Introductions, introductions..


New Member
Hello everyone, I am ElectromanceR. I have a strong love for RPing though, it has been years since the last time I have been in a RP. I hope to start up again and liked the look of the site, I am looking forward to RPing again with you all. :3
hey, welcome ro RPN.

we are all pretty friendly here, and if you have an questions about the site, feel free to ask anyone, but for the more complex things like problems with the site, please ask GgAce.

welcome aboard :)
Welcome to RPNation,

just as bettsy mentioned, please feel free to ask anyone for help. we are a very supportive site. if you start your own RP, just make sure to put it in the right section/category so i don't have to go moving things for you :P lol i kid i kid. All in all, feel free to RP to your hearts content so long as you follow the Rules and regulations :)
Welcome to RpNation, I hope you enjoy your stay and find something to your liking.

If you need any help, please, feel free to ask any of the mods/admins. Even most members will help.

Welcome again

Welcome, M'dear.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to ask either friendly staff or members. We don't bite. C:

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