[Intro Game] Tomb of 5 Corners


Ze Hamster of Lurkdom
So, I understand that there are new players who have yet to play in an exalted game or who have yet to find a game.

I'm offering to run the intro game "The Tomb of 5 Corners, Return To". This is an intro game and is meant for newcomers. As such, they get first shot at getting in.

There are only 4 open slots, 1 of which has been filled. If you wish to play, reply here... you never know if you get in.

I'm going to go by "new guys with no games or experience" get first priority, after that it becomes a first come, first entry...

Automatically approved player

- Crasical

*** interested people ***




*** Pending Allotment ***


*** Character Creation rules ***

As this is an intro game, you have two choices with regards your characters...

1) Use the pre-generated character sheets as is (or file off the name and use as is).

Rinan Character Sheet

Naria Character Sheet

Morning Breeze Character Sheet

Kade Character Sheet

2) Create a starting solar character as per the core book whose more than just combat-twinked, and NOT combat incapable.

If creating a new character, the following rules will be enforced

1) If you do get mentors, allies or followers, they won't be available for the game, so it's not advisable to pick them up beyond character flavor.

2) Only the core book is considered approved, nothing else.

3) Custom charms and artifacts are on a case by case basis. You MAY bring forth charms and artifacts form books outside of core, but they will be treated as custom charms and artifacts and may be denied or require changes.

4) I reserve the right to deny any and all items if they are not suitable for a starting game.
Being as someone who's played Exalted a couple of years and yet to play a game, I'm rather tempted...
I'm willing to accept this occasion but i'm a medium veteran :mrgreen:

So if there are some newbie i gladly let them play, otherwise i'm ready to play a new game any time 8) .

Let me know if i can participate ^_^
Well I suppose since this went all hardcore in my inbox, I'm in. *puts on newbie hat and sits in the corner*

And since I can't seem to get those links to work, I'll see about a fresh character.
Thanks so much Haku! I'll try to roll up a character in a few days, but if I find myself starved of ideas I'll just grab one of the pre-mades :)
I would like to express my interest in this game. Already got a character half done, so I'll try to get it finished ASAP :)
Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

The recruitment is now closed with 4 new players.

Once the game ends, and it will.. it'll open up for new players again.

The game forum is accessible here - viewforum.php?f=309

Or just look for Tomb of 5 Corners in The Immaculate Tapestry.
I think I'm going to end up using one of the premades, just because I'm really still struggling with the whole 'Not making a character that sucks' thing, heh.
Oh, man, are you kidding me? A brand-new game for new players starts at 6 AM and is closed for recruitment by one the same day?

Please let me know if anyone drops out, Haku.
Well... seeing as your post count is ludiciously low... I'm going to be nice and say you're in. 8)
Any chance you'll let us other newbies know when the game ends/rebegins? I'm sure there's more than me slavering at the chance to crawl a mighty dungeon of teh gods.
While I know it's full, just posting my interest in joining for next time :P

Oh and I want to hear your summary of the funniest event this time 'round Haku.

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