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Into The Open Sky IC

It would seem that this man is not as desperate as Pyke once thought. But 120 pieces was far too high a price that he could pay.

"Well obviously my good man it's because it has been used. The value of the product has gone down. Look here for example, there are nicks and deep cuts all around it! And here, some of the color is fading. Why if you were to take this to a shop they'd probably charge you less than what I offered. I understand you're on hard times, so I'll tell you what I'l raise up to 85 pieces. Certainly that is enough to at least set you up with some merchandise to sell and get you a drink for your troubles."
It would seem that this man is not as desperate as Pyke once thought. But 120 pieces was far too high a price that he could pay.

"Well obviously my good man it's because it has been used. The value of the product has gone down. Look here for example, there are nicks and deep cuts all around it! And here, some of the color is fading. Why if you were to take this to a shop they'd probably charge you less than what I offered. I understand you're on hard times, so I'll tell you what I'l raise up to 85 pieces. Certainly that is enough to at least set you up with some merchandise to sell and get you a drink for your troubles."
"Well, fine then." He says begrudgingly as he hands you the spyglass and you give him the money. "Let's be off then, men! Let's buy costumes for our new theater group!" They all cheer and leave the docs.

As they leave, you see Lugg-mag ( Steamdrunk Steamdrunk ) has finally arrived. Time to get your groceries!
"Well, fine then." He says begrudgingly as he hands you the spyglass and you give him the money. "Let's be off then, men! Let's buy costumes for our new theater group!" They all cheer and leave the docs.

As they leave, you see Lugg-mag ( Steamdrunk Steamdrunk ) has finally arrived. Time to get your groceries!
Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
"Hurry up! We haven't got all day!"
Steamdrunk Steamdrunk
Pyke, happy that he was able to obtain a spyglass, smirks at the idea of the former sky pirates performing on stage. With the shake of his head he turns away and faces his soon-to-be companion Lugg-mag. "Finally ready to go gather supplies eh? Get anything good while you were out?"
Steamdrunk Steamdrunk
Pyke, happy that he was able to obtain a spyglass, smirks at the idea of the former sky pirates performing on stage. With the shake of his head he turns away and faces his soon-to-be companion Lugg-mag. "Finally ready to go gather supplies eh? Get anything good while you were out?"
Lugg-Mag pats the long case slung over his shoulder. "I'll show you when we've set off. What did they want?"
He bobbed his head towards the crew.
Pyke shows off his newly acquired spyglass. "Well I got bored waiting for ya. So I figured I'd get a little something for myself. Figured it might come in handy while we're out looking for some new island. Wouldn't hurt none anyways yeah?"
Luna took a breath of relief. "It's fine, I just hope he doesn't do that again.... Others probably aren't as nice as me and might attack it " She says as she gazes at the ship. " A tour sounds wonderful." She says, climbing aboard to begin talking notes on it.
Pyke shows off his newly acquired spyglass. "Well I got bored waiting for ya. So I figured I'd get a little something for myself. Figured it might come in handy while we're out looking for some new island. Wouldn't hurt none anyways yeah?"
"Good find, those cost three fingers last time I checked."

Lugg-Mag looked around.

"So, we need rations, water, limeberry concentrate, components pouches, Stormphrax, Lead, silk rope, lamp oil, fuses..."
He pauses, pulling out a creased note from his jacket pocket in scrawled goblinoid.
"Nails, locks, chains, bell, chalk, spark box, paper, ink, candles, Upwigwig, alcohol..."
"Good find, those cost three fingers last time I checked."

Lugg-Mag looked around.

"So, we need rations, water, limeberry concentrate, components pouches, Stormphrax, Lead, silk rope, lamp oil, fuses..."
He pauses, pulling out a creased note from his jacket pocket in scrawled goblinoid.
"Nails, locks, chains, bell, chalk, spark box, paper, ink, candles, Upwigwig, alcohol..."

