IPAD: The Institute of Powers and Advanced Development - The Remake

Gabriel Ryker

Senior Member
The year is 2050, and the scientists of the world have begun to study recent human mutations cropping up in teenagers and young adults all around the world. However, the government’s true intentions are shrouded in mystery. Thus, a single man has set out on a quest to find some of the exceptionally gifted practitioners of these powers to be admitted to a special academy: The Institute of Powers and Advanced Development, known to its students as IPAD.

Cut to your character’s life. Everything is good and dandy. However, there is something not the same with you. You have a mutation. Perhaps others don’t know, or maybe you felt confident enough to reveal your abilities. Either way, it is time for you to hone those abilities. You have received a letter, addressed to you, and inside awaits your invitation to IPAD.

Character Skeleton:

Name: (First and Last)

Nickname: (Optional)

Age: (Age Range: 12 – 18 years of age)

Abilities/Mutations: (Your character may have up to 2 mutations, or powers, as well as up to 2 abilities. Abilities would be anything not induced by the mutations, such as tactical intelligence or knowledge of martial arts. Most importantly, make sure your character's powers are thematically similar. For example, one character cannot control fire and ice, or land and air, etc. That being said, be creative with this.)

Weaknesses: (No character is all powerful. All of them will have their strengths and weaknesses. I will try to keep this RP going for quite a while, so please think about this, and keep in mind that your character will improve his or her powers over time.)

Personality: (Again, this will be, hopefully, a long RP. Put some thought into this, as your character will change and develop over time.)

History: (This is perhaps the most crucial part. Give a bio about what happened to your character before they were taken to IPAD. Make sure to include how they discovered the existence of their powers. The greater the specificity of this section, the more interesting the plot twists that I come up with will be.)

Appearance: (A picture is preferred, although a detailed description will also be accepted. If your character wears a special set of clothing, make sure to include that in addition to the regular picture of your character.)


1. I am a fair person. I will listen to both sides of any and all disputes, but my say is final. Also, my co-Mod, Pristine Dark, is an amazing RPer, so his word counts for just as much, if not more than mine. Please, listen to Pristine Dark as you’d listen to me.

2. One of the most important rules is that this is a literate RP. Please, no one-liners. If you can’t think of anything more to write, take some time, think about, and when you have a substantial amount to say, then post. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you have to post novels, not that I’m opposed to that either. Also, try to use grammar that makes sense. I’m not a “grammar Nazi”, but try your best to use the right grammar and wording anyway. Trust me hard to read RPs are no fun. (Reference rule #8: HAVE FUN!)

3. I’m sure most of you are tired of hearing this, but it is standard: NO GOD-MODDING!

4. Romance is allowed. However, any sexual content will have to fade to black.

5. Cussing is allowed as this is a story with some tension. However, no sailor swearing, as in cuss words in every other line.

6. Please follow all the regular site rules as well.

7. Quick side note, but it is important. I created this RP before, but it wasn’t very structured. Now, Pristine Dark created an amazing story, so I wanted to give him mad props for his ability to create a story. If you join, you definitely won’t be disappointed in what he has come up with. Guaranteed.

8. Most important of all, have fun. Seriously, if it isn’t fun, what is the point of a RP?

9. If you read all of this, and I thank you if you did, please incorporate the term “gobbledygook” into your character skeleton.

My Character Skeleton:

Name: Darian Cross



Darian has control over the four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak/strong nuclear forces. His mind is also enhanced to the point that his mind allows him to perceive things keenly and strategize efficiently and cunningly using the wealth of information and experience he has garnered over the years. In terms of abilities, he is a master combatant, mostly with swords and other bladed weapons, which he uses in conjunction with martial arts. His second ability is simply his accomplishment in the art of parkour, and he enjoys shouting “gobbledygook” he performs tricks (except not really).

Weaknesses: Darian is very protective of his students and his academy. He stands up for them, and would gladly give his life if it meant saving them and the academy. He is also a little arrogant. However, he won’t tolerate humans discriminating or harming mutants in any way, which can lead to dangerous situations.

Personality: As stated earlier, Darian is protective of his friends and his students. He is also very calm and collected, which helps his leadership, especially in battle. Darian values loyalty and honesty, and he has a wicked revenge streak. He is quite spiteful and vengeful if you cross or betray him. Otherwise, he is warm and caring. Darian tends to joke around a lot, even when giving advice, but there is usually a hidden meaning in his words. Overall, he has a love for mutants. He has no quarrel with normal humans, and it’s not as if he sees them as inferior. However, he won’t tolerate humans discriminating or harming mutants in any way.

History: Darian was born with his powers. Unlike most, he was acutely aware of the mutations, even in his childhood. His parents, taking notice of his prodigious talent, sent him away to be trained by the government. Whilst there, Darian flourished under the tutelage of his teachers. However, something was bothering him.

In his time with the government, Darian’s perceptiveness allowed him to realize that something was amiss. The government, which was notoriously self-serving, had just suddenly decided to train him. Why? One would think that the government should view the empowered individuals as threats. To preserve himself and to further investigate what was occurring, he asked the President to allow him to create a school for advanced individuals like himself. He was given the go-ahead. Currently, having established IPAD, which is in its first year, he has sent the letters to prospective students and is awaiting their replies.

(This history is shorter than what I’d expect simply to maintain the story without giving away plot points and such. Yours can, and perhaps should, be longer. No need for a novel, just well-thought out backstory.)


Regular Appearance – Click here.

Combat Attire – Click here, and here, and here.


Lost? Falling behind? or perhaps you just want to see a bit more of the story than what's shown here in the RP? Well then, read the novelization posted as blogs :3 Subscribe to never miss an episode ~<3

For the sake of my future sanity please remember that this is not earth (the original post is mostly copy and pasted from the ORIGINAL IPAD RP. We're on a planet called BURD and as such earth city's do not exist. Instead 'cities' are 'districts' with district 4 being the equivalent of the super shady town and district 46 being the complete opposite.

