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Ship (the starship on which they are in, leave blank if on earth at start of your RP):

Job (leave blank if none, specify if pirate):

Here is mine, obviously you can all do better!

David Bushy

Sex: Male

Age: 37

Description: Part of the labour political party (yes they still exist) who are currently in control, an average MP.

Background: Born in London, was very interested in politics from when he was just six, a very helpful MP to the labour party.

Personality: One of the main people who influenced the starships to get away from earth, and also the one who names all starships, hates Latin.

Ship (the starship on which they are in, leave blank if on earth at start of your RP): Prima (London)

Job (leave blank if none, specify if pirate): MP, leading party

Appearance: Brown, messy and long hair, with gem green eyes.

Even I can do better than this but just to show an example :/
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Name: Name: Valeriano Volante

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Description: Valeriano is a United States Secret Service Agent, serving as a Bodyguard for the President of the United States as well as other powerful Political Figures.

Background: Being one who's very reserved, one will have to get to know him before he opens up about his past.

Personality: Valeriano is very reserved and has few friends. He rarely speaks, usually only doing so if he has something important to say, which is not often. As a result of his troubled past, he is very quiet, dark and somber.

Ship (the starship on which they are in, leave blank if on earth at start of your RP): Secundo

Job (leave blank if none, specify if pirate): US Secret Service Agent


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Name: Musa Konshon



A crazy musician girl with equally as crazy hair.

(Will reveal throughout the RP)

Personality: Musa was always a very intelligent person,and she's equally as creative.She was always talented with music.She is also very quiet,and shy at the same time.

Ship (the starship on which they are in, leave blank if on earth at start of your RP):
Colonia (New York)

Job (leave blank if none, specify if pirate): Musician

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.a6cad8553c01b12d6534c78a81bb583c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.a6cad8553c01b12d6534c78a81bb583c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lennox Octavius






Lennox is one of those overly confident, sarcastic people.


03:24 am


London, Britain

The clouds gathered outside the small hospital room, warning that the storm was slowly coming. At that precise moment when the first snowflake fell, a baby's cry was heard and a worried expression could be seen on the mother's face. How could a 19 year old girl, with a bright future ahead of her raise a child without the help of the child's father or her parents'? With a heavy sigh the blonde signed the adoption papers. She ran out of the hospital and never looked back.

03:00 pm


London, Britain

Three days later, came the social workers. But instead of handing over the small baby to the awaiting couple he smiled warmly at it and ran the GS test on the young girl. His smile widened even more when the test came with outstanding results and turned to his colleagues.

"She's one of them."

05:30 pm


Government, London, Britain

Five years later the same small girl, only five years older and much bigger, stood in line with three other boys around her age. They had been raised together, not knowing their real parents, but considering each other as siblings. Today they would find out why it was only the four of them that didn't live in an orphanage, but in the government.

"Through the years we as the leading source of this country have kept file on every single citizen in the UK. From daily meals, to blood groups everything is here. In case you four are wondering, yes we do have the files on your parents and we would be glad to show them to you. Now, back to the main point. Since you are incredibly smart, having an IQ of 145, and for one of you just a bit more, you know that by process of evolution every generation is smarter than the next. We decided that it would take too long to wait for the whole human kind to reach your level so we took matters into our own hands, meaning that none of you are an accident, well not to us at least, and that both your parents are geniuses themselves. We did this because we need new leaders, with a greater knowledge to help us keep the human kind alive."

07:47 pm

17.11. 2210

London, Britain

The four fourteen year olds sat in their room doing research on their holographic computers. Each and every one of them by now had learned more than anyone could comprehend. And it was not only in a certain field, but they knew everything about everything. In two years time they would "graduate" and would be put as captains on special projects.

08:56 am


London, Britain

"Bloody I'm uncultured. I told you three times that the micro chip is supposed to be made of platinum, not fucking silver."

Came the voice of a curvy brunette as she yelled at the man in front of her. Dear God, people were incompetent these days. With a sigh Lennox picked up the screwdriver and continued fixing the ultimate robot machine, aka her program.


Lennox is a witty and sarcastic woman. She doesn't get insulted by anything, but simply returns the insult ten times harder and gives you her trademark smirk. People always tell her that she is a tomboy, but what can one expect when she was raised with three boys in a military camp of sorts. She is also quite rebellious and even though it was prohibited for them to leave the government she always sneaked out and thanks to her brains she always managed to not get caught.


