Introduction Post and Roleplay Interests!


One Time Luck
Hello there!

I'm just another roleplayer hoping to fit in with all of you! I hope that we get along, as well. Wouldn't want some hatred floating along.

Anyway, I'm just here to introduce myself!

Hello, I'm CorneredNightmare, and, well, there isn't much to introduce, really. I'm a roleplayer, looking for a decent roleplay!


Types of roleplays I would be looking for are pretty much all! (Except hentai, yaoi, yuri, sexual themed, etc.) Romance is okay, though, not including (as previously stated) any sexual scenes.

Roleplay Genres:

Some roleplays that I do are:




A bit of Fantasy


Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse/Romance

I do a lot more, though, currently, I can't really think of much.

If you are interested in any of these genres, please say so! I'm in desperate search for someone to roleplay with.

Roleplay Standards:

To be honest, I don't really have any standards. I'm okay with any type of roleplayer--

Paragraph (I'm actually a para-roleplayer. Though, not the type that writes up to eight parapgraphs)




I just don't like people who roleplay in text for (Ex.: how r u). And at least use proper spelling, that would be great!


Thanks for reading this!

If you would like to contact me through any other site, here is my DeviantART: CorneredNightmare (Same Username used here)
Welcome to RPN :D Nice to see another person who loves horror!

I'm fairly new around here myself, but I can say that this place is pretty cool.

Hope to see you around! If you ever want to do a horror rp, do feel free to hit me up, I'm usually lurking about.
Hello there!

Always up for action/adventure.

Like you, I'm here to find a decent roleplay.

I dunno 'bout you, but the system here is pretty neat.

Then again, this is the first time I've been to a site dedicated to roleplaying...

Mostly sub-groups on forum sections.

Maybe they're all like this, who knows?

Point is, I'm here to "sharpen my skills," you might say.

Since you seem tolerant enough with sub-standard roleplaying, I thought perhaps you could be the whetstone I am seeking.

Whaddya say?


If it helps, I could totally stop the random bits of twang that seem to slip in.
Howdy there, Nightmare, me be Ayl, the madman of this fine site!

Here's the gig around: Check. Out. These. Shiny. Rules Then if you really wanna get down to business, then clicky on the Role Plays and on the Role Play Recruitment and of course on the famous Role Play Ideas areas. The finest places, for the finest creations if I dare say so myself.

If you have any questions, well that's to bad, we don't to those here. Syke! Of course we do, just Private Message me or any of our friendly moderators and admins. You may also want to join us in the fair but mad land known as the Shoutbox, or Shoutboxlandia if you prefer, where you can meet and chat with our friendly community. Word of warning, we're all nuts, especially yours truly.

Welcome, my dearest, to RpN!

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