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Multiple Settings Interest Check to End All Interest Checks [gayyyy]


ragequit, but ~poetic~
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Yeah, yeah, I have a request thread already, but it's old, so I'm making a new one. I'm gonna copy + paste the intro section from the old thread, mostly because it's still very relevant and I don't feel like regurgitating the same points all over again. I'll put it under spoiler for you guys and you can either read it or not -- you probably should because it contains important info re: who I am as a writer and what I expect from potential partners, but it's not like I can force you, lol. Just know that if you make it really obvious that you haven't read it, I will likely be displeased and not reply.

About me:

+ she/her

+ 30

+ pretentious and edgy, if you couldn’t tell from my username

+ only willing to rp gay shit, but NPCs can be of any gender/sexuality

+ able to play multiple characters at once, an avid worldbuilder, and a certified Makes Things Happen Plotwise kinda person

+ ready to smother rp partners with (appropriate amounts of) affection

+ OOC (and sometimes IC) clownery

+ okay with doubling

+ fantasy, sci-fi and horror enjoyer; romance is great, too

+ have samples, just ask!

About you, hopefully:

+ over 18

+ ready to vibe with pretentious and edgy people

+ all over that gay shit

+ happy to plot and contribute ideas, doesn’t mind juggling their own NPCs

+ speaks up whenever they’re unsatisfied with where the story is heading so that we can come up with a solution together

+ a fellow clown (non-negotiable)

Still here? Then I’m going to assume you’re at least mildly interested, otherwise you’d probably stop reading at this point.

So, let me talk about what I’m looking for in greater detail.

Do you remember that one roleplay that you couldn’t get out of your head? When you just couldn’t wait to write a response and spent an embarrassing amount of time daydreaming about all the new plot points while waiting for a post? That's what I'm after. I’ve been able to connect with a few people that made me feel like that in the past, but life interfered and we no longer write together. I miss it, though – when two writers really click, it’s amazing! Rainbows and fireworks!

So, the main thing I want is initiative and enthusiasm. I would also like to write often, so if you can handle back-and-forth posting from time to time, that would be great. If not, that’s fine -- I’ll still be happy with a couple posts per week. Generally though, the more the better. I can handle it!

I’d describe myself as lazy lit. That means that my posts range from 300 to 2k+ words, depending on what the scene needs. I’m not awfully concerned with the length of your posts, as long as a) your writing has personality, b) I have something to respond to.

As a writer, I enjoy the following:

- conflict

- enemies-to-lovers

- terrible people being terrible, but also not

- ambitious storylines

- comedy relief is great, though

- characters being true to themselves, even when it isn’t convenient

- action, adventure, things actually happening in between posts

Now, what is this all about? Me having enough time to come up with plots and wanting to give them a try! Welcome to my Best Of thread, full of storylines I've been craving but have been unable to actually set up. Some are old, some are new, and some are something in between, but all of them need a partner and that partner can be you. Note that I will be picky : ) I do have awesome roleplays going on, so I am not starved for stories, and I only realistically have time for one more.

Now, without further ado:

The King is Dead; Long Live the King Queen

Genre: Urban fantasy

You may be interested if you’re into: Juggling a lot of side characters and dabbling in fictional politics. Murder, revenge, and all the charming stuff like that. Vampires and other brands of supernatural nonsense.

Plot summary:

A kingdom is only as good as its king, and this is no less true when the kingdom in question is but a city.

For decades, the city was ruled by a certain vampire Prince. People didn't love him, mostly because love is hard to come by in such circles, but they agreed he was good for them. He knew how to keep everyone in check, after all -- and what is peace if not holding the biggest gun and having the balls to actually use it?

Except that someone else used their gun.

Yes, the prince was killed. Murdered in cold blood, in his own residence, along with this closest family. Whoops?

To say that the resulting power vacuum caused problems would have been an understatement. Clans blamed one another; others seized the opportunity to go after their enemies; others still followed different, more long-term goals. The city's foundations are crumbling, along with everything its inhabitants have ever held dear.

And as the undercurrent of it all? The investigation of who killed the Prince.

CH1, an exiled fae, has the dubious honor of being the main suspect. CH2, a vampire, strikes a deal with her -- she will help her prove her innocence in exchange for that sweet, sweet fae blood. That is just the power up she needs, and possibly the ticket to the higher society!

Notes: I want a lot of fuckery for this one, such as the characters doublecrossing one another. Gimme all the sweet drama! Their initial relationship can be very antagonistic, if you'd like. Also, I want the reason behind CH1's exile to be significant because exploring fae court politics sounds sick. The vamp should also have strong personal motivations.

Winter (Not?) Eternal

Genre: Cyberpunk, fantasy, mythology

You may be interested if you’re into: Greek mythology, but with a twist. Enemies-to-lovers. Drama, drama, drama! Hope as a theme, but buried at the bottom of the proverbial Pandora's box.

Plot summary:

The world isn't what it once was.

Not that our protagonists remember. When they drew their first breath, the planet was already all but dead, buried under snow and ashes. The stories of warmth, fire, and the magical period once known as spring? To them, they are just that -- stories. Something to tell to children, and those foolish enough to buy into them still.

Regardless, both CH1 and CH2 are fortunate enough to live in one of the Cities.

Of course, every coin has two sides, and what one may consider fortune is considered a curse by another. So, sure, they do have food to eat and don't need to worry about freezing to death -- but they also live under the rule of the mysterious mob boss Sito, who keeps everyone on a tight leash. The word 'dystopia' doesn't even begin to cover it.

CH1 leads the rebellion against the system; CH2 works to uphold it.

A simple configuration, right?

Well, not quite.