@GoddessOfGod APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@Riddle78 APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@Lily of the Valley APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@Ember Bare APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required. One further note; Your ability will simply be to speak, not command. If a creature is feasibly able to act on your words, you may try to convince it to certain actions....when you speak to an animal and such I will be controlling it to have it speak back (unless it's information is inconsequential in which case you can have your self dialog just fine....I hope you don't make TOO much work for you ^_~)

@TheFallOfitAll APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

*Will give water breathing for free to a water master unless they have other idea's on their power* As such you have only one ability to start out with and can chose another as we play if so desired

@HeartBrokenIceQueen APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required


Abigail Perigard APPROVED: Is fine as is, but I want to state a few things. Her phonetic memory is perfect, but voice manipulation will improve as she does. Most human voices are perfect right from the outset, but the ability to reproduce more exotic/complex sounds like say an engine humm will come as she grows...eventually able to produce even fine sounds like the exact sounds of a crowd of people talking.
Benjamin Perigard APPROVED: Illusions are fine, invisibility CAN come when your character has grown considerably. Flashlight is fine. From the start I'll allow cloaking objects that are perfectly stationary...but that's about my limit and it wont be entirely perfect (though you could just illusion up an entirely different object, you cant perfectly reproduce an inverted 3D plane illusion to make it perfectly invisible...think a really high camo index in games like oblivion). If everything I said here is fine, than it's approved also.

@Chaotic APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required


Sebastian APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required
Chloe APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

Alexina APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@Ricia APPROVED:​Your character sheet has been added to my spider document. If any changes are made for any reason, a PM is required

@Dino APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@ErisianDialects APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@Optimalgiraffe APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@Autumn APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@ForgeKeeper APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required

@Wingal APPROVED: Your character sheet has been added into my spider document. If any changes are to be made for any reason, a PM is required; I only just noticed that my last edit didn't stick and that you STILL weren't part of the list *bows politely* My apologies

My apologies at the delay in posting acceptances, though the majority of the new sheets were told of their acceptance some time ago thanks to shout-box. In either case, here they are for all to see. All those accepted in this area are free to act as soon as I post a description of the room and its events. You will all be starting in the east wing of the school (gymnasium and sparring grounds). You'll have been hiding in a large armor locker, the door of which blends into the wood of the walls; producing an effective hiding place from the soldiers that had just done a sweep of the area.

@Vive APPROVED: No surprises here as you've been accepted by shout-box, just please do not edit your charrie sheet before i've had a chance to add it to my dossier

@Mediocritys Muse APPROVED: As a small note, the second power you listed not having yet, is actually already part of your first healing ability according to the charts I wrote. As such, you still have a power slot free if you want to choose one during the course of the RP. Please do not edit your charrie sheet before I've had a chance to add it to my dossier.

@maker PENDING: You seem to have forgotten when I told you in shoutbox, namely that all abilities must have a means of scaling as the character grows stronger. Your's instead seems to scale when he grows more angry or wild. I don't have much against it, it just does not suit the story and thus cannot be allowed without disturbing balance.

@Seveer APPROVED: Sorry about the delay between acceptances. I'd like to direct you to the shout box of the website, which you can find by merely clicking 'forum' at the top of the page and scrolling down till you see it. I'm there almost constantly...and you would have been informed much more quickly >_<. In either case, please no edits to the charrie sheet until i've had a chance to add to my Dossier. Your current power description is only the very first level of it, and more electromagnetic related abilities will be added as time moves on. Welcome to RPnation ~<3

@Chill DENIED: Clearly didn't read the signup limitations. If you wish to discuss, I practically LIVE in the shoutbox which you can find by clicking 'forum' and scrolling down till you see it. It is a real-time communication area

[MENTION=4551]locknessmonster[/MENTION] PENDING: First off....sorry about taking so long to your sheet....got sick and simply could do nothing on the computer for the entirety of a day...then spent much of that time trying to catch up on projects I fell behind on (which i'm still doing...and this being one of them). As for the CS, as I stated in shoutbox, it's a bit too strong to serve as a starting point. However i've had another character accepted who's ability was to 'duplicate' themselves...only they didn't even require a 'capturing' medium to do it. I would probably have to limit you to reflective surfaces to start (because video media is simply too potent...and would almost certainly need to be a high level ability). Seeing as your ability requires a medium that the others didn't...I would state that you can produce a higher number (up to three at start), but I would also apply a range limit from the reflective surface of around 100 feet. The reflective surface itself will go inert (non-reflective...black and inky in appearance) during the time your reflective duplicate exists and shall serve as the ONLY omen that a duplicate exists (assuming of course they even know what your ability is). Duplicates will have strength equal to yourself divided by the number of duplicates at start...but that limitation will be lost at stage 2 (which doesn't require much to get to). If you have any points you'd like to discuss....feel free to contact me via shoutbox or PM. If ALL points stated here are acceptable to you...then this 'pending' is actually an 'approved'...I would ask that you let me know so that I can input your character into my dossier
Name: Raven Strife

Nickname: None


Abilities and Mutations: Raven is able to bend anything that involves with the earth : Sand, metal, earth.She also has seismic sense:that she uses to "feel" even the most minute vibrations in the earth. useing her seismic sense she is able to "see" through the use of her earthbending, detecting people and other objects through their vibrations, which she sensed through the ground via her bare feet.. For her abilites she is good with hand to hand combat, and has great hearing.

Personality:She is fiercely independent, sarcastic, direct, stubborn, she can be care free but alway alert.

History: Raven was born in a well set family. She was third daughter in the family. Unlike her other two sisters Raven was born blind. They family was upset and shunned her from the family. She couldn't go to school or leave the house. They thought because she was blind, she wouldnt be able to move out of the way basically saying she was no good and to fragile. So she stayed locked up in her home. Instead of sitting around she practiced useing her other sense. Everday she would practice while her parents watched disguestd. She was always in the dirt and never cleaned off her feat before coming back into the house. Een though her parents were of no help she focoused on her. She felt weird though. She never really liked the dirt but now she didn't mind being in it. She shook off the thought thinking it was because of all the practice. One day a letter came in for her.

