Advice/Help Intrest help!!!

Gummy Worm

ah! so sorry!
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Hey! so i run an intrest check thread and I get plenty of views but nobody ever responds, is there something wrong with it? or is it just a lack of interest? Please don't sugar coat it I would love the help!!
There is a lot of information on the check which is a bit overstimulating- it may help to spoiler check the fandom section so it’s not so overwhelming.

Other than this it may just be that there’s not as many people here who rp strictly fursonas/anthro.

Honestly now that I’m thinking about it, it could help to put the fact that you’re only looking for fursonas in the title so it attracts only those who rp those types of characters.
Another thing that could help is to focus on those fandoms that you have plots written for - either move the others down to the end or remove them until you have ideas for them. Or at least for me, I will only consider ideas that a potential partner has already given thought to.
It's a bit overwhelming because there are so many things listed, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I'd say it's more because the interests are niche. Out of the fandoms you listed I'm not familiar with like 90% of them 😅 So chances are, people who view your thread are also not familiar enough with them to roleplay.
And also, anthro characters don't appeal to everyone. There is certainly an audience that love them, but it still limits the number of potential partners. It would probably help to put that in title and tags to let people notice it sooner, as it would certainly appeal to some people and would repel those who aren't interested in anthro at all.

tldr, your thread is generally fine, but lack of interest may be related to fandoms and themes being niche enough to not appeal to everyone. Having a limited audience to appeal to means you might need to wait longer until you find roleplays (but that's not impossible!)
Thank you everyone for your advice!!! Im going to update it then see if its doing better!!! your advice really helped
It's a bit overwhelming because there are so many things listed, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I'd say it's more because the interests are niche. Out of the fandoms you listed I'm not familiar with like 90% of them 😅 So chances are, people who view your thread are also not familiar enough with them to roleplay.
And also, anthro characters don't appeal to everyone. There is certainly an audience that love them, but it still limits the number of potential partners. It would probably help to put that in title and tags to let people notice it sooner, as it would certainly appeal to some people and would repel those who aren't interested in anthro at all.

tldr, your thread is generally fine, but lack of interest may be related to fandoms and themes being niche enough to not appeal to everyone. Having a limited audience to appeal to means you might need to wait longer until you find roleplays (but that's not impossible!)
Another thing that could help is to focus on those fandoms that you have plots written for - either move the others down to the end or remove them until you have ideas for them. Or at least for me, I will only consider ideas that a potential partner has already given thought to.
There is a lot of information on the check which is a bit overstimulating- it may help to spoiler check the fandom section so it’s not so overwhelming.

Other than this it may just be that there’s not as many people here who rp strictly fursonas/anthro.

Honestly now that I’m thinking about it, it could help to put the fact that you’re only looking for fursonas in the title so it attracts only those who rp those types of characters.
Ok!! ive taken a little bit of your advice and worked on it a lot!! let me know how it is!!


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