

One Time Luck
Hey everyone, my name is Brandon and I just joined your growing community. I joined to expand my community of Tabletop RPers, as we all know that they are getting hard to come by :P . I live in a smaller city so it makes things even harder.

My favorite Tabletops include Dragon Age, D&D, and right now my primary game is A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, Game of Thrones Edition, by Green Ronin. I highly recommend it, both the game and the books are really well done. I've also been looking for a decent Sci-fi game (huge SW and ST fan) so if you know of any, let me know!

Other than that I do enjoy video games (Planetside 2, Sim City, Dragon Age, Civilization... you name it) and music (The Story So Far, Hans Zimmer, Video Game Scores, and Avenged Sevenfold are some of my favorites), and am currently working on a career as a teacher or speech pathologist... whichever I can find a job in.

I'm always looking for new groups and players to play with, particularly for SIFRP (since that's the book I own at the moment), so if you're interested or just want to talk about any of the above, hit me up! Hope everyone is having a great day and kudos to you if you read all this!
Welcome, Brandon, to RPdom, the closest thing to tabletop roleplaying you'll find anywhere!*

First off let me say that I feel your pain when it comes to finding a regular group to play your favorite games. But fear not, for this site is probably the best substitute for actually sitting around a table with other people. I'll just drop you a few links for places of interest on the site. RPdom caters for forum- and thread-based Play-by-Post (PbP) games, as well as chat-based roleplays.

First off is the 'Our Roleplays' forum where all our active forum games are showcased: the games which are tagged 'Recruiting' or 'Joinable' are those into which players can enter characters and, following the STs approval, start playing immediately. 'Waitlist' games are those that either currently have a full complement of characters, but the ST has an eye to adding more at a later point, or the ST will introduce new characters at an appropriate point further into the game. Submitting a character there may mean a degree of patience before you get your chance to play. But then, if you really want to play, you'd be happy to play, right?

Next is the 'Roleplay Submissions' forum. This, as the name suggests is where STs post their forum game submissions in the hopes of gaining approval and the ability to request a forum in which to present their games. Here you can find all the details of games that are either awaiting approval or awaiting enough players to go ahead, so player participation is vital at this point to kick-start the game request.

Within the RP Submission forum is the 'Interest Checks' forum, where STs pitch their ideas for future games to see if anyone would be interested in participating before they go through all the work of creating their game's story. It's not a mandatory step, but it's certainly helpful to see if your idea's likely to take wing or not before you devote time and effort to a project.

Last but by no means least, there is the 'Thread Roleplays' forum, where people can freely post single-thread roleplay games and pretty much anyone can participate. There's no approval process for these games, so they are the quickest and easiest way to set up a small, simple roleplay game.

Finally, should you need to contact anyone to ask about the games, the site or any issues, you can contact the game's ST (either by private conversation or by posting in the forum game's out-of-character (OOC) thread), the admin and mod staff or by using the confidential Admin Contact forum, respectively.

Enjoy your stay here!

Captain Hesperus

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