Appearence:View attachment 10174 (clothes) she wears a brown sleevless shirt with tan and dark brow. She wears a brown skirt with chains hanging from the front and back belt loop. She wears no shoes and always walks bare footed. She has sleeves that come up right before the shoulder.
Name: Malcolm Hawker

Nickname: The Trapper

Age: 18

Mutations: Super speed. His theoretical top speed is 60 kilometers per hour (average city driving in Canada). Bloodwires. He can project razorwires from within his body,and spool them out to any length he needs,so long as the wire can believably fit in his body.

Abilities: Determination. To say that he refuses to give up would be a grievous insult. This will be elaborated upon below (I like double-edged traits). Enhanced reflexes. A trained necessity so he can move fast without kissing a wall. The world moves slowly to his enhanced perception of his surroundings when he approaches higher speeds.

Weaknesses: The super speed has all of the normal physics quibbles attached. He needs to accelerate,decelerate,and he needs to adequately protect his body from the elements. His bloodwires are projected from INSIDE his body. This means that they must break out through his flesh,which is painful and sheds blood. Furthermore,since they're razor sharp,manipulating them by hand generally leads to lacerations. His wires are also worthless at speed,since they're thin and flop around if he had a length of it out at such speeds. This gets dangerous or even deadly for him if he tries to set bloodwire tripwires at speed. Finally,while he's a determined bastard,it tends to lean well into him being so determined and bull-headed that it's self-destructive. Finally,he's no tougher than an ordinary human,and has the same bodily needs. Starve him,dehydrate him,stab him,shoot him...It all works.

Personality: Did I mention bull-headed yet? I think I did. He's also blunt and pragmatic,caring only to deliver the raw truth and do what's most advantageous.

Background: Malcolm Hawker was born to a computer-oriented family. His dad was a networking specialist and his mother was a programmer. Between the two of them,Malcolm lived a goof life,and always had something to do,thanks to information technology and such. However,he wasn't content to simply sit in front of a screen all day. No,he wanted to run and hunt. His parents questioned this at first,then realized that,hey,not everyone likes to spend every moment of every day at a computer desk. During school,Malcolm excelled at physical education,with the instructors calling him a machine,and keeping going even though he looks like the walking dead. His more academic studies followed a similar theme,starting just above failing,then ending with grades in the high eighties. Two months ago,Malcolm was running on the outside track at his school,and he slowly began to accelerate...Straight up until he had to run in a straight line across the sports field and slow to a stop mere inches from a gigantic ironwood tree. Since then,he started to show off his speed,even though he knew that he wouldn't be allowed to compete ever again. The police have pulled him over three times because of his running speed. Twice was because he was running sixty in a school zone,and once because he was going sixty in the highway's fast lane. Each time they let him off,but the last time he was told to stick to the slow lane.

Malcolm also found that he had a different ability,one of a more sinister bent. He kept this one under wraps,as it was both painful and had the potential to get him killed by scared people. Now he stands with a letter in his hands,offering an invitation to study and train at the Institute of Powers and Advanced Development.

Malcolm Hawker stands five foot nine inches,and weighs two hundred twelve pounds. His eyes are green and his hair is black. His hair is thick and shaggy,but he tries to keep it short enough to manage,especially at the front. His body can be described as "long" with legs and arms that seem disproportionately long compared to his torso,and his face is long and narrow. His clothing consists of a ruggedized high collar jacket,which he wears at all times with a simple long sleeved shirt underneath,made of a low-friction material. His pants are also ruggedized,but they are made of a low-friction material. His eyes are covered by ballistic goggles. Malcolm also wears an exoskeleton,which braces his legs and spine from the shock of running so fast. The leg section he wears over his pants,and the spine brace is worn under his jacket. This is medical issue. He has long ago given up on reading the insurance claim,as it's written in legaliese and medical gobbledygook.
Name: Valeria Giorgi

Valery, Val, Gobbledygook (not really.)


Control of plants and water. She can make plants do whatever she wants them to do if only she concentrates enough, which includes healing them or killing them. Her healing rate ranges from 30 seconds up to 10 minutes depending on the damage the plant has taken, while killing takes her from 5 minutes to 20 depending on the size of the tree. Her control of water allows her to shape it into different forms, as well as controlling the state it is in.

Photographic memory, remarkably agile.

Claustrophobia, fear of dark, easily upset, ridiculous fear of failure and humiliation. Emotions sometimes interfere with her powers. Loss of control over her abilities results in them clashing with each other, resulting some crazy and potentially dangerous situations. Her ability to control water only works as long as the water is not enclosed (ie. no control over bodily fluids, sealed water containers, etc.)

She's very bright and chipper, friendly to most anyone. She appears ditsy and naive at times, but she's actually really intelligent and quick-witted. When upset, or when people she cares about are hurt, she can get very mean-spirited and rude. She holds grudges easily, but doesn't act on it until the perfect moment comes. She is well-mannered and polite, but can be judgmental.

Valeria, commonly called Valery in English, was raised in a wealthy family, but her life was not rosy and amazing. Her single mother had high expectations of her, due to ther own success and her older brother's career in politics. She was not allowed to fail, or do anything to step "out-of-line". She attended prestigious private academies, and once she entered the "in" group, she quickly learned that the way to live would be to be everyone's friend. She has honed her acting skills, and made various friends throughout the entire academy. She would never show weakness or hesitation when her parents questioned her about future plans, telling them that she would pursue a career in law when she was actually planning to go into fashion. She still read things about law and the judiciary system, but she would also learn all that she could about designing.

One day, when her mother hosted a party for Valery to meet other people of power, a waiter tripped and the water goblets he had been carrying on his tray fell on her. Instead of soaking through her dress, however, the water simply rolled down it and formed a ring around her feet. Valery had no clue what had happened, but she was dismissed from the party from her mother, and she went to her room, frustrated. As she glared at the flowers in her room, they bloomed to enormous proportions before the vase broke. Upon closer inspection, she found that the water inside was steaming. A week after this discovery, a letter arrived, addressed to her. She immediately sent a letter back confirming her enrollment. Her mother, who had been extremely angry at her since the party, was only too happy to have her out of the house.


Name: Cross Collen

Nickname: None

Age: 17

Abilities:He's very flexible and quick on his feet,he's good with finding his was way to where he wants to go even if he's dropped off in the middle of no where.

