[Invasion] Chairman Iain Dove, UNAC



Iain Dove






Visual Appearance:

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Physical Appearance:

Dove stands at average hight, with a slight, wirey build. He is not particually muscular, or particually out of shape. He has a long face and prominent brow, upon which sit a pair of thick, dark eyebrows. He has dark hazel eyes, and hair that was once brown, but is beginning to turn towards grey. Dove is always clean shaven and presentable, hardly ever outside of a suit in public - he usually wears a red tie and a red flag pin badge on his lapel.

While, most things considered, not an unremarkable character, he is not an unassuming one. He is an experienced and popular politician, and a born leader - he is confident, and projects authority beyond his stature and years. He looks the business, and people follow and admire him.


Class: Political leader, diplomat

Job: General Secretary of the People's Council of Great Britain (a role pretty much equivalent to prime minister), Chairman of the UNAC Assembly.


Rank: Leader - Rank 1

Leader Bonuses:



Personality Information



Being 'in the know'

Putting the people first

Finding diplomatic solutions



The invaders


His hand being forced

Attacking other humans

General Personality:

Throughout his politcal career, Dove has been proven to be a reliable, ambitious and determined character. While he is a quiet man, he has a way of making it known what he wants - and usually of getting it. He is a leader at heart, and usually has no problem mustering support from the government and people alike. A proud member of the People's Front, he is a staunch follower of Marxist theory, and puts the needs of his people first. This has made him very popular, along with his hard stance on any rumour of corruption withing government.

In power, he is cunning and versatile, being a skilled orator and politican. He is an internationalist, whose prime concern post-invasion is the defence and coming together of survivors to fight the alien threat - at any cost.

Character's History


Dove was born in the Scottish district of Dumfries in 2153, the son of a farmer and a typist. He recieved a standard state education, completing his tertiaries with qualifications in Politics, Law and Modern History, while working part time on his father's farm. He then opted to attend university, gaining a joint masters degree in Law and Classics from St. Andrew's. It was while at university he was introduced to the socialist way of thinking, joining the People's Front during his second year. While many British citizens are members of the party, he became an activist, becoming one of the youngest men to hold a seat in the People's Council, where he represented his home ground, Dumfries and Galloway, at the age of 26.

It was from this position, he began to move through the various territorial arms and brances of both the People's Front, and of the People's Council. He was on the PCGB Select Committee into alleged corruption in the state police force, for where he first gained some respect from the population, and notoriaty within the party. In 2183, his political career changed direction in his inclusion in the Central Committee, the PCGB's ruling body, of which the General Secretary is head. He spent some time as the People's Councillor for Foreign Affairs, being the strongest link in Britain's chain to the United Nations and the rest of UNAC. He spent one year as the People's Coucillor for Defence, following the resignation of his predecessor. From then onwards, he sat as People's Councillor for Justice, one of most senior members of the PCGB Central Committee.

He still held position under the leadership of General Seceretary Briggs, who was killed during the inavsion of London early in March, 2200. He was lucky to escape, being in a Scottish hospital, recieving a check up on a healed bone fracture his arm. With the government in disarray after the destruction of the old PCGB Building, Dove rose to the top of what was left of the British government and began to organise the relocation and rebuilding of the People's Council, becoming the Provisional General Secretary. Determined to allow the due democratic process to continue, he opened polling booths on May 1st (the Republic of Great Britain's traditional election day following the abolition of Parliament). Dove won in a landslide, becoming full General Secretary, leader of Britain. It was not long after, at the first meeting of the UNAC Assembly since the invasion - which saw the resigntion of the pacifist Icelander Johan as Chairman, with an admission that he could not lead the Union through a war - that he was appointed to the role, becoming leader of the whole of the Union of North Atlanic Countries.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb4ca3e1_IainDove.jpg.f1afbc122a2efc01bb60ccdd603b8fea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb4ca3e1_IainDove.jpg.f1afbc122a2efc01bb60ccdd603b8fea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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