• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Harmonic Raindrops

I love Spencer Reid I love Spencer Reid I love Sp-
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Hey! We're reopening the roleplay to new members for a little bit. So if one or two more people want to join, that would be great! Take a look at some of the stuff down below, and if you're interested then let us know! Just remember to read and follow the rules!

More information about the world and plots can be found here. Make sure you scroll up and stay on page one to see all of the information. This is also our main rp page where you can read through the chat and join in on rp after going through the necessary steps of joining .

• Be kind. Bullying, or forcing others to do something against their will may result in being banned from the RP.
You may suggest ideas, but please don't push it.
• Be accurate. If it wouldn't appear in the books, then it shouldn't appear in the RP. (This doesn't mean you can't be creative, but no flying cats and such).
• Don't be stupid lol.
• Write something every two weeks, unless you're unable, in which case, tell us.
• Try your best to write at least semi-lit unless in dialogue with two characters. Paragraphs are accepted as well, but no one-liners.
• Don't play as another person's OC. But anyone can use a filler character.
• Don't kill another person's OC or a bunch of fillers without permission.
• Follow all rules on RPN.
• No heavy gore or other strong subjects. If you want to post a scene with more violence, put it in a fold out spoiler.
• The current OC limit is 3 and possibly more if you're active in the rp . You can play as many fillers as you like but remember everyone can play them .
Friends in this roleplay:
JustHereToHide JustHereToHide playing as Sunstar, Pumpkinpaw, and Birdtail .
neos helios neos helios playing as Wolfpaw, GhostRiver, and Milkthroat.
Talathel Talathel playing as Sapphirepaw.
teluhtubby teluhtubby playing as Mapleflight, Emerald, and Lash.
Harmonic Raindrops Harmonic Raindrops playing as Olivepaw and Shadowfish.
Yumikinz Yumikinz as Ashfeather, Cloudstar, and Leopardspots. (Excused inactivity, won't be on 24/7)
Morrighan Morrighan as Nightstar, Starfrost, and Asp . (Inactive)

How to Join The RP
First of all, please take a look at our threadmarks so you can get caught up in the roleplay (But don’t worry about the OOC chat- too many pages! We can also explain some plots and update you on what’s going on if needed ! )
After you read through the threadmarks, answer these few questions:
• How often do you think you’ll be active? And will you remember to let us know when you won’t be online for long periods of time?
• Did you read all the rules? And will you follow them? (I hope so c: -Rain)
• Are you aware that this is a high-activity RP and ghosting us may result in getting banned?
• Are you at least literate in your writing ? (One Liners and unreadable grammar isn’t really what we’re looking for in this rp -Justi)

~~~ Clan Information ||

- A clan meant to replace ThunderClan in the rp .
- BoulderClan is one of the largest territories between the four, the camp being found on top of a low-rise mountain . BoulderClan territory consists of rocky landscapes and birch forests .
- BoulderClan cats are recognisable in the terms of their large bodies and paws, usually being great fighters and coming from Main Coon or Norwegian Forest Cat descent, descending from ancient bloodlines.
- A clan meant to replace Shadowclan in the rp.
- Forestclan’s camp is located near the edge of their territory, a forest made up mostly of large pines, stuck close together with pine needles blanketing the ground.
- Forestclan cats are best known for their climbing and hunting skills, and are easily able to cover up their scent, using mud and the like. These cats tend to feel uncomfortable in large open spaces.

- A clan meant to replace RiverClan in the rp .
- WillowClan camp is located along the bank of a large river tracing all across the territories . WillowClan territory consists of marshy landscapes full of rivers and willow trees . Their territory borders a large oak forest which they occasionally hunt in .
- WillowClan cats are well known for their webbed, or semi-webbed paws, being accustomed to swimming. Not every cat will have these, but it is a noticeable trait in most WillowClan cats.
- WillowClan cats are also excellent swimmers and tend to enjoy swimming as a hobby outside of hunting or escaping enemies.

- A clan meant to replace WindClan in the rp.
- MoorClan’s territory is very open
- MoorClan cats are well known for their strong paws and claws made for digging and running . They are also very skilled in their jumping abilities .

WIP Map :)

JustHereToHide JustHereToHide made this map and it looks really nice <3 -Rain
Ty c: - joe/justi

~~~ Useful Links + Information ||

Allegiance + Character Lists - A list of all of our fillers and OCs

Character Sheets - These are our character lists, we tend to just make characters in our group chat but it’s good to put some forms here for more detailed information on your ocs or fillers . Please do not post here until you’ve been accepted into the rp .