He's able to understand things a lot better then most people,and I literally mean things such as objects,animals,even things that don't seem to be there. They speak freely,and know he can hear them. He is unaware of what his other power is yet.

Weaknesses: Has a heath condition that causes many failures in his body to come at random,his body just can't keep up with itself anymore.

Personality: He is very shy,yet tends to be very curious about things as well. He's hard to get a long with since he had a complicated way of thinking and he always has trouble trying to make it simple. But he's sweet and tends to be childish in his actions,even though he can be very mature with his words.

History: Cross never really had a life before the IPAD,he lived in a small village called 'Gobbledygook'(Not really) in the middle of a meadow and had lost his parents when that village was attacked by an army when he was eight years old. They had no idea why the army attacked,they had done nothing wrong. But nothing could be changed and the village burned to the ground,Cross was the only surviver thanks to the meadow's tall grass and was never seen. Once the army left and moved on Cross had looked for anyone else that could have made it,but he had no luck. He stayed in that meadow alone after that,he build a small house out of what he could find that was left of his village and stayed there. He never 'found out' he had the power to understand things,it had always been with him so he thought of it as normal. Though he had strange feels not too long after the village was destroyed,yet he didn't know what it was he was feeling.

Appearance: He has Tribal Tattoos covering his body(Get pic when I'm done drawing it) and an earring he never takes off on his left ear,the diamond hanging is multi-colored and changes at random( http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss262/dolphinbear1/earring_zps71b1d8eb.jpg )

Name: (First and Last) Jake Allan Malcolm

Nickname: (Optional) Jam

Age: (Age Range: 12 – 18 years of age) 15

Abilities/Mutations: (Your character may have up to 2 mutations, or powers, as well as up to 2 abilities. Abilities would be anything not induced by the mutations, such as tactical intelligence or knowledge of martial arts. Most importantly, make sure your character's powers are thematically similar. For example, one character cannot control fire and ice, or land and air, etc. That being said, be creative with this.) Breathe under water, and slightly control water. Normal abilities are Jeet Kune Do, and would be a great swimmer no matter what.

Weaknesses: He is very much afraid of spiders. Bringing up his parents. Another weakness, is his back side(Gurren Laggan reference for the win!)

Personality: A little full of himself, but'll always back his friends up. Doesn't care who you are, you show him respect, or do something honorable in his eyes, he'll respect you. You don't, and he's not nice to you.

History: His mother was an Olympic swimmer, and had always taught him to swim. He was a better swimmer than he was a walker. He'd been home schooled by his father, who was really smart. He was a little spoiled, but taught respect, and that if someone is mean to you, to be mean right back. About 3 months back, the cruise ship he and his family where on sunk. He was the only survivor, and it's due to how he discovered his powers. He could slightly control water, and breathe under water.


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Is shirt is rarely buttoned.

Theme Song: <b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;">[video=youtube;iO_WxYC34eM]
Name: Eliana Monroe

Nickname: Effy

Age: 12

Bibliokinesis: Effy can absorb information from books, speed read and manipulate the context of a book or scripture: At moment she can only delete a limited amount of sentences from a book/scripture but the effect is temporary. She will develop her Bibliokinesis through time and will be able to change or delete the context of books/scriptures permanently.

I prefer calling it Datakinesis then Technomancy TT.TT but to be specific yes it´s Technomancy.

Mundane abilities
: Effy has a weak body so combat isn´t her thing but she is amazing at mechanics; well weapon mechanics to be specific. She also has the ability to understand almost every human language: Polyglot to be exact.

Effy has a weak body since birth. The ability to absorb information gives her random headaches and she sometimes feels dizzy. If not careful while using her ability she can get stuck; meaning her life force will depend on that computer or scripture. Thus if she is using her Datakinesis and a power shortage happens her brain can be damaged but nothing permanently.

Shy, quiet, innocent and sweet when she isn´t playing with some weapons; using her mechanics skills then she is serious and calm. Effy has a multiply split personalities; While using her datakinesis or hacking skills she is fierce, sarcastic, cocky and relatively weird.

Being born with a weak body that needs attention at all times Effy was home-schooled since birth. This lead to her anti-social behaviour since she went to the hospital atleast twice a month. At the age of 7 Effy discovered her Bibliokinesis while accidently displaying a scene from her favorite book in her mind by touching it. Since then she would cheat in exams with her private tutor while using her bibliokinesis or change a books ending to her liking. Effy never got any friends since the neighbours children thought she was arrogant and thats why she didn´t go to school like other children. She got interested in mechanics and weapons at the age of 9 when her favourite tutor asked her what she wanted to work with when she got older; feeling lost she used her bibliokinesis on one of her fathers ´books for the big` and read all about mechanics, war and weapons. Instantly she wrote down two words: Mechanic and Hacker. Finding out her Datakinesis wasn´t as easy or nice as it was for her Bibliokinesis. While riding back from the hospital she went in a car accident with her parents; they were a good mile from the main road and there was no car in sight. Trying to get to her mothers phone she unbelted herself and found it in her mothers purse; No signal. Panicked she accidently used her datakinesis and alarmed her personal doctor through a hacked message. That day the hospitals computers shut down to only have three words on the screens: WE NEED HELP. Tracing the phone they found Eliana with her family and saved them. Now Effy is twelve and has a letter in her hand; An invitation to IPAD. Deciding it was time for her to stop burdening her parents and show them she was actually strong even if she had a weak body she accepted the invitation.


Her clothes:

Xoxo The banana master says: gobbledygook
Name: Abigail “Abbie” Perigard

Nickname: The Twins (along with her brother)

Age: 12


Sound Manipulation:

Sonic Scream: Mostly used for offensive purposes, can throw off opponent’s equilibrium, induce pain, and create sonic blasts.

Voice Manipulation: Abbie is able to change her voice; this may be to copy others’, project or copy sounds.


Phonetic Memory: Abbie has the ability to remember things after hearing them once, even all that gobbledygook.


Anything that affects sound can affect Abbie’s powers, and people that are hearing impaired (deaf) can’t be affected (although they will feel vibrations from her sonic scream). Abbie’s scream can only go as long as her lungs allow it, and if she loses her voice, her powers are useless. (**now**)


Abigail is a typical twelve year old girl; she’s the happy-go-lucky, sort of quirky, twin. Slightly immature, if you could call a 12-year old that she’s a crybaby when people upset her but usually affectionate and loyal. The girl is friendly, open-minded and gullible, and sometimes acts a little bit spoiled and clingy.


