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Introduction & Possible Ideas


New Member
Hello *waves excitedly*

I have been roleplaying for quite some time and I enjoy it the stories that I have created. I have been to other sites but I am hoping this one suits me better then those I have left. For starters, I am female. My main characters are female but I will play minor female/male characters to make the story feel more real. I prefer to play with a male role-players who interests lie with playing male leads with picking up minor female/male characters as well.

With that settled I am going to list off a few things I enjoy roleplaying about. Please feel free to message me with any questions or if you are interested in roleplaying with me. If you don't see anything listed you like, ask me anyway...I might have forgotten something. :)


Percy Jackson

Walking Dead

Harry Potter

Marvel (the cinema/TV versions)

Star Wars

Star Trek

Anything Fantasy....this would be anything from medieval to modern. Dragons, magic etc.

Anything Futuristic...this would be anything from post apace to 1000s of years in the future, advanced tech etc.

Life Pairings (basically my modern section, aka the cliche section):


gang boss daughter / gang member

best friends

stranger 1 / stranger 2

adventurer / guide

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. :) If you are still interested by now, hit me up and lets talk some role-play.
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Oooo! Hello! -waves- I'm new here as well but I have been roleplaying for quite some time and I was wondering if you'd want to roleplay. I like your pairing of Solider x Civilian. I don't mind playing a male at all, I'm not a male but if you can over look that, than I'd be more than happy to do it! Interested?
Hey I'm up for a walking dead RP however I would prefer original characters if that's okay with you.

I'm active daily though I don't always reply multiple times a day. I'd like to consider myself at least 1-3 paragraphs I prefer to double up to make the flow easier and prefer to play male characters.

Let me know :)
Sure, do you mind sending me a convo and we can talk about it....I'm still waiting for my full 24 hours and my 10 posts to start one on my own. :)
Some of your ideas sound amazing. I would love to do a Percy Jackson or Harry Potter roleplay. I'm also in love with anything fantasy based and I'm pretty open to any ideas you have.

Let me know if you're still looking for a roleplaying partner. :)
I'd love to do a futuristic or the adventurer/guide if you're still looking :) Also female but I usually play male characters if that fits your search criteria.

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