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Multiple Settings Introduction


Dreaming In Prose
Hi! My name is Dreamer, I'm 16, use they/them/theirs and I'm looking to find a good roleplaying community. I've never been on sites with forums or the like before, so I don't know how this site works. I do look forward to getting to know people here though. I suppose I should write a bit about my roleplaying preferences while I'm here, too. I tend to prefer more literate, mature, and lengthier replies. I have a few general rules for what I expect in a reply, which of course, are fairly basic. I only state these because of the type of replies I have seen before.
  • Basic grammar skills. This includes using quotation marks for dialogue, commas in the appropriate places, proper capitalization, etc.
  • No italics or asterisks to denote an action. Using things like this: *shakes hand, smiling* are not going to be replied to or acknowledged, aside from certain cases of me asking if the author will change the style.
  • A paragraph of text is expected, generally. This ranges from 3-5 sentences, and must include an action and thought for the character. If you are writing a character incapable of thought (e.g. someone who is in: immense pain, a trance or mind-controlled state, etc.) then the action and description for the action is expected to fill these 3-5 sentences. This length also allows to ensure that the roleplay and plot are not being held up singularly by me, as has happened in the past.
  • In the same vein as paragraphs, the breaks between them cannot be just a simple line break. There must be a space between the two paragraphs. So, when finishing a paragraph, one would hit the "enter" button twice, leaving a blank line between paragraphs. If you need an illustration, it is below, in my following paragraphs after this list.
  • Do not summarize the action. Usage of past verb tense is fine, but summation of the action in double past tense is not. "They ran through the woods in a panic. The monster chased them, but they got away" is not at all what a reply should be. In this example, it contains past and present tense, showing the action and further immersing your partner and yourself into the roleplay. "They ran through the woods in a panic, away from the monster chasing behind them" is a better reply, which covers nearly all of the same bases that the first did, which maintaining a better verb tense and description.
I'm generally not that picky about who I will roleplay with, but if I don't feel like you're the right fit for my roleplay, I will say so, and gently ask you to find someone else to rp with. This is simply so neither of us becomes discontent with the roleplay, and ends up abandoning it, leaving the other with a dead roleplay. If I feel like your character is pushing mine to do something, or that you are attempting to push the roleplay in a direction I have expressed discomfort with, I will discuss it with you so that we can communicate about it, but otherwise know that the roleplay will most likely end if a conclusion is not reached.

I do roleplays focusing on fantasy or magic-type worlds, as well as mundane roleplays. I prefer a more action and dialogue plot-focused rp than anything, though I am not opposed to romantic sub-plots. Oftentimes, developing a relationship between characters enhances their interactions, but it is more of a nicety than it is a necessity. Characters of mine will most likely have a "quirk" which will be a type of mental illness, special habit, or strange thought pattern, that makes them who they are, in a way. If you have an issue with a character's "quirk", feel free to discuss it with me. Characters are not set in stone, but there are some things that will not change. Compromises can be reached, so go ahead and talk to me!

Note, I do suffer from mental illnesses, which may reflect itself in my characters, my response time, and even the lengths of my replies. I do also have schoolwork and housework which I am obligated to do, and as such there will be times I am not available. For those who will need to know or want to know, I live in the central standard time zone (CST). Time zone differences may effect response timing.

I think that's about it! If I think of anything else, I will update this post so as to match it. Thank you for reading, and happy roleplaying!

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