Abbie is the youngest of the two twins, but the first to discover her powers.

Their parents had always been protective of them, but this was something that the two medical practitioners couldn’t help them from. They had always been weary of the mutation genes cropping up in young children, so weary that they kept a close eye on their youngest. Abbie and Benji were put on health supplements and vitamins to help protect them, but it seemed they were destined to be gifted.

Abbie’s mutation developed when her brother had taken her prized teddy bear, Sir Flufflykins, away from her. At first it was a petty fight between the twins, but when Abbie had started bawling, her wails broke both glass, and her father’s eardrums. After calming her down, her parent’s realized it was for the worst and she was ‘mutated’. Fearing for Benji ‘catching’ it, they forcefully separated the twins and tried to keep their distance from the young girl, but it was too late.

Benji would soon discover his powers.

With both their children mutated, the Perigard’s were at a loss of what to do with them, but when a letter was delivered with the twin’s names on it, they finally found their escape. The two were sent off to IPAD, where their parent’s hoped they could be cured.


(It is ridiculously hard to find preteen fraternal twins)

Abbie is a short girl with medium length reddish brown locks of frizzy hair; she has round, bright green eyes and freckles dotting her face. Along with a button nose, her lips are pale and her teeth slightly less than straight. The girl has a slightly chubby face and body, as her baby fat still seems to cling to her.

Name: Benjamin “Benji” Perigard

Nickname: The Twins (along with his sister)

Age: 12


Light Manipulation:

Illusions: With the ability to bend or shift light particles, Benji can create illusions to the eye, able to cloak stationary objects.

Light Generation: Benji can create light, becoming a human flashlight when people need it.


Photographic Memory: Benjamin remembers things if he sees them once.


Much like his sister’s powers depend on hearing, his depends on sight… so if the opponent is blind, Benji’s powers are quite useless. Reflective surfaces can throw off his illusions, and gravity can bend his light. As of right now, he can only generate light from his hands.


A bunch of gobbledygook (not really)

Benji is in opposition with his sister. The boy is rebellious, somewhat annoying, insensitive and… kind of unsanitary. Still, the twins seem to get along like any siblings would.


Benji always hated being watched by his parents…

The two were always protective of them, and it annoyed him that he had to be watched every second of his day. Sometimes he wished he could hide from them, and it was probably that that drove his mutations to appear. The boy didn’t want to be separated from Abbie simply because his parent thought her to be ill. He didn’t want to be watched and he didn’t want to take all those pills!

Eventually, his wish was granted, as he remembered his parents were unable to find him one day despite the fact he was standing right in front of them. Benji had used an illusion on them, and when it dissappeared, it showed them his mutation. It seemed his parent’s weren’t as proud of him as he was, and he was sent off to IPAD like his sister.


Benji has the same round freckly face, bright green eyes and unruly reddish locks as his sister. The boy is slightly taller than her, his hair a lot shorter than hers and overall, he is lankier. Anybody could tell them twins if they stood side by side.
Name: Talin Carter Matthews

Age: 14


Mutation 1: Temperature control: Talin can manipulate the temperature of his immediate area effectively allowing him to heat or cool substances that he is capable of touching. This allows him to (given a few seconds of uninterrupted contact) heat a metal blade to a point at which it would be hazardous to touch or chill water enough to enable a thin layer of ice to form. This temperature control ability always requires a medium and time in contact with it. In order to cause the temperature in an item to drop, it requires twice the time that would be required to heat the item due to the boy's innate bias towards fire. With enough time it is possible to heat an item to a point of combustion, but it does require just that: time. (Starting out the maximum temperature that he can reach is ~300 degrees Celsius - about 50 degrees shy of what is required to burn wood. Minimum temperature that can be reached is ~5 degrees Celsius - at this point he is incapable of freezing water but rather close.)

**time required to heat and cool to maximum degree: 5 minutes to reach maximal heating capability and 10 minutes to maximal cooling capability**

Mutation 2: Fire control: given the presence of existing flame or a spark, Talin can manipulate the element to his whim assuming it is within a few feet of himself. Without the presence of the element as a catalyst, however, this particular mutation is rendered entirely inert.

Ability 1: The boy has a rather dexterous fighting style allowing him to dance about quite handily with a chakram if put in a combat situation – see personality description for more info on fighting personality.

Weaknesses: Severe emotional states interfere heavily with his temperature control ability . . . terrifying dreams or situations have a tendency to create a drastic jump in temperature in his immediate area which quite clearly marks him as having a mutation and often gives away his emotional state whether he is trying to hide it or not. Talin is somewhat socially awkward by nature. Temperature control requires (at least as a new and budding ability) 5 seconds to 10 minutes of uninterrupted contact with the medium depending on its ability to conduct heat. Fire control requires the creation of the fire by some external source before it can be of any use.

Personality: The boy is rather awkward with himself and his surroundings. He has an easy, albeit crooked smile. He seems clumsy and uncoordinated, but maintains a remarkable center of balance when it comes to staying on his feet. When in combat, it is like a switch was flipped in his head and his awkwardness vanishes. Movements become precise and meaningful – it sometimes seems almost as if a secondary personality which boarders on sadistic has taken over.

History: Talin comes from a rather close knit family. Growing up, he was just an average kid who got into an average amount of trouble and often ended up with the usual bumps, cuts and bruises as his well-deserved trophies. Once his mutations began to manifest, however, problems started. His loss of control over his abilities when irate or annoyed made it clear to everyone that he did have the mutation. This caused a lot of stress for his parents and older sister who realized the danger this might put him in. They did their best to shield him and steal him away from those who might wish him ill due to his differences but already knew that their attempts were doomed to failure.

For this family, the letter from the school was a godsend. Talin, being awkward around people and cautious about a drastic change in his life, opted to not go. After much cajoling, he agreed to do what was best for himself and his family. Rather hesitantly, he packed what he could of his belongings and left to join others like him at the school.

