Intro: Completely New to Online Roleplay!


New Member
Hello everyone, my name is Josh, but my internet Alias has been "Kite" for years. xD

I am a newblood when it comes to Online roleplaying, its something I've been thinking about trying out for a while now, but with my previous jobs I have not had the time or have been too drained after work to want to do a lot of writing…but I recently landed a career position as a Park Ranger. (Which I love!) and I now have the time and motivation to attempt it…so here I am!

Now then…While I have never tried online roleplaying, I am very experienced in Improv Theatre LARPing

Basically I have a group of about 5 friends and a large plot of land where we go out and create/act out Improvised story driven role-plays without the rules established by most LARPS. I find it very enjoyable, My User Name was the name of my very first LARP character! My personal favorite categories are High Fantasy and realistic fantasy though I am very flexible and enjoy Modern/Futuristic as well.

Anyway I look forward to trying this out and I would appreciate any advice you could spare!


-Kite (Kyte)
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Good luck with your new job! Also, welcome to the mystical land of roleplay.

LARP and Online RP are similar, as neither are scripted, and your characters are usually original. However, I would dare to say that they are more different. You have more time to calculate what you want to say online. It is easier to have futuristic or fantasy RP's online. And, quite frankly, you're not limited to the small privileges of humanity.

Enjoy RpN!

Thank you Ryan! I am very much looking forward to jumping into this world. Hope to see you in another world my friend ;)
Welcome, dude, hope you have fun! LARPing sounds fun but I've no time at all :( But it sounds fun nonetheless. How's the job as a park ranger going so far, besides the increased amount of time you have?

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