What they don't know is that they are more connected to what happened in the past, and to each other, than one might expect... and the connection might either doom or save them.

Notes: Yep, the two are reincarnated gods who basically triggered the whole eternal winter thing because they eloped together and CH2's mother, also a goddess, threw a tantrum. Whoops? Most gods died in the cataclysm, but the mother didn't. She is still looking for her daughter now, unaware that she already fucking works for her. Loosely inspired by Hades x Persephone -- by which I mean I just liked the vibes and reinvented the story because the original rapey connotations weren't cool. Anyway, I'm happy to work in more Greek mythos-related things!

What Is Dead Can Die Again, Actually

Genre: Dystopia, fantasy, gods. Is gods a genre? Fuck it we ball, now it is

You may be interested if you're into: Uneven power dynamics, mythology, uncovering secrets and court machinations. Forbidden relationships and prophecies.

Plot summary:

It is said that the greatest poison is human greed.

It is also said that it was that very greed that led to the world all but being torn apart during a great cataclysm only known as The Flowering, but is it really true? CH1, a human living in a world tightly controlled by the gods who had stepped up and decided to protect mortals from their own foolishness, is asking herself exactly that -- and no, that isn't a good question to be pondering over.

Not when it could get you killed.

Needless to say, CH1 isn't a fool (or so she thinks), and before you ask, yes, she has a plan. That plan is to a) infiltrate the celestial court, b) pretend that she's one of their human pets vying for a comfortable position, and kill them off one by one, giving the world back to those who had it first.

And who is CH2? A goddess who, for one reason or another, also thinks that the gods need to die and decides to help when she accidentally reveals CH1's epic plan. Can they commit genocide together and find love? <3

Notes: A lot of worldbuilding to be done here! This is an old plot of mine that never went anywhere, so I do actually have a lot of thoughts, but I want us to build entirely new lore for this. Just ask me about it.

Out of the Ashes

Genre: Post-apocalyptic, epic journey, sacrifice & mystery, psychedelic. Religious guilt? Religious guilt! Medieval fantasy.

You may be interested if you're into: Fucked-up dynamics (sensing a theme?), being pretentious, heavy-handed atheist propaganda and, of course, lesbians overcoming the odds. The hero(ine)'s journey.

Plot summary:

Long ago, the world was drowned in blood.

Humans now only cling to the memories of what they had, though, being humans, they are also trying to improve their situation somewhat. It was a great sin that had cost them everything once; now, they must appease the gods if they ever hope to earn their forgiveness.

CH1, the only living descendant of Alfric the Cursed, is their ticket to exactly that. Born and raised within the walls of the Convent, her only purpose is to die for the sins of her forefather and buy everyone their precious salvation. It is the only fate that she knows - the only fate she can imagine - and she's more than happy to do so, only it isn't as simple.

In order for the sacrifice to count, she must die at the summit of the mountain Eyharnjar, the very same place where Alfric had betrayed humanity and doomed them all. Needless to say, it is the source of all corruption now and no human has been able to as much as set a foot near it for centuries.

However, CH1 knows what she must do.

The journey is about to begin and CH2, a paladin assigned to keep CH1 safe until that very moment, is accompanying her, armed only with her trusty sword and her faith. But what will happen when they actually set out? And is everything truly as it seems?

Notes: Obviously, I want CH1 to not die and possibly turn against humanity??? Idk though, I am open to a lot of things including the gods being lying, scheming bastards who want This Special Girl to die for their own nefarious reasons. Also, it would be really cool if this was both a physical as well as a spiritual journey, with the two of them learning not just about the world but about themselves as well.

I Can't Believe This Isn't Gundam

Genre: Mecha, sci-fi, psychological

You may be interested if you're into: Creating our own Gundam/Evangelion knock-off, duh. Note that this is mostly about the creepy mecha angle rather than the religious imagery, but I am not opposed to including that, either. Cosmic horror!

Plot summary:

It has been centuries now since humanity was lifted to the stars, but that changed little about their nature. Wars are still being waged; people are still suffering; the cogs of capitalism are still turning.

The only noticeable change is the scenery -- well, that, and the fact that humans have cool space robots for warfare now.

CH1 and CH2 are, rather predictably, pilots. They are pilots from opposing nations and thus bitter enemies, but they are lucky enough to live during the times of (relative) peace, when actual peace treaties are being considered rather than getting you laughed out of the room. The two are even going on missions together!

So, what goes wrong?


Our characters end up being framed for the murder of an important politician, plunging the entire sector of that galaxy into chaos all over again. There's no better thing for them to do than run -- and so run they do, hellbent on proving their innocence and finding out just who orchestrated the events. That they still lowkey hate each other is the smallest of their issues, especially once their mechs start a) malfunctioning, and b) transmitting odd, disconcerting memories of what seems to be their past lives into their heads.

Notes: This one is pretty straightforward, but I really need you to be okay with disturbing imagery here. I am also okay with taking this into many directions, so come at me with ideas 👀

Aaaand I am getting tired, so this is it for now, but I do have some other ideas I want to flesh out later. Feel free to ask me about them if the key words sound interesting:

- a lost princess who doesn't know her own identity and the bodyguard that finally finds her after all the years she was missing;
- strangers share dreams and maybe also pasts;
- being cops for an oppressive regime in space!;
- finding Atlantis but whoops, it's mega cursed;
- what do you do when you need to marry someone to preserve the peace between your nations and he has the gall to die? You marry a changeling that can wear his face and investigate the murder, duh

PM me and we can talk. Ideally, come with something more than just: 'hey, wanna RP.' Obviously, I do? That's why I'm here, Sherlock? If you only send that, I'm not going to respond. Samples would be nice!

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