Appearance: The boy has messy, sandy blond hair that falls invariably in front of his remarkably dark blue eyes. Several faded scars mark the side of his face from misadventures he had as a child and he is missing his left canine tooth from a similar incident. Dark freckles spot his cheeks, but are really few and far between. The boy is rather thin for his age, depending on flexibility and dexterity more than brute strength to see him through.
Name: Sebastian


Age: 18

Abilities/Mutations: Shadow solidifying.

Weaknesses: His ability is weaker in direct sunlight and he can only use what shadows are already there, as of yet he can not create or materialize shadows/darkness.

Personality: Unapproachable, there's a deadness in his eyes that keep most away, and for the rest he's a man of few words. Cold and reluctant to get close to others, knowing full well how easily bonds can be broken, and his guilt only shuts him down more

History: He grew up in the system, and by the time he was placed in a home had attitude problems so started going from house to house. At the age of 14 his foster father started him dealing, and after that he was in the business for himself, indifferent to most people he might have stayed in such a way if a girl didn't OD and die off what he was selling. He quit the business and ran off, picking up smoking as a way of punishing himself for her death, killing himself slowly since he can’t bring himself to end his own life or start using drugs. While on the streets his powers started to manifest, protecting him while unconscious and while in fights, though it took a few months for him to pick up on it and by the time he did Sebastian realized he was responsible for more deaths, even if they were scum. The guilt remains.


Almost always running around in a hoodie and street clothes Sebastian stands at 5' 11'' and has a fit build, under closer examine there's a few faded scars from transactions gone wrong. unstyled or styled to appear so black hair covers his pale blue eyes, just another guy in the crowd, nothing special

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Name: Ruth Snow

Nickname: Ruth or Snow works

Age: 17

Abilities/Mutations: Ruth has the ability to animate objects and give them a life of their own. This at first only works on things like toys such as dolls, or stuff animals and such that would have a natural personality of their own. The objects all have a mind of their own but tend to be more loyal to the person who gave them life, they also tend to take on the personality of the characters they were based off of if they are based off a character. To add extra fun the toy may also remember how it was taken care of or neglected and all that gobbledygook when it was just an object.

In Details:

Ruth has the ability to grant toys and such a bit of sentience by touch. This ability functions by granting them the ability to move and function as they would see fit but leaves them with the parts with which they were created. (Think Buzz Lightyear in toystory as he continuously attempted to use his lasers to no avail.) They are exceptionally loyal to the person who gave them the ability to think, reason, and move and will often listen to her wishes and controls, but they are sentient in and of themselves. This ability lasts for x amount of time (with the opportunity to increase time as she grows in strength). Originally she is able to grant life to x amount of toys/objects at a time (with the opportunity to increase the number as she grows in strength).

The object animated (if it has the limbs or pieces necessary to do so) can wield or use tools as would the person granting it sentience. It has her general knowledge of the world and her perception as to what its purpose should be: i.e. she touched the doll at the convention and it started acting as the character would have . . . perhaps this led to a course of action by the toy which endangered or harmed some unwitting individual unlucky enough to be seen as an enemy by it.
~Thank you for helping me here Chao
Weaknesses: She’s a normal human outside of her power. Plus her power requires touch. She doesn’t really have any fighting skills, she’s just your average human when it comes to stuff like that. The power also only effects the thing for an hour before wearing off and having to be touched again, unless she touches and re-effects it before that time is up. This effect will of course grow the stronger she gets allowing her to effect any object at a time and maybe make the time they are effected longer.

Personality: Ruth has always had a thing for toys, and cartoons and sci-fi shows of sorts. She’s not the smartest in the class but manages to get by high school with A’s and B’s without studying, usually her head stuck on an anime or comic/manga of sorts. Over all she will always probably end up a kid at heart, wishing for some of the other worlds to be true; dreaming over fiction guys from animes, shows, or books, just being an all out dork at times.

History: It all started when Ruth was at one of the many convention she saves up for with her part time job to go all dressed up as a random character. Everything was going grand and normal until she touched an Angelic Layer doll and it started to move around and talk; as if her wish came true to have a real one. This scene only worsened as she went from touching a few more . . . well it’s all fun till someone gets hurt. Not all characters tend to be the most nice after all and luckily she got out of that convention without people realizing she was the cause of the chaos. That's at least what she thought . . . She still feels guilty for those who may have got hurt from her powers, so at times is hesitant to use them.


Ruth is willing to dress up, but when it comes to average looks she likes to go steam punk if not sporting her anime/sci-fi love.

Note: I am also willing to allow others to play or act out toys now and then if they are willing or want too.
Name: Luke Trevin

Nickname: one or two people called him Gobbeldygook ( Not Really)

Age: 13

Abilities/Mutations: Abilities - Has fairly good accuracy and knows where most weak spots are on the human body. Mutation is as follows, Telekinesis - Able to move certain objects depending on the mass of said object, he can't lift cars or such but it is enough to fling a gun from a mans hands currently he can only reach around 100 feet or some with his ability. His second mutation is when he is holding an object. If it was something like a gun, he could fire it with his mind whilst it was in mid air. Which also allows him to flip switches and leavers from a couple of meters away.

Weaknesses: Goes into a slight state of panic if he thinks about death for too long overall isn't that great of a fighter unless he can easily access a weak spot, Over emotional about things he believes in and hates to see someone close to him hurt. He tends not to understand a lot of jokes or humor. Likes to be alone at some times and left to his thoughts and if disturbed gets irritated or angry.

Personality: Luke is currently very closed and unsocial, tends to try put on a fake smile when in the best of moods, Easily angered and upset. Tries to protect people he's close too if he can.

