Into The Unknown


New Member
The unknown. A place of fear, agony, lies, hatred, and betrayal. It is a place of darkness; of fire. The residents of this 'unknown' are not friendly people. They are demons. Demons of any and every sort. Some have the look of humans. Some are a mix of different animals - a giant bird with the head of a lion. Nasty things. Some even fool people by looking like angels. Just remember everything is not as it seems in The Unknown.

Despite the ugliness of some, not everyone in The Unknown is a demon. Many pretend to be just so they won't be killed. Many act like demons, but meet in secret with others who are truly good to devise plans of overthrowing the demons, and making The Unknown a good place.

The ruler of The Unknown is a demon by the name of Abaddon. He lives in an enormous castle of darkness. This black castle sits on the side of a mountain, they call 'Red Hill'. It is called this because the dirt is a redish brown, and is all too fitting for a demon world. Abaddon has never been seen by anyone; not even his own son has seen him. He kepts to himself up in his castle, and those who have seen him have not lived to tell about it. For, the only ones who see him are the ones sent up to his castle to be executed by him.

At the bottom of Red Hill sits a town. This is where everyone lives. There are forests surrounding the town, but few people live there. Despite what you may think, there are water sources such as ponds, lakes, and rivers in The Unknown. There are many rivers near the town, but the biggest, and most deadly, is the one called Dead Man's Bed. It is called this because years ago there was a war. Of course, war leads to dead people, and dead people leads to bodies. There was so many bodies that no one knew where to put them, so they threw the bodies in this river. From that day on, the river was known as Dead Man's bed.

Some Information:

(I stated most of this above, but I'll make it easier to understand here)

1. The Unknown is just a place. It's more of a relm actually. An evil demon relm.

2. There are good people that live here.

3. The ruler of this relm is a demon called Abaddon. No one has ever seen him.

4. Abaddon lives on Red Hill in a black castle.

5. At the bottom of Red Hill sits a town. Most people live in this town, but not everyone does. Some people live in the forrest.

6. There are lakes, ponds, and rivers all around the town. The biggest river is called Dead Man's Bed.

7. Not all demons have to look like humans, and not all demons must look like animals either. You can decide what they look like. Some can also change. Some may look like humans by day, and transform into an animal (or a mixture of animals) by night. Whatever you wish. Just be creative with it.

8. Each demon (and when I say 'demon' I mean everyone. Including ones pretending to be a demon, but are really good on the inside) has one special power. You create this power, but don't be too extreme. You can't say something like this: "They can never die." When I say 'power' I mean something like this: "They have the ability to read minds." You may even say something like this: "They have the ability to breathe fire." Whatever you wish as long as you aren't controling someone else's character.

9. You may roleplay as many characters as you wish. There is no limit as to how many you can have on here. They can be any gender, demon or non-demon, anything you want.

10. I think that is everything. If anything is unclear, please tell me, and I will do my best to explain. There is no goal for this roleplay. It's just about the lives of demoans really; and people living in a demon world. Basically it's what you make of it. What do you want to happen to your character in a world like this? What could happen?

I am going to make the character sheet for this role play right now because I have some ideas for my own characters, and I know I will forget them if I don't write them down now. So, if you want to join you don't even need to post here unless you have questions for me. You could just go straight to the character sheet and make your own characters if you want.

I believe that is it. I hope to hear from you if you want to join.

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