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Fantasy Interest Check - Valor Glade


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
Valor Glade is an idea of mine that began as a potential 1x1 between Nico, who helped spitball ideas, and myself.

The basic concept is an alternate modern Earth in which everyone is born with potential superhuman abilities and powers, but they are blocked by subconscious mental gates that inhibit these abilities and prevent their use.

The only way one may access their abilities is if, at some point in their life, they experience an Awakening: a seemingly arbitrary short series of events that triggers mental sequences which, in turn, unlock that person's abilities.

Awakenings usually occur almost exclusively during childhood and the teenage years, when the brain is still developing and the subconscious's mental gates are easiest to break. By age 30 or so, all chances of Awakening have all but vanished. However, even among children and teenagers, the number of Awakened individuals remains around a constant of roughly 0.0001% of the world's population, almost all of them in the US (that's just for plot convenience >.>).

Awakenings, despite their seemingly commonplace description, are very rare and are nearly impossible to achieve intentionally. It can be something like glancing out the window and noticing the crows are perched on the telephone wires in a certain EXTREMELY specific pattern, and seeing that pattern sets off the mental sequences and Awakens you. Make sense? Of course, visual patterns aren't the only thing that can Awaken someone, it can be auditory, like accidentally slipping and catching yourself by leaning your elbow on the piano, and the specific note combination and length of note-holding could Awaken you. An Awakening can happen through any of the five conventional senses (yes, including taste).

Again, it might seem like, from the way I've described it, that Awakenings are so arbitrary that they happen left and right, so why isn't everyone Awakened? Well, Awakenings are very, very, very, VERY specific and unique, and the experience is always different for each person that gets Awakened, just as everyone's minds are different. One could try to recreate the events that Awakened one of their friends verbatim, and try again until they had replicated the event a million times, and they would never succeed in Awakening themselves.

The Awakenings began with the year 2020 and its generation. Scientists are baffled, and neurology and psychology quickly become the focus of scientific study in the country. Rumors spread that the government wants to use the children as weapons of war, foreign conflict disappears almost overnight as countries assume a defensive position in anticipation of a superhuman attack. US signs international peace treaty, most modernized countries sign, aside from the Middle East. Terrorist and Iraqi extremist groups quiet down slightly, but remain present. Life goes on.

Good, you made it this far. How about I start talking about the actual plot, eh?

The plot of the RP focuses on a large city, called Valor Glade. It's located in Wyoming, built in the most remote region of the state in 2024. The city centers around a school, known as the Valor Glade Academy for Awakened. No one is quite sure why the founder of the school ordered its creation, and the subsequent creation of the city around it, in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming, but there is an important reason for the creation of the school at all.

Once people began Awakening here and there, there were, of course, those who sought to use their unlocked gifts for crime and malicious purpose. They caused tons of chaos in society, but unfortunately, so did the "heroes" who sought to stop them. Inexperienced in their powers and ill-suited for vigilante work, these potential do-gooders wound up causing tons of destruction of public property, and, tragically, the deaths of many countless bystanders in these street battles between Awakened. The people cried out to the government to do something about it, and so the government passed the Superhuman Restrictions Act. It outlawed vigilantism, urging these would-be heroes to get off the street and let the police handle the situation.

When one Awakened psychology professor appealed to the government in light of the decreasingly effective efforts of the police, they amended the act: vigilantes could act legally if, and only if, they received a special government-sponsored certificate that deemed the individuals capable of stopping crime with minimal collateral damage and civilian casualties. The certificate would also indicate that the Awakened in question was registered with, and collaborated with, the police departments in their area, and could only be earned by attending and graduating from a special institution located in the Wyoming wilderness.

And thus, the Valor Glade Academy for Awakened was established.


What do you guys think? Anyone interested? Anyone confused? Anyone ready to devote their waking lives to this roleplay? Anyone ready to hurl at the atrocity of such a preposterous and ridiculous idea?
This sounds like a pretty cool idea. I'm definitely interested! I do have questions, though. What are the limits on these powers? What is the population of the US in this RP (because that will determine how many Awakened there are, obviously)? What is the actual year? Does the curriculum in Valor Glade only teach them how to master their powers, or do they also teach traditional classes? At what point does the likelihood of Awakening start to die down? That's all (for now).
Fabulosity. As SomeGuy is asking questions, I might as well too...

Will the Middle-East serve as a major place in the RP, along with Terrorists, and will there be any Awakened Villains?
Sounds like something out of a comic book

Like a highschool for "The Gifted"

I'm in!
Answers to all of the above questions:

  • Powers aren't necessarily limited in the traditional sense of the word, but every character has strengths and weaknesses. Technically speaking, all of the characters have infinite potential, but whether or not they reach that level is determined by the choices they make in the story.
  • Population of the world is roughly 8.5 billion people, which equates to about 850,000 Awakened living in the US, with the vast majority of them living in Valor Glade. The year at the start of the RP is 2031.
  • The curriculum teaches both standard academics as well as mastery and control over one's abilities. This way, an Awakened can get a regular education if they decide they don't want to take up crime fighting as a career.
  • After 18, chances of an Awakening slowly start to deteriorate, eventually reaching an effective probability of 0% by age 30.
  • the Middle East will not serve as a major place in the RP, at least not as a setting that the characters actually go and visit. If your characters decide to read a newspaper or turn on the TV and watch television, they will notice the region being mentioned in the news a lot, though. Same goes for terrorists, the character's won't encounter many, but there will be a few mentioned in the media.
  • Yes, there will be Awakened villains and such. They will usually be the Chaotic Neutral type, like they got Awakened and quit their old life and just starting going around and using their powers to get what they want. A few will be legitimate supervillains who are simply in it for fame, media attention, and perhaps even the stereotypical "control the world" stuff. A few, depending on how things turn out, might even be Valor Glade dropouts who flunked out and basically threw control of their abilities to the wind.

GENERAL NOTE: The roleplay will be VERY heavily focused on continuity and the consequences of one's actions. Everything each of your characters do will affect the plot and the setting in some way or another. Think of it as a giant "Choose Your Own Adventure". When I write up the roleplay later this week, I'll invite everyone who applies to a private conversation that will serve as our Cause-and-Effect Hub. If your character does something noteworthy or influences something in some way, I will indicate it on the convo. I might not always reveal HOW it affects the plot, but sometimes I might. For instance, if something happens at the school and your character winds up causing a scene, I might tell you that your character made the front page of the Valor Glade periodical, and as a result, everyone in town recognizes your face.

Get it?
Room for one more? I've checked out the thread and really like what I've seen.

I'm new to the site, so hopefully this is the right place to ask?

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