was ready to leave him and go out on her own. For an Orc, emotions are not strong so their departure was not sad but Rogmesh was eternally grateful to her mentor. Before she left, Gagbuk asked her to pass on everything he taught her onto another Orc youngling when she grows tired to which Rogmesh agreed and one of the few longterm things she has held onto.

Since then, she has fought many wild beasts, made enemies, killed her enemies, fought in tournaments, became drunk in thousands of bars, and thoroughly enjoyed her life. Along that time Rogmesh took up a surname for herself, Vhaalurk. This was Gagbuk's surname. Orcs cannot breed so thus there is no true bloodline but because of Rogmesh, Gagbuk's "bloodline" continues on through her.



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