Into The Unknown


New Member
The unknown. A place of fear, agony, lies, hatred, and betrayal. It is a place of darkness; of fire. The residents of this 'unknown' are not friendly people. They are demons. Demons of any and every sort. Some have the look of humans. Some are a mix of different animals - a giant bird with the head of a lion. Nasty things. Some even fool people by looking like angels. Just remember everything is not as it seems in The Unknown.

Some Information:

1. The Unknown is just a place. It's more of a realm actually. An evil demon realm.

2. There are good people that live here.

3. The ruler of this relm is a demon called Abaddon. No one has ever seen him.

4. Abaddon lives on Red Hill in a black castle.

5. At the bottom of Red Hill sits a town. Most people live in this town, but not everyone does. Some people live in the forrest.

6. There are lakes, ponds, and rivers all around the town. The biggest river is called Dead Man's Bed.

7. Not all demons have to look like humans, and not all demons must look like animals either. You can decide what they look like. Some can also change. Some may look like humans by day, and transform into an animal (or a mixture of animals) by night. Whatever you wish. Just be creative with it.

8. Each demon (and when I say 'demon' I mean everyone. Including ones pretending to be a demon, but are really good on the inside) has one special power. You create this power, but don't be too extreme. You can't say something like this: "They can never die." When I say 'power' I mean something like this: "They have the ability to read minds." You may even say something like this: "They have the ability to breathe fire." Whatever you wish as long as you aren't controling someone else's character.

9. You may roleplay as many characters as you wish. There is no limit as to how many you can have on here. They can be any gender, demon or non-demon, anything you want.

10. I think that is everything. If anything is unclear, please tell me, and I will do my best to explain. There is no goal for this roleplay. It's just about the lives of demoans really; and people living in a demon world. Basically it's what you make of it. What do you want to happen to your character in a world like this? What could happen?


Onto the Character Sheet:




Demon, or Non-Demon: (non-demon: is just someone pretending to be a demon, but is good.)

Description: (Describe your demon's physical appearence. Not their eye color, hair color, etc. but if they are an animal or a mixture of animals put that here. If they look human, write 'human' here. Save their looks for the 'looks' category.)

Personality: (How do they act?)

Wings: (Every demon can have wings. They don't have to have wings, and they don't have to be able to fly. If they can fly you can still have one more 'power'. Being able to fly doesn't affect that.)

Flight: (Can they fly?)

Power: (What is their special ability?)

History: (Did anything interesting happen in their past?)

About Them: (Where do they live now? Do they have a family? What do they like? What do they disslike? Put anything like that here.)

Looks: (Eye color, Height, Hair Color, Skin Tone, etc.)

Other: (Anything that I missed, put it here.)

My Characters:

Name: Drak (Sounds like 'Drock')

Age: 20

Gender: male

Demon, or Non-Demon: Demon

Description: Looks like a human, but is able to change form whenever he pleases. He can only change into a red, and black dragon.

Personality: He has a kind disposition, and is actually considerate of people. However, this is only if you treat him well. If you are kind to him he will usually steal things for you to show his appreciation. If you are bad to him, he won't kill you, most likely. But, he will want to fight you.

Wings: He does have wings as a dragon. They are red. When he looks like a human he does not have wings.

Flight: He can fly only when he is a dragon.

Power: He has the power to show other people his thoughts. They cannot read his thoughts unless he 'throws' them at you. He can do this by staring directly into your eyes for as long as he needs to to show you his thoughts. You cannot communicate back through thoughts with him. His mind is like a one-way telephone. He can show you his thoughts, but he cannot receive your thoughts,

History: He has lived in the village all of his life. He was raised by a man by the name of Abraxas. Abraxas is a demon with the head of a man, feet like a serpent, and a body like a giant bird. Although Abraxas is still alive, they do not speak anymore. Drak knows his real father, but is never allowed to meet him because his father is Abaddon.

About Them: He lives in the forrest, away from the people in the town. He comes into town almost everyday because the forrest is lonely. He gets bored, and likes to watch everyone else. He lives alone in his small cottage, so he spends his free time observing the people of the town because he never got close to anyone. He never had friends, and the only man he knew was Abraxas.

Looks: As a human he has shaggy, black hair. He wears black pants, a black undershirt, and a red silk vest. Around his neck he wears a loose, red tie. His shoes are black, and his skin is very, very pale. His eyes are the deepest red you will ever see. They are so red that his black pupils look like the blackholes in outerspace.

Other: Nothing else for now. If I think of something I will add it here.

Name: Volac

Age: 19

Gender: male

Demon, or Non-Demon: Demon

Description: Human. His looks actually change though. He appears as a small child with angel wings to those he hopes to fool.

Personality: He is devious, and enjoys tricking people. He isn't very agressive, of vengeful. He only likes to play tricks on people. He's basically a trickster. Otherwise he is decent towards people. He isn't exactly nice to others, and he can get into small fights with people sometimes.

