Vibin through life
- One on One
Hello! I’m bored and looking for people to mess around with.
My name is Enzo and I’ve been rping for a little over 2 years! I am almost 18 and I’m open to any ideas and suggestions! I don’t do nsfw tho!!!
I like fantasy and mythical things. Dystopian is also really fun to do and I’m always open to more suggestions and plots and whatever else anyone wants to throw at me!!
DM if you want to!!
Hello! I’m bored and looking for people to mess around with.
My name is Enzo and I’ve been rping for a little over 2 years! I am almost 18 and I’m open to any ideas and suggestions! I don’t do nsfw tho!!!
I like fantasy and mythical things. Dystopian is also really fun to do and I’m always open to more suggestions and plots and whatever else anyone wants to throw at me!!
DM if you want to!!