

Tara submitted a new role play. @Tara, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Side in Conflict:

Special Abilities or Skills: 
Name: Chi

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: Skinny thanks to starvation as a child and tall so she resembles a stick with her bony appearance. She has a shaved head, pale skin and brown eyes. She usually wears armour for most operations and occasionally will wear a kind of white track suit to relax in.

Personality: Dignified, quiet, cold, intelligent, charismatic, responsible, sarcastic, lonely, pragmatic, grim

Bio: Chi was kept as a pet and household slave by a Talkan soldier for most of her life until she discovered a picture of Earth. Given hope again, she rebelled against her master and used her knowledge of weapons to escape.

Side in Conflict: Rebel

Special Abilities or Skills:

Dignified, quiet, cold, intelligent, charismatic, responsible, sarcastic, lonely, pragmatic, grim
Name: Mar’Drin

Age: 24

Gender: Man

Species: Human

Appearance: At 5’9” and a little chubby (Talkan don’t have a perfect understanding of human dietary requirements), Mar’Drin is perhaps not the finest physical specimen to have ever joined a rebellion, and doesn’t quite make up for it with unexpected athleticism. He keeps his blonde hair short, and his green eyes peak out above round-framed glasses perched on his nose. His garish slave attire (Talkan don’t have a perfect understanding of human fashion either) was abandoned for armours and clothing of darker blues and greys after he escaped captivity.

Personality: Having lived a comparatively different life to most other human slaves, Mar’Drin is often more cheerful than is appropriate, and he has little understanding of the hardships they’ve endured under Talkan rule. He prefers to avoid combat when possible, taking on missions which require deception and intelligence rather than brute force and weaponry. Mar’Drin takes it upon himself to tell other humans of their past, and all the history and culture that now only exists in dusty tomes kept by Talkan antique hunters. He has little interest in authority outside of education, and is more than willing to follow orders rather than give them, so long as he agrees with the instructions.

Bio: Serving a wealthy Talkan family as an educated raconteur (the extra syllable in his name denotes his being more learned than other slaves), Mar’Drin’s life entailed little other than learning Talkan and human history in order to entertain his master’s guests with witty stories of human incompetence, and to scare their children into obedience using “folk tales” about monstrous humans who would take them away should they misbehave. The antagonists of these stories were usually anti-slavery figures, “Abraham Lincoln is going to get you if you don’t stop pulling that face” being a favourite. In spite of his education, Mar’Drin was often subjected to mockery, and mistakes would see him berated, and very occasionally physically punished. Being given the time and permission to pursue intellectual advancement was nonetheless a much more luxurious life than the hard labour many other slaves had to perform. After a particularly embarrassing dinner party where he was drenched in wine and repeatedly mocked as an inferior specimen of an inferior race, he escaped his masters’ manor in the night, seeking to join the resistance.

Side in Conflict: Rebel

Special Abilities or Skills: Vast knowledge of human and Talkan history, as well as a better-than-average understanding of the workings of Talkan society and customs. He can often lie his way out of trouble, or into secure areas due to his prior immersion in Talkan culture.

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