Wings: As a man he has large, black wings. When he appears as a child he has smaller, white wings.

Flight: Yes, he can fly as a man, and as a child.

Power: He is able to see perfectly in the dark.

History: Nothing very interesting happened to him. He grew up in the town, and has been as close to friends as he can get with Drak since they were children.

About Them: He lives in a different part of the forest from Drak. He has no family, and he doesn't think about even wanting any. He loves tricking people, and he hates it when they aren't fooled by his act.

Looks: As a man he has black hair, and intensely blue eyes. He has large, black wings, and he has pale skin. He wear black pants, and a grey shirt. As a child he has pure white hair, but most people often recognize his eyes because they are the same intense blue as when he is a man. His wings are smaller, and pure white as well. His clothing is loose on him, and his shirt, and pants are then white as well.

Other: Nothing right now.

I think that is everything. I hope you will join!
Name: Aria Blackwood.

Age: 19 years old.

Gender: Female.

Demon, or Non-Demon: Demon.

Description: Aria is an animal mixture. She is part Bat. So she has long pointed black ears, black claws, and teeth that are razor sharp. Also has bat-like wings and uses echolocation sometimes to communicate.

Personality: For a demon, Aria loves to tease people and mess around. She is hardly serious, and always has some kind of wicked smirk on her face. Causing trouble and mischief is what she constantly does. Even if the situation she's in is serious, she still manages to creep in a few tricks or two. Other than being a tease, Aria has a nasty temper, and it's usually hard to control. It may be hard to make her mad, but when she is, it's not a pretty sight.

Wings: She has bat-like wings that are black and grey.

Flight: Yes, she can fly.

Power: Her power makes her teasing twice as worse. Aria has the power to control minds and make them do as she wishes, all she has to do is look into there eyes and say the things she wants them to do. And then they do it.

History: She doesn't really have any history, except her friend who died in a fire. But that's about it.

About Them: Aria lives in a house out in the forest. She lives by herself, since all her family were either killed, or had simply vanished for no reason. Since she is part Bat, she only likes to come out at night. She hates the sunlight because it hurts her eyes.

Looks: (Except her wings are longer, and she has claws.)

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Other: Also she can summon bats by calling out something in echolocation. (Ignore bottom picture xD And sorry that the picture was so big lol..)
Name: Embellyn (Em-Bull-In) -> Her last name is unknown.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Demon, or Non-Demon: Pretending to be a demon.

Description: She looks fairly human except for her fluffy black cat tail.

Personality: She acts very mischievous and people do not see much of her, Embellyn is a devious girl though, she occasionally steals food that was left around in order to get residents to believe she is also a demon, other than that she retreats when she is talked to because she is naturally shy and deathly afraid to be touched.

Wings: She lacks wings which is always a topic of discussion with residents in the realm, but steals to make them reconsider.

Flight: No.

Power: She can sense people from miles away and hide at an expert level which makes people more unlikely to find her, she is also a very talented hunter.

History: People (more specifically boys) Have always hurt her and so she shies away from them, she will be slightly more open to girls but she still has a lot of trouble trusting people. Her father abused her as a child and left to be a demon, leaving her mother alone, the night after, she left to fend for herself, recently her mother passed away and she secluded herself from much of society, she is an only child and lives in the forest, her home is unknown because people see her in random places and never spotted her inside a house.

About Them: She lives in a cave in the woods, the majority of people do not know about this because they always search for a house, and she is usually hidden in trees anyway. She rarely comes into town unless rumors start or she is hungry, her mother died when she turned 10 and her father abused her the day before she ran away. She is an only child and refuses human contact, she doesn't prefer to talk, touch, or be anywhere near people. She likes food, more specifically, steaks and cupcakes, she doesn't own a stove to cook anything or bake anything, she usually steals these things as well as pies and other things at an easy access. She also likes to be alone, she always sits on the edge of Dead Man's Bed at midnight staring at the moon, she doesn't like human contact, raw food, The Unkown, or demons in general.

Looks: Her eyes are a reddish-pink color, her hair is a light blonde with a few darker brown streaks, she is Caucasian with a birthmark on the left side underneath her nose, she blushes a lot and wears ruby post earrings that are in the shape of scythes, she wears a necklace that it is diamond, with a more pendulum shape. She wears a white dress that is corseted on both sides and has one strap. The skirt part is fairly short and pleated softly,the front is lace on the sweetheart chest shape and the corseting on the sides wrap a little onto the front. She is 5" tall and has long legs, she has a resemblance to a goddess but with a tail, she usually wears cheap brown hunting boots that allow her to be sneaky and quiet and a black rope bracelet around her right wrist with a small heart charm on it. Her hairstyle is long and layered, and has sideswiped bangs. At midnight her eyes turn green with a more diamond shaped pupil and her tail twitches more.

Other: Some reported voices singing with a high beautiful pitch during the night, always singing the phrase, "If you come find me, find me here, I'll be waiting, So come if you dare."

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