Interested in a Roleplay


New Member
Hey, I just joined this site and I'm looking for a cool roleplay to join! I haven't really learned the inner workings of this forum, but I'm pretty experienced in roleplay and I'd like to think I'm a good enough writer. I'm really not picky; I'd probably be able to work with most things you can throw at me. I'd just like a decent roleplay with friendly people! c: (It doesn't have to be 1x1. I just had to stick a prefix in there!)
I bet you picked that avatar purely because of the crown. Gosh, you're so conceited. ;D

Other people, please ignore this conversation. >>


I'm not like this with everybody, I promise! -reaches for hugs-
Eek! Hello!

I'm generally unimaginative, which I apologize for, but I can try to pm you with any ideas I may have! c:
Well, I have a plot.


Ten years ago, an inscrutable and abnormal territory known as Sky’s Entrance appeared in Tokyo, altering the clouds and world above us, wreaking havoc on the landscape. The real stars disappeared, replaced by false stars. During this time, people possessing various special abilities emerged, each capable of different supernatural feats - these are known as Bonders. Each fake star has a corresponding Bonder, which reacts to their activities. As such, Bonders are usually identified by their star's Messier catalogue number. Kept secret from the masses, these individuals are known to murder in cold blood, smothering unnecessary emotions with logic and rationale. Their incredible abilities, however, are gained at the cost of their humanity - Bonders are thus named because of an involuntary compulsion to "pay the price" each time their power is used, which can range from eating particular foods and completing meaningless tasks, to self-harm and having their bodies change in peculiar ways. Some nations and organizations around the world stealthily kidnap, train, and utilize Bonders as spies and assassins, resulting in violent battles for valuable objects and information. Following the disastrous Sky War, the United States has lost their dominant position as a superpower and mysteriously fell to Japan shortly after the entrance appeared.

Character Roles;

Copycats: Emotionless "mediums" created to mimic the forms of humans. Copycats are observers of spirits, which serve as reconnaissance. Copycats have different mediums through which they can send their observer spirits and must be in contact with this medium while observing; for example, if a Copycat’s medium is wood, then they are able to send their observer spirit anywhere there is wood. It can also be given the memories and personality of another person and assume a person's personality perfectly, mimicking all their habits, dreams, and feelings until the time is right.

Bonders: Bonders are individuals who have gained supernatural powers due to the appearance of Sky’s Entrance. From previous works of scientific research, it has been discovered that Bonders are defects that emerge when humans are unable to become complete weapons (looks like a human, acts like a cold-blooded killer...) The existence of Bonders is kept a secret from the general public by most governments around the world, but they are well-known to the higher echelons of society and in the criminal underworld. Bonders possess one other trait that gives them a rather sinister reputation: the need to perform remuneration, which is a bizarre, obsessive compulsive "payment" for the use of their powers, and a generally pragmatic, cynical world view. This is described by the Bonders themselves as a lack of emotion in general, but not much evidence exists to verify this claim. Many Bonders exhibit at least some forms of emotion, including love, joy, guilt, and sorrow.

Bounty Hunters: Not much is known about this secretive branch of the government, however, they are basically on commission depending on the power of the Bonder or runaway Copycat they kidnap and sell towards the organization they throw the specialized human into. Civilians who do stumble across the unknown world of Copycats and Bonders do know of the cold-hearted persona Bounty Hunters seem to have.


-I will pick the person that suits my roleplaying style.

-After said person has been chosen, we'll make our characters in the one on one thread to refer back to.


Tokyo,Japan, in the year 2090...




Character Type:

If a bonder, what is your payment every time you use your power?:

Some sort of Biography:



True to their names, all Bonders must pay a price for using their powers, whether they wish to or not. Moreover, it seems that the amount of payment required is dependent on how much the Bonder uses his/her power. Although this payment can be delayed, especially in the midst of combat, it is ultimately unavoidable. Each Bonder has a unique remuneration, reflecting the chaotic nature of the Sky’s Entrance. Remunerations are typically difficult for the Bonder and range in severity from irritating to painful. However, it has been quite rare for Bonders to actually enjoy their remuneration. Some examples include arranging pebbles in meticulously straight lines, or pulling out hairs whenever a task is done using an ability.

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