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Fantasy Into The Dark


"The weak ones are there to justify the strong"
"Here in the forest, dark and deep, I offer you, eternal sleep."

into the dark.jpg
Hello fellow members of RPNation! I am so stoked to make this board and see if anybody is willing to join me on this awesome quest! I know a lot of people give more options, and I understand why, but I thought I'd just throw this idea out there and see if anybody is interested. Of course I am open to other suggestions, or ideas, that you all have that can make this RP idea more interesting and more comfortable for you!

"What if all the continents throughout the world were conjoined into one, and everyone lived in harmony within one another? What if there was peace, no wars, and there was mutual respect? All seems well for awhile, until a mysterious fog begins to consume the air, driving everyone into sheer panic. It's all a mode of self-defense now, and its each man for himself. Tensions are high within one another, and eventually, the peace that once brought countries together, was slowly beginning to fall apart. One morning, a mysterious black forest has grown throughout all the lands, and inside, roamed creatures known and unknown. The forest had blocked transportation, and whoever was brave enough to go in, never made it back out the same (or in other cases... ALIVE). Gradually, people were becoming volunteered to take necessities, and pretty soon, the age for volunteers had increasingly dropped, and young people were being picked to sacrifice their lives - and be deemed heroes for the sake of saving others. The government then proclaimed a law, a game, for these young people to be paired - boy and girl - together and to travel through the forest and to the capitol, and there, the victor(s) will live a life of luxury and also bring health and hospitality to their villages. It's a game for survival, a moment to seek truth, and together the young heroes go out and find themselves "into the dark".
Hopefully the description gives you some sort of idea on what the plot is. Basically it's a Medieval/Fantasy twist of Hunger Games... but of course, I am in no way stealing the plot of The Hunger Games. This idea has been an idea of mine since I can remember.

Here is a few other insights that I'd like to inform y'all before we start the RP:
  • I am twenty-one years old. To some of you that is young, but I will assure you all that I do prefer people my age and older, simply because I do like to insert romance into my RP, and it's just easier to have someone mature to go along with this theme.
  • I can always do a PM.
  • I try to write 2-4 paragraphs for my responses - but I am also human and I do suffer from writer's block, so I apologize in advanced if sometimes my answers are short. It also depends on how serious you take this RP.
  • I have no limitations on how many characters you make, just as long as they tie in somehow within the plot. I am always welcomed to write small stories WITHIN the story... if that makes sense?
  • This is an RP that welcomes all races (as mentioned, all the continents are conjoined together, so of course they're all going to intermingle with one another)
  • I do have a few limitations that I like to discuss via PM.
  • Overall, I do like to have fun and also converse with my RP partner, to get to know them more and things like that. Of course, that's up to you as well.
  • I do prefer to play male, since a majority of my character's are male - but I can always switch if needed be.
If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to PM me and ask!
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