Introooooooooo Time


Shy Pencil
Welp, okie dokie here I goes since i do not know what to put here....welp...

To start off, my names Ashley, but people usually just call me Ash. A close friend then started calling me Ashbash since I was always so shy in elementary.

Firstly, I am a Senior in high school who is super bored. Once I graduate in 2016, I have decided to go into forensic science. I get to be a nerd and solve crimes!!! *Giggles in the corner* Anyways...... What else ummm. Oh, I can draw too! It is only a hobby but I love to draw. I have not found my own style yet, but I vary between different ones. I can do anime (and cartoons), realistic people, objects, flowers, a whole bunch of different stuff. Most of my profile pictures will be drawings I have done. Hmmm, Also, i love writing too. Currently working on a crime novel *giggles even more in the corner*. I wont spoil any details. Enough of my life, lets move on to the ways of role playing! I.... as I say, I have role played live action when I was little. A few of my friends decided to rp mages with magic and EVERYTHING fun and cute. Later, I moved so i have not done much RPing since I had lots of AP classes and stuff. Now, here is what I love to do...

  • Genre: I can do anything, realistic, sci-fi, fantasy, and a bit of fandom (depending on the fandom). I love doing ones that are set in schools. I had done one via email with a friend but she had gone to college, and that was one about a fallen angel and a vampire falling in love (do not ask how we started it, but its basics included a king vampire disowning his daughter. She then ran away with the fallen angel since her father was going to marry her off to a werewolf to set a treaty between the too.). I can do 1x1 or groups, does not matter. Also, any rating works to, but anything highly mature, id rather do a PM (1x1) rp.
  • Detail levels: I can do a simple sentence or two to even 2-3 paragraphs. The detail does not matter, but sometimes I do write slow. Actually, when I think about it, I do love to add details. A simple scent or particular sound can make or break a mood you wish to have.
  • Time: Also, some people I have tried to rp with had set deadlines, like at least this number of posts a day, but some times I cant. See, I have an iffy schedule, sometimes Im free, other days i am not. I WILL and PROMISE not matter what, I will let you know I am not able tome reply.

Anyways...thats me!

*Leafs* *Pops back in* Thats camping *leafs..again*
Welcome to the Nation. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We are a odd bunch, but usually helpful. Lots of good games to get into here.

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