Random Rp Nonsense - Just some random lists we’ve made to archive art, plot ideas, fanfiction, etc .
Character Playlists and Songs - Here we like to post soundcloud/youtube songs and playlists for our characters.
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hello! i'm interested in joining, if you're still looking c:

yes, i've read the rules and will respect them. yes, i can post at least once every two weeks, but i'll most likely do more, and i'm good about letting people know when i won't be active. and i like to think i'm literate lol.

i'm a bit intimidated by everything going on, but this looks like a well thought out warriors rp so i'd really like to give it a go!
That's great! We're open for new people, so if you want to post your OC in the characters page, go ahead! I'll tell the others, and hopefully we'll add you into the group chat sooner or later <3
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Hey! I used to write a lot on FeralFront, but I took a long break after the site was archived. This looks like a decent place for me to jump back in, if you’ll have me!

I can be active at least every other day, if not every day. I do work full-time, and I’m just getting back into writing again, so it may take some time for me to figure things out, but I promise I will do my best to earn ya’ll if I’ll be inactive for a while. I can certainly follow the rules to the best of my abilities, I will be as active as I possibly can be, and I would hope my writing is up to par.
Yay! More people! *Screams into the void*

Ehh hmm, *coughs* Excuse me.
It's great that you're getting back into writing and we'd love for you to join! (At least I would, but I'm sure everyone else would agree). If you want you can post your character here and take a look at our threadmarks on the rp page.
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Hiya! I would love to join in! If all is okay! I need some nostalgia and Warriors is honestly a really great fandom. ^.^
I am Online as much when i can but weekends I am not much online but still online, Just ping me to be Sure, because some I can be online.
Harmonic Raindrops Harmonic Raindrops Hey! Sorry about that, of course I completely missed them. >:<
I will let you guys know if I am offline and I am active most days (more likely in the evenings). As I work full time, I will be a little on and off but like I said, I will let you all know.

Yes I read the rules, however I missed the questions so sorry about that XD and yes I do understand that!!

I believe I am literate however mistakes do occur.
I am Online as much when i can but weekends I am not much online but still online, Just ping me to be Sure, because some I can be online.
Harmonic Raindrops Harmonic Raindrops Hey! Sorry about that, of course I completely missed them. >:<
I will let you guys know if I am offline and I am active most days (more likely in the evenings). As I work full time, I will be a little on and off but like I said, I will let you all know.

Yes I read the rules, however I missed the questions so sorry about that XD and yes I do understand that!!

I believe I am literate however mistakes do occur.
Great! Go ahead and post your OC(s) in the characters page!
Yay! More people! *Screams into the void*

Ehh hmm, *coughs* Excuse me.
It's great that you're getting back into writing and we'd love for you to join! (At least I would, but I'm sure everyone else would agree). If you want you can post your character here and take a look at our threadmarks on the rp page.
i'll post a sheet sometime today! but can i ask where the ooc chat is? or is that the group chat you're gonna add me to? i had some character ideas i wanted to run by everyone.
Woo! Okay so I’m gonna make a ref for my character and than I’ll fill out a bio. Can’t wait to join again c:
Hey! I used to write a lot on FeralFront, but I took a long break after the site was archived. This looks like a decent place for me to jump back in, if you’ll have me!

I can be active at least every other day, if not every day. I do work full-time, and I’m just getting back into writing again, so it may take some time for me to figure things out, but I promise I will do my best to earn ya’ll if I’ll be inactive for a while. I can certainly follow the rules to the best of my abilities, I will be as active as I possibly can be, and I would hope my writing is up to par.

make sure to read over the chat and post a character form soon, we're interested in you joining :)

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