• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.
Long ago we took to the stars and discovered what was once thought to be unimaginable - alien lifeforms. Not too far from our own galaxy lies a plethora of life just like ours, a universe so strange yet so familiar. With this first contact came conflict, and the ending of conflict brought peace. Now a new age has come, one of fragile order and wavering prosperity. A golden age of discoveries. The Avian Expedition was created to discover what lies beyond our known cosmos, an expedition so grand that no being has ever attempted such a feat until now. Each galaxy and race has contributed technology, materials, money, manpower and time to achieve a common goal: to explore deep space and uncover the secrets lurking within. This expedition birthed some of the most impressive technology ever seen. Ships are faster, stronger and better than ever before, now able to withstand the crushing devastation of a black hole. What might await us in the sea of stars? Incredible power? Riches? Perhaps something more. What is certain is that there is still so much we do not know, a̸n̵d̶ ̵s̸o̸ ̶m̵u̵c̶h̶

w̷̗͘- we̸̜͆ ̸͕̇ c̴̰̕ạ̵̈́ṇ̷͐n̷̹̈́o̷̩̅ť̴͓ ̶̩̾




The Tragedy of the Avian Expedition

On April 9th 3012 CE (Cosmic Era) the Avian Expedition set off through black hole Megalomorchen UOX-35 to discover an entire new galaxy. The entire fleet of ships found themselves flung into the void of space and eventually, with few causalities, found a sustainable planet close to the white hole where they developed a colony in the new galaxy. Communication between such distances is difficult, of course, but not impossible with modern alien technology, thus information from the expedition was sent over to Andromeda and the Milky Way to further research. However, all communication ceased from the colony on March 28th, 3024 without warning, leading to authorities to fear the worst...

The Avian Expedition was gone. Destroyed. No more.


The year is now 3026....

You have been recruited to the ship RS Blackbird's Cry on a rescue mission to find out what happened to the colony almost three years after we lost contact with our kin on the other side of the black hole. Perhaps you had a loved one on the other side, perhaps you simply missed your chance to join the expedition, or perhaps you received a strange sign. No matter your reason for joining the recovery crew you are now on your way to Megalomorchen UOX-35 with the only known survivor of the expedition as your Captain, guiding you forwards into c̷e̶r̴t̶a̴i̸n̷ ̵d̷e̷a̴t̵h̵ the unknown. Each of you are skilled in your field of work, and with only each other to rely on it's going to take a lot of mental willpower to investigate the mystery of the lost fleet. What will you discover? Why are you doing this?

Why are you here.


RS Blackbirds Cry

You have joined the crew of the RS Blackbirds Cry. It is a reconnaissance ship, meaning it's purpose is to gather intelligence. This means that it is small and fast, ready to jump in and out of danger at a moments notice. It is able to scout ahead of the fleet and relay information to communications. The ships crew must have varied specializations in order to cover every basis for a mission, both on and off planet. On an RS (reconnaissance ship) you may find a colourful cast of characters, however getting along is imperative to the expedition. We must survive and discover.





Chief Medical Officer




if there is a role you want to fulfill that isnt here just let me know and ill add it when i approve your character!


Hello everyone! This is a fantasy/sci fi/cosmic horror/pretty much every genre roleplay created by a big group of friends and experienced roleplayers called The UO. As we do with all of our rps we are welcoming to newcomers, however this is a pretty big project of ours that could be years in the making if we aren't lazy! With that in mind please consider if you will be dedicated to this for the long term before joining. Rather than a roleplay we see our projects as big collaborative novels. This one in particular is pretty extensive. You will have to use discord and join our server if you want to join. If you think you can vibe with us please feel free to show interest and make a cool alien, android or human to join the RS Blackbirds Cry!

Click here for lore!
Click here for Character Thread!
Click here for Main Thread!
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I don’t think I’ll have time to join, I just wanted to tell you that I like the premise, and that one of the tags is “hot aliens”
Any specific art style required/preferred for face claims?
thanks! its a shame you wont be joining but i'm glad you also appreciate hot aliens!
I mean, who doesn't?

I might reconsider in the future because the allure of androids calls to me like a siren's song, so if I happen upon a stroke of schedule luck, I might pop in.
I mean, who doesn't?

I might reconsider in the future because the allure of androids calls to me like a siren's song, so if I happen upon a stroke of schedule luck, I might pop in.
its always open! even if we are far along into it we can always come up with a fun creative idea to slot a character in!
not particularly! as long as its not a stock image of some guy in an office. i always prefer art but seeing as though this rp is based around real life i would accept a photo face claim.
You're good. As long as anime style FCs aren't an issue, I'll definitely consider this!
If you have a discord server with people in it already, do you already have some characters made and ready to go?
If you have a discord server with people in it already, do you already have some characters made and ready to go?
yeah absolutely! the character thread is linked above (down the bottom of OP, you'll find the lore page and main thread there as well) but this is a reboot of an old roleplay that we ran out of time for a few years ago, so we have an old character thread here. Some of our players who are returning will be reusing their characters, so feel free to use that as a reference!
It's time for some Black Hole GamingTM. No but seriously though, very interested in both the roleplay and the potential lore development of the world as a whole. Count me in.
This lore thread is already spinning ALOT of gears upstairs for prominent technologies. Terraforming facilities/satellites, fuels, FTL Drives... holy crap the idea flood gates are open and someone forgot to grease the closing hinges!
Gonna be my first bout with a space RP but the story and effort put into this was too much to ignore. Would happily join if you'll have me
P.S. my character sheet might take a while to make since I may have to do some research
This lore thread is already spinning ALOT of gears upstairs for prominent technologies. Terraforming facilities/satellites, fuels, FTL Drives... holy crap the idea flood gates are open and someone forgot to grease the closing hinges!
we are very open to adding more things to the lore! if you want to add new bits and bobs, new races, new tech you're more than welcome! this is a collaborative story so creative juices are always welcome! OPEN those flood gates, brother!
Gonna be my first bout with a space RP but the story and effort put into this was too much to ignore. Would happily join if you'll have me
P.S. my character sheet might take a while to make since I may have to do some research
no worries at all! take your time. we arent super strict with the term 'space' or 'futuristic' its really a mash up on genres, including fantasy! so don't be overwhelmed with restrictions.
no worries at all! take your time. we arent super strict with the term 'space' or 'futuristic' its really a mash up on genres, including fantasy! so don't be overwhelmed with restrictions.
Hey, where's the fun in exploring a new genre if you don't jump into the deep end?
we are very open to adding more things to the lore! if you want to add new bits and bobs, new races, new tech you're more than welcome! this is a collaborative story so creative juices are always welcome! OPEN those flood gates, brother!
Solid copy, working on jamming the thing open now. Also it might be a few days before I can get around to forming a character sheet. I’ve got some pretty serious travel coming up, but once I’m home I’ll have plenty of time.
Super interested in this! I’ve already got a few ideas for characters in mind, if this is still open.

Especially loving the Zumolka.
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Quick update on my end: still very much interested in both character creation and lore development, but these first few days home are gonna be busy. When I can get around to character creation however, would it be possible to play a pair of brothers aboard the ship?
I am definitely interested in this. How should I go about getting involved?
Quick update on my end: still very much interested in both character creation and lore development, but these first few days home are gonna be busy. When I can get around to character creation however, would it be possible to play a pair of brothers aboard the ship?
absolutely! some of us will have two or more characters so thats completely fine!

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