History: Born in a small town named Ivechka, He'd grown up alone without any friends. He only spoke to two people, which were his mum and dad, His dad always worked every day of the week. Luke rarely saw him for more than a hour a day, so his mum had mainly brought him up teaching to always tell the truth and all the other things a mum would tell you to do. When he was around 7 his dad had been at work, at around 8 pm there had been a knock at the door, a dark hooded man had handed Luke's mum a letter. He later found it that it said that his father...had tragically died of a heart attack. His mum had fell into a deep depression, Luke didn't really feel much as he never really saw his Dad that often.. Around when he was 12 nearing 13 he'd started leaving the house a bit more and going into town. He had gone to buy some bread for him and his mum. He had walked down an alley way when somebody had pushed him over. They leaned over him and told Luke to give him all his money, Luke refused, the figure had picked up a large rock, Luke had closed his eyes and waited for the impact. He had heard a loud thump and opened his eyes to see the rock lying next to the unconscious figure. Luke had focused on the rock again and lifted it into the air. He then had looked at the figure and ran back home. When he had got home he had sat in his room with his light on, he'd been lying there with his eyes closed when the light went off. HE looked at where the light should be a focused on it, not more than a few seconds later the flipped was switched, without any physical contact.Then not long after his 13th birthday he got a letter from IPAD

Appearance: Rather dirty and ripped old clothes. Dark brown hair and sharp brown eyes, with large eye brows. His hair is long and tends to cover his eyes. He has dark black shoes and black socks with a hole on the right hand side of the one he wore on his left foot. He wears a old ragged jumper over a t-shirt with a hood that never really goes over his head, he tends to keep it down unless it rains, but then he usually keeps it down. His right ear has a scar from where it got cut by his mum on accident when she had been cutting his hair once before. He doesn't stand very tall at about 5'5 foot.

Name: Sage Roosa

Nickname: She does not care what you call her.

Age: 17



1. Dream Seer: Sage can only see the Future OR Past while she dreams. Sometimes this ability works when she day dreams, but that had only happened a few times in her life.

2. Empathy: Sage cannot control how other’s feel, but she is certainly aware of it. She notices that her power is mostly focused on truth or lie when people are talking to her.

Abilities: Sage is sharp witted and has a nearly unbreakable Poker Face. She is quick to lie and can be resourceful. Knows how to fence.

Sage has no control over her powers, None. Sometimes she goes to sleep and sees things, sometimes she does not.

Personality: Sage is generally friendly, very outgoing and calm. She loves to cook and share her good cooking when she can. Unfortunately Sage has two slight quarks about her that is hard to tell at first; Sage likes to lie for the sake of watching people believe her, She has a Poker Face and can lies smoothly to almost anyone. Because of her Empathy She has learned to tell people what they do or don’t want to hear. Her second quark, Sage dresses very much like a guy and purposely makes it hard for people to tell if she is a boy or a girl, finding pleasure out of people assuming. Sage likes to play harmless pranks and lies often to see people’s reactions or to get her way. Sage is a good listener and has a good memory; she likes to accumulate rumors and information about people as a hobby.

History: Sage was born an only child and into a family with money. Sage’s child hood was fairly standard and first noticed her Empathy at a young age. This made her always striving to please everyone around her. Her Father wanted a girl but her mother wanted a boy, so often she would be dressed up and treated as both. At a young age Sage also went through fencing lessons, which seemed insignificant to Sage. As Sage grew she would sometimes have dreams that she would later experience during her waking hours. Sage generally kept her powers to herself and fought away the feeling of difference from normal children. When Sage heard about the opening of a school for children like her, Sage confronted her parent’s about her powers and insisted that she attended the school. Reluctantly her parent’s agreed and off Sage went.

Appearance: Sage makes herself look like a boy. She stands at 5’8. Her hair is cut close to her head and dyed a light blue to stand out. Sage likes to wear button up shirts and nice pants that match. Sometimes Sage wears a lose tie or a vest with her shirt because it makes her feel sharp and good looking.

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Name: Chloe and 'Zoey' Lewis

Nickname: Blitz

Age: 12

Abilities/Mutations: Self replication (the ability to make a clone of herself that can act on it's own. Her current limit is one replication and can not be more than 40 yards away from 'herself') Chloe is an observer and a perk from that trait is the ability of being able to read people. Their movements and expressions give way to some of their internal workings and she uses that understanding when trying to approach others or befriend them.

Weaknesses: She is unable to maintain her ability when unconscious or asleep, also has a limited distance she can be apart from 'herself', she is also childish with youthful innocence

Personality: Sweet and innocent, Chloe is playful and kind to all. Having older siblings she's heard her share of mature talk and even if she doesn't understand all of it, she grasps more than she should. For the most part 'Zoey' is her companion that goes everywhere with her, but she is open to the idea of making other friends, just she feels she has a special bond with her other self that others can't compare to.

History: Chloe is the baby of a large family of seven children. Having a sizable gap of more than seven years to her closest age sibling she didn't really have anyone on her level to play with, but she didn't mind and she spent time being babied by her parents and older siblings. Her mutation showed up early, one day she started talking about Zoey, whom her family figured to be an imaginary friend. What else were they supposed to believe? But soon enough Chloe started to maintain her ability some and 'Zoey' started running around the house with Chloe and the family had to face reality. It took some getting used to but the family was for the most part accepting, though some siblings thought it odd and even one was fearful of her ability, of what she could do. Over time Chloe saw her other self as a friend. Sure they were the same person, but even if they had the same personality and patterns nothing was exact and they had enough differences to make things interesting.


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Question before I make my character, would the ability to morph be allowed?
Name: Horace Emerson

Nickname: Em

Age: 17


Mutation: Lore Master: He has the ability to temporarily gain the insights and advice from fictional characters. This requires him to have access to the books and a small measure of understanding of the character. He cannot create his own characters on the spur of the moment for the purposes of exploitation, nor can the characters interact with reality around them. This ability does not grant superhuman powers, only enhanced abilities and insights the character might give. This image lasts for 60 seconds. The characters, while they can observe the world around them, cannot directly interact with them.

The second step of the power will be, when it evolves, is an extended duration to five minutes. The character will also be able to be seen, if not heard by others as a mostly indistinct blur. They may also begin to remember him, based on how often he has invoked them.

The third step will be the ability to summon up to three characters at a given time at sixty seconds. The characters at this point will be clearly visible by other people, as well as their voices heard faintly by others. They can also hear others as background noise.

The fourth step of the power will be to be able to invoke one character for sixty seconds without access to any written material they're in. They cannot be summoned for the first time this way. They also can be seen and heard by other people at this point, as they become more "grounded" in Em's outlook towards reality. “gobbledygook”

The fifth step of the power is temporary possession of Em, for a period of up to two minutes. They can interact with the world using him, and leave impressions and thoughts in his mind, although he has no control over his body during this time period.

