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Multiple Settings Introduction


Hi! I’m F21, an advanced literate/ novella roleplayer whom views writing as an essential passion. My hobbies include reading, writing and listening to music. I’m fond of manga and anime as well. I roleplay on discord.

•Writing style: I’m advanced literate/ novella. My replies vary from 4 paragraphs to 6+, full, eloquent and descriptive ones with coherent inscription. I write in third person and past tense.

•I ask for reciprocation of efforts, open communication, mindfulness, mutual respect for each other’ time and boundaries, brainstorming.

•Please inform me if a delay in responses shall occur. I don’t rush for replies since I’m aware how demanding life can be, but I appreciate consistency. I as well appreciate feedback.

•Don’t expect me to simplify my articulacy when it’s stated that I’m a novella writer. I stated my manner of writing and the ranger of paragraphs I go for clearly, those aren’t convertible. I don’t teach either, but I don’t mind providing an advice.

•Don’t nag or pursue me for a reply due to my schedule that can get busy. I attend university in addition to working past time. I usually provide a few replies a day or one reply every other day.

•Don’t control my character, and don’t take it personally upon feedback or opting to end the roleplay. I’m specific about my standards and what I favor.

•I play a poised, sly, provoking, sadodere, guileful and assertive female. My ladies aren’t convertible. I’m a switch with with a dominant lean. When I essentially began roleplaying, I did a lot of BL and MxM. Now, I mainly do MxF since it’s my current craving.
I only do original plots and OCs.

•I’m in CET timezone.

•Preferred genres: Slice of life, romance, mystery, adventure, action, drama, angst, modern.

•Your character: I favor playing against a dominant, poised, arrogant and distant male that develops a soft spot for merely my lady as the roleplay advances.

•My limits are basically the revolting stuff; vomit, toilet play, scat/urine.
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