"Are those really the supplies we need? That's more than I was expecting. I suppose we will be gone for a long time. Might not be able to resupply for some time. Wait a minute what's an Upwigwig?! Did you make that one up?"

Pyke looks over to Lugg-Mag quizzically.
"Not much Wigwig, what's 'n up with you?" A wide grin appeared across Lugg-Mags face as he tucked the paper back in his pocket.
"Ugh..." Pyke groaned. Still a grin appeared on his face.
"Alright ya got me. Now let's get to it ya big lug before the capt'n goes an' calls a storm or whatever on our heads yeah?"
With a pat on the goblin's shoulder he leads them into town to gather the supplies.
"Don't know, don't care. S'long as I'm off the Edge and I can move freely, I'll do whatever she wants me to do."
Pyke looks forward. His eyes sort of glance up to the sky while still allowing him to see where he's going. "Yeah, s'long's I'm free, I can do anything and be anything."
ValkyrieRose ValkyrieRose You make a quick sketch as Marion shows you the different parts of the ship. The schematic looks like this:

What questions are you asking as the captain shows you around?

Fluxbauble Fluxbauble Steamdrunk Steamdrunk You make your way to a big warehouse with all kinds of materials for sky travel. They are still blissfully unaware of the crisis that is coming there way soon. How do you want to go about getting everything from the list?
And then the figure took of, going upstairs.

"I'll keep an eye out..." she trails off when she sees the strange figure outside the door. Jidath stares for a second before she leaps into action, chasing after them. (Maybe it's not the wisest, but she's not exactly known for her common sense or self-preservation. ) "Hey, wait! Stop! Who are you, and what do you want?"
Pyke looked over to Lugg-Mag and then back to their destination before speaking.
"I exist. Seems folk don't like me much. Figured since I'm not exactly tied down to this place might as well set sail and find a home out there in the sky. Beats getting kicked out of every place you can call home." Pyke scratches the wild bush that is his brunette hair. With a click of his tongue and a sigh he resolves himself to not go any further with details.
"Anyways what about you? Joining the crew for work or pleasure?"
Steamdrunk Steamdrunk
"Fame and Gold, Gold and Fame, same as always. Hunting expeditions got repetitive, time for something new, you know how it is."
Lugg-Mag paused near the entrance to the Warehouse.
"If we try to get most of this together, we could swing a discount. Food shouldn't be long lasting, but Waters water though, so it's the barrels they come in we should be more focused on, high quality, well kept, preservable."
Pyke simply nodded at Lugg-Mag's answer. Made about as much sense as anything. He stopped at the entrance to the warehouse and
"I agree, this is best tackled as a team effort. I'll defer to you on getting a discount then. You've got more practice at this than I do it would seem. I'm sure you can swing a nice discount to save us a few coins."
"You got it. Don't smile, it makes people think they can dupe you."
Lugg-Mag approaches one of the counters of food and water salesmen. He doesn't look at the salesmen, instead crouching and examining a barrel closely.
Felix Felix
Trusting in her natural resistance to toxins and her own constitution to protect her from more darts, Savanah drops the ironwood, leaving her maul in hand, and charges the two figures. "You want to attack me?!? Big mistake!"

Once she gets close enough to do so, she swings her maul around to try and deliver a crushing blow with her weapon on the figure that attacked her with the dart.
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Psychie Psychie The Goblin is finally done. "Here, look at this, much better."

You examine the tattoo and it does indeed look quite good. As you watch the goblin goes over the tattoo and it seems to come to life under his hands. The scales look and feel dimensional. "This might get you out of some tough spots." Once per day you can activate the tattoo as an action and cast the Shield of Faith spell. "That will be a 100 gold pieces."

Happy with the work you cough up the money. The goblin acts a bit impatient and annoyed, so you make your way outside. The street is almost empty, except for two fourthlings standing around. You don't recognize them, but they clearly recognize you.