Abilities: Bookworm: Speed reader, and an unerring ability to quote passage and verse, after he's read the book a few times, of course.

Martial arts: He is no master, but from the age of nine, his mother and he had spent time doing Tai Chi. It was the only exercise he ever seemed to get, and the major way his mother got him out into natural light willingly.

Weaknesses: Shortsightedness and nearsightedness. While not blind, without his glasses, he cannot see more than three inches in front of his face clearly, only as blurs of various colours and shapes.

Personality: Horace is a very scared young man. He has spent most of his life being considered a nerd, being considered not worthy of a lot of people. He had been typecast in a way that hurt him, a lot, bullied and picked on. So he began to live the stereotype. He has problems with interacting with other people because of being a social pariah, but now he's looking to change, to assert his real personality. A new place, a new start. He is mildly quixotic, a hopeless romantic who has problems turning down people coming to him for help, even if he can't he will look into it. He is philosophical, and in his own ways, tries to attain the Tao. He does not like violence, or any kind of physical activity besides what he promised his parents he would do, which is continue his Tai Chi. He is trying to break his habit of shyness, social awkwardness, and general interpersonal ineptitude and find the point within himself of true balance in his life.

History: John and Sonja Emerson had a problem. Due to an accident, Sonja couldn't conceive, so they adopted a newborn baby boy, whom they named Horace. While he knew he wasn't the biological child of John and Sonja, he never showed much interest in finding the people who had abandoned him in his eyes. He was a precocious child, seeming to understand books and words before he could even talk. In fact, his worried parents took him for tests to see if he was deaf or mute. Unfortunately, this quiet period didn't last that long. He would talk to characters in books as if they were imaginary friends, which they were at that time of his life. Their appearance in his life, the return to imaginary friends is only a recent event. However he was decidedly an odd child, spending time playacting characters and people from books, and it wasn't until his mother caught him with some of her mycological samples pretending to be a Mentat from the Dune series did they ever worry. He was homeschooled for his early education, his mother the botanist giving him a good grasp of the sciences, and his father the theatrical actor on the literacy and historical aspects of his studies. It took his mother a few years to finally get him to settle on a physical, outdoor activity that didn't involve books, however. Tai Chi. It is the one physical activity that he does daily, even to this day, as the sun rises. His mother had learned it from her father, and passed it down, as the arts were meant to do.

His high school education was hard for him, his reading had given him headaches since he was six, and the migraines had required him to get glasses, starting a process that has all but made him legally blind without his glasses. Of course, coming into the public education area late meant he had a hard time making friends, and his lack of style and appearence, his dislike for physical education, and his glasses made him almost a true social pariah of nerddom. His inability to form proper bonds with children his age meant he was at the bottom of the pecking order, used and abused by fellow classmates. However, when the invite arrived, he did have a couple of people close to him, that he at least spoke to. He still spent most of his free time locked in what had become his personal fortress, his bedroom lined with bookshelves, caring for the books as lovingly as any parent would a child in some cases.

Of course, the invite had come at a perfect time, as his parents had become worried. Over the previous few weeks, he had been once more talking to his imaginary friends, and it was getting to the point where John had been looking into perhaps some psychiatric institution for a little relaxation time.

Appearance: View attachment 10309
Name: Seth Winters

Age: 16

Abilities/Mutations: My character has the simple powers of super strength where his strength starts at a power lifter and as he gets angrier he becomes stronger and quick body regeneration (Quick healing wounds).

Abilities: Seth is a tactical genius, and is skilled in boxing.

Weaknesses: Seth can't control his emotions very well and when he becomes angry enough he can't control himself and goes on a rampage. He also is afraid of losing anyone he cares about. He will do anything for anyone else no matter how badly it affects himself.

Personality: Seth is rather negative and seems mean as he tries to push everyone away emotionally as he doesn't know how to handle his own problems or emotions. He hides behind his jokes, and sarcasm. He is only kind when someone really needs him. He really does care for the people around him but can only seem to show it when they need him to.

History: Seth grew up in Detroit, Michigan. His mother was an angry drinker who criticized his every move even when he's bring home straight A's. His father was a miserable man, who was a generally nice guy trying to make Seth's life the best he could. Seth was part of a fight club to earn money to help support his family.

He discovered his powers one night when he was walking home from a fight, he heard some screams from the apartment complex he lived in. He begun to run until he saw that the apartment on fire was his own. He ran into the building before the fire apartment arrived and found that the door was locked. He was distressed as the door was locked and had been reinforced after a break in. As he started to bang on the door he started to become upset, and each bang was leaving dents in the door until he kicked the door open then ran around the house trying to fine his parents. He didn't hear the screams anymore and when he entered his parents room, he found his mother burned and dead but his father was nowhere to be found. So he left realizing there was nothing he could do, but when he walked out of the apartment he saw an envelope taped to the wall. Seth opened it and it contained 1,000 dollars in cash, a train ticket and a small note from his father.

"Son, I hid this from you for a long time, you aren't a normal child, you're special. I realized this when you were very young. You have certain powers that most people don't have and I never wanted that to interfere with you living a normal life. Lately though it seems it has. I know you joined that fight club for money and even you must realize a 16 year old kid shouldn't be able to fight the giant people there, it isn't natural. I may never see you again so this is my last attempt at giving you a good life. The IPAD institution wants to take you in, to help you get control of your "Powers" so there is a train ticket to take you to the institution and all the money I have to support you for now." The letter ended leaving no word about the fire.

By the time Seth has finished reading this letter the fire department has arroived and prevented the fire from spreading to the whole complex. As he leaves he overhears two of the men talking.

"Hey this fire was started with gasoline, you know that guy who we found in the parking lot under the apartment, he must've started the fire and jumped." One man said as the other looked in confusion.

Seth walked past them headed towards the train station knowing that this is what his father had wanted him to do.

Appearance: Seth is 6'0 and 204 pounds. He is rather white. He has a rather plain face with blue eyes and hair that isn't shaven but not long enough to have to be kept.

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Edit: Power changed to make more sense.

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