Introducing Myself


New Member
Hi, I'm a new member and a fan of Keychain of Creation, so I thought I should introduce myself here.

I'm a married 25 year old male. For work, I write computer programs for genetics research. Exalted is my primary hobby. I GM a game with 4-7 people in it. I'm on my 22nd scenario this week (8hours * 21 scenarios ~= 168 hours). The group is mostly Solars hiding out on the Blessed Isle and now on Mount Meru (I'm wondering if the comic is headed there too). I've been reading Keychain of Creation since I found out about Exalted a year ago. My other hobby is playing around with

. Our gaming group uses it to host all of our game content between scenarios. I find it pretty useful. If people want to PM me with their email address I can get invites for anyone who wants to try it out.
I also really want to thank a bunch of people: Jukashi, thank you for the awesome webcomic. It's a really fun thing to look forward to every week. To the creators of Exalted: thank you for an amazing game. I've played a lot of different game systems in a lot of different settings and I've never found something I like half as much as Exalted. To the fans: thank you to everyone who has contributed content. I benefit a lot from other's creative efforts and I hope to be able to contribute.
@ strawberryleaves

I've been working on a visualizer for genetic sequences. I published my first technical paper recently. It has nice looking pictures in it (which is really the important part :) . I'm moving to start grad school on the 24th *crosses fingers*. I don't like moving.


If you search Wave for "tag:exalted with:public" I'll show up as the first hit. "Exalted Community" is my ineffective public flailing to improve the world in general. Feel free to add me to your contacts. I'd be fun to chat sometime. Gamer stories are always amusing.

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