She is still on Earth trying to finish building the largest ship yet even though she has a very high chance of dying.


She works as a programmer of all types and is a member of the leading force of Britain.


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Name: Ryan Art

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Description: Brave, smart, and kind (aslong as you don't cross him)

Background: He was always the top of his class and was always picked on and beat up in school. His older brother, Harry, was the family favorite. One day, Harry was sick and was hospitalized. Harry later died from a lethal heart disease. After that he decided that he was going to join the military. His brother was the only one that told Ryan that he was worth anything. Ryan felt like that was the only way he could prove his self worth.

Personality: He is a brilliant minded kid. He has grown up always the top in his class and but not the most the most fit. He tries really hard to prove his self worth to people but no one even see's his accomplishments, so he's often depressed. He tries to show people kindness and he's very forgiving, unless you hurt someone he loves. All he ever wants to do is protect the ones he loves no matter the cost.

Ship: Ignis

Job: Millitary: Grunt

Appearance: He is a medium build and height. When he's not in his uniform, he wears his black leather jacket and blue jeans. He has brown hair and green eyes.

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Name: Nero Amyntas Pippin-Xerxes

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Description: A man of both honor and intelligence, he has a fondness for technology and a talent for machinery. He can be rather rebellious, an believes respect is earned. He was a man of his army upbringing and is quite the leader, a strait shared by most of his family.

Background: Nero was the second son born into the Xerxes family, born in Dublin, Ireland where he spent most of his youth. He was 7 when the third and final member of their family was born, a young girl by the name of Teller. He and his siblings were quite close for many years, during which they moved to Northern New York, America when he was 14. Here they watched the world decay around them, retreating into safety of their large fortress. Locked within the confining walls, Nero and his father were constantly in conflicts with one another. He went from flying through the streets, free on a street glider, to constantly under his militant fathers command.

Every once in a while they were allowed out, each time the conditions were worse. The police force was made of men for hire, violent and terrible. His elder brother died, killed by the police force at only 21 years of age, five years prior to the ships being finished. Nero lost all respect for commanders after the incident, and he and his father grew to hate and blame each other. His father signed him up for the military class aboard the ship. Upon his arrival , he found himself surrounded by self righteous militant types, unable to deal, he and seven other cadets devised a plan to escape. They spent three months editing and changing a cargo ship in the below decks, and finally escaped. He's been captain of their ship ever since, ans has since become quite well known.

Personality: Nero is loyal to the bone, and rather emotional. He commands respect from his peers, and quite enjoys being in power. He rather embellishes his pirate side, with tattoos and rum drinking, but he is entirely devoted to his crew and ship.

Ship (the starship on which they are in, leave blank if on earth at start of your RP): Aboard his own ship called Serenity. Formerly of the Ignis

Job (leave blank if none, specify if pirate): Pirate



Name: Teller Hypatia Pippin-Xerxes

Sex: female

Age: 16 years

Description: Shortly put, a brilliant little thing of science and adventure and formerly, nature.

Background: She was born the youngest of three, sister to two brothers much older than her. She taught herself to read at an early age, and swallowed stories like a fish swallows water. Much of her childhood, she followed her mothers side of the family, dwelving into the world of science(focusing on space) and truths. It was almost too late by the time she decided to become physically active. She moved to America from Dublin when she was seven, and she ran and played in one of the last forests left for her remaining time spent on the surface of the earth. When she was shut inside the compound, she again returned to the world of stories and science. When her brother died, she withdrew into herself from her family, almost completely shut inside herself. Boarding the ship proved to be a godsend, and she once again opened up.

Personality: Like much of her family, she is intelligent and craves power. She also has an active imagination and enough curiosity to kill off an entire family of cats. She loves adventures, and wishes to have one. She secretly keeps in contanct with her brother.

Ship (the starship on which they are in, leave blank if on earth at start of your RP): the Ignis

Job (leave blank if none, specify if pirate): Student, hoping to be a captain of a science/exploration ship when she grows up



Other: Parent is Ceasar Dominucus Xerxes, a parliament member. He'll be in the story a tiny bit. The mother is Irene Ochoa Pippin-Xerxes
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Name: Raegan Maddox

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Description: Think tomboy.

Background: Revealed in role-play.

Personality: Bold, funny, dare-devil, cunning.

Ship (the starship on which they are in, leave blank if on earth at start of your RP): Ignis

Job (leave blank if none, specify if pirate):



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