[Invasion] Sergeant James Harker



James Scott Harker






Visual Appearance:

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Physical Appearance:

Harker is just over 6'2", and is built like a soldier, lean and muscular with square shoulders and a broad chest to match. He has a series of scars which track up his right arm, caused

From a distance, Harker seems to fit the bill for a soldier, standing around 6'2" he is lean, tall, muscular and his black-brown hair cropped short. He has a proud, jutting chin, low cheekbones on a square jawed, manly face. Up close, you can see his face is somehow ... scruffy. While a soldier should be clean shaven by regulation, he usually allows a short fluff of stubble to grow when on operations, giving his chin and lower face an almost dirty appearance. There is a small scar nicked into his left cheek and a tattoo in the shape of an 'Ace' can be seen just poking from underneath his shirt collar. There's also a collection of tattoos on his forearms, but the tanned, weathered skin hides them pretty effectively, only the odd line or blob of colour is visible.

As for his clothes, its a uniform, that's really all that can be said - an old, well ironed set of fatigues, with a weather-bleached green base layer below the camouflage over-garment. The shirt is neatly pressed with the collar bloused out and the sleeves tightly rolled. His name is sewn above his left breast pocket, and his epaulette has the insignia of a sergeant. His dog tags hang loosely on the outside of his shirt, alongside a rough, wooden necklace tucked haphazardly under the shirt collar, the only scraps of personality to show through the uniform.

Personality Information


A laugh and a joke,

A successful mission







General Personality:

When off duty, he is one of the world's most relaxed men, even post invasion. He's also able to gain easily people's trust, and has been said by some to be a natural born leader; he just usually lacks the discipline to haul himself any further up the chain of command, and the qualifications from school to make it as an officer. Harker enjoys a good joke, the dirtier the better. On the whole, he's got a pretty robust personality, able to put up with most things - and deal with most situations.



> Survival kit

> Ammunition

> Compass and GPS unit

> Personal radio


> MilCom uniform and body armour

> AR-22 Assault Rifle with grenade launcher

> Bayonet / combat knife

> Binoculars

> Fragmentation grenades

> Motion detector


Unique Powers: None


> Marksman

> Leader of men

> Combat appreciation

> Experienced soldier

> Personable


Class: Soldier

Job: Sergeant in MilCom Ground Forces (previously the British Army)



Rank: Soldier - Rank 1

Character's History


Harker was originally from London, which is still a sore point, and speaks with what is now the pretty much standardised accent of the urban metropolis that covered Britain's South East. Born to a fairly high income family, he began his state funded education. Harker was never a cadet, scout, or even a youth member of the People's Front. All he really did was play a fair bit of rugby. He joined the army after dropping out of school at 16, failing his secondary education.

He was to spend the rest of his life with the army, joining the infantry. While he was never an academic, being a soldier turned out to be something he was good at. He became a Lance Corporal after 5 years' service, and a full Corporal after 8. He never specialised into the engineers or other support services, but he did pick up a skill-set, training as a machine gunner, an anti-tank specialist, a door gunner for the VTOL transports and a gunner with the army's fleet of IFVs, making him a versatile soldier. He later passed out of the army's gruelling Senior NCO school, being awarded the rank of Sergeant upon completion. He led a few team missions in NATO peacekeeping operations, earning himself a medal for bravery in a crisis in Nicaragua in 2198, but nothing especially remarkable.

He rose to more widespread attention during the alien's blitz of London, with officers being killed left right and centre, the sergeant rose up to the challenge of leading his platoon. Before evacuation he and his men managed to save a total of 162 people from certain death or worse at the hands of the invaders. One of them was the late People's Councillor for Defence, Martin Addis, who died from his injuries. While among the millions lost in the attack on London, less than 200 may seem a small number, it was no easy feat, and one recognised by the decimated MilCom HQ, who awarded him with the People's Star of Bravery, one of the highest military honours, roughly equivalent to a 21st Century Victoria Cross. While distraught by the loss of many of his friends and family, Harker suffered no real mental side effects from the attack, and was one of MilCom's first volunteers to lead missions into occupied London and mainland Europe.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb4c6df1_UNACDoWSgt.Harker.png.3472aed0d9eba0e0321e18ec85a76b70.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb4c6df1_UNACDoWSgt.Harker.png.3472aed0d9eba0e0321e18ec85a76b70.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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