"They were right! There she is!" As they start running your mind is racing to assess the threat. Then you recognize the insignia they are wearing, Bulls horns with thorns wrapped around them, house Cauthorn. They are working for the man you are betrothed to. What do you do?

dae mec dae mec The guy ran upstairs without saying anything. You follow him up the stairs and into a room. As you run past the door you quickly read Professor Onglewhip, school of cloudfaring and galefinders. Inside you see a very scared professor cowering on the floor. The hooded figure stands over a globe, ready to bring a heavy club down on it.

Sherwood Sherwood Your maul goes straight past the figure. They both bring out their knives and frantically try to stab you. You manage to avoid one but the cuts through your upper arm (take 4 damage).

Fluxbauble Fluxbauble and Steamdrunk Steamdrunk It takes quite some time to get all the goods and takes even longer to bring everything to the ship. You are walking several times between the warehouse and the ship. You notice a few hooded people with the Gloamgozer crest. At first it seems random, but it looks like they are all moving towards the same spot.
The guy ran upstairs without saying anything. You follow him up the stairs and into a room. As you run past the door you quickly read Professor Onglewhip, school of cloudfaring and galefinders. Inside you see a very scared professor cowering on the floor. The hooded figure stands over a globe, ready to bring a heavy club down on it.

Several things flash through her mind as she takes it in. First is, I hope the professor's okay, followed immediately by, So that's the globe. The biggest one, of course, is, Oh, no! He's going to destroy it!

"No, don't do it!" Jidath shouts, throwing a hand out as if she could stop it. To her shock, she feels the shimmer of magic course through her, something that she usually only experienced when playing her instruments or singing. She tries to guide the notes of the world to the person in the cloak, hoping that it wraps around and holds him still.

Somehow, it works. She hurries over and yanks the globe away, trying to maintain her control of the shimmer. Once the object safely put aside, Jidath turns around and gives the person her best glare. "Sit down," she snarls, channeling the rage of disappointed academics and melodramatic actors. "Do you think that keeping you still is the worst I can manage?" She waves a hand and sneers like a rich student from a main school, an expression she's seen a hundred times. "This is me being merciful. If you cooperate, you won't need to see what else I can do. Sit. Down."

(This is all bluffing, of course. Jidath doesn't know how she's even doing this. But there's no way that the stranger knows that.)
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Savanah is getting mad; these two idiots are really getting to her. Time to up her game. She braces herself and swings her maul twice on the fellow that just stabbed her.
Level: 5
Class: Fighter 5
Hit Points: 70 / 65
Hit Dice: 5d10

Proficiency: +3

Perception: +2

Initiative: +1
Armor Class: 16

Weapons and Armor
Maul: +7, 2d6+4 Bludgeoning, Two Handed

Crossbow, Light: +4, 1d8+1, 80ft/320ft
--20 bolts

Chain Mail: +6 AC, Stealth Disadvantage
"They were right! There she is!" As they start running your mind is racing to assess the threat. Then you recognize the insignia they are wearing, Bulls horns with thorns wrapped around them, house Cauthorn. They are working for the man you are betrothed to. What do you do?
There are worse things that can happen right now, but at this exact moment, Sasha can't picture any. She turns on her heels and takes off running, hoping that she can outrun the pair since she is not wearing armor and they probably are. Time to lose these jokers!
OOC my speed is 40 feet, and I'm going to do a full double move to get as far from them as possible.

Hit Points: 50
Hit Dice: 5d8
Base Ground Movement: 30 / 40 feet
Initiative: +4
Armor Class: 17 (19)
Ki Points: 5

Proficiency: +3

Perception: +3

Weapons and Armor

+7, 1d4+4 piercing, Range 20ft/60ft, Finesse, Thrown

Main Hand: +7, 1d6+4 Piercing
Both Hands: +7, 1d8+4 Piercing

Ranged: +3, 1d6+4 Piercing
Ranged, both hands: +3, 1d8+4 Piercing
Thrown, Versitle

Unarmed Strike
+7, 1d6+4 Bludgeoning

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