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Fandom Interest check- Sherlock!

Hello my friends!

It’s Monday night and I’m not in the mood for a big long post, but here goes.

I promise I’ll keep it brief.

As the title suggests, I am looking for an rp of either BBC’s Sherlock or Hamilton rp. Also as the title says, I am willing to try a Heathers rp since I’m just getting into it.

So calling all fans of these fandoms!

I have another thread looking for a general fandom rp, but this one is looking for the fandoms I’m most into right now. But check it out if there’s something you wanna rp and it’s not any of these three. I may or may not be up for it.

Anyway, cutting to the chase now. Like every thread, I must include a few rules. Bear with me here!

1. Please, try your best to make OC’s realistic. If a Mary/Gary Sue is present in the rp, I will most surely end it there. As said in previous threads, cliche OC’s are my ultimate pet peeve in writing. I have no problem with them, in fact I rp as them (and I’ll try my hardest to avoid hypocrisy) but please try to be a bit realistic, you catch me? For example, as a Sherlock OC, I will not tolerate a bio like- ‘My OC’s name is Flaming Crystal Holmes, secretly related to the Holmes family, and she’s smarter than all of them combined!!!1!!1!!! Her abilities rival the ones of Eurus Holmes herself!! Everyone falls instantly in love with her and she can play piano, violin, guitar, paint like Da Vinci with her eyes closed, can master any skill. She has flawless porcelain skin and bright blue orbs, and long dark, silky smooth hair that is never frizzy or messy. She has the perfect perfect ultimate figure, and is curvy bUT STILL SKINNY!!!!1!! Her past is unknown and she’s mysterious.’ I think you get the idea. I’m not saying don’t make your OC have strengths, just make them human. For the love of god.

2. Be literate. I have no requests for post length (no one-liners, of course). I just ask that you write like you’re... writing. No script, no semi-lit, please write literately. I also don’t care what POV you write in- first and third are both fine with me.

3. If things in life come up, lemme know! I understand life can be busy sometimes, but let me know if you won’t be replying for an eternity. Don’t ghost me, please! And to add to that, if you lost interest in the rp, tell me! I’d much rather terminate the rp than rp with someone who’s apathetic and uninterested.

That’s all I can think of. Now for the good stuff- pairings I’m willing to do! Some of them I have plot ideas for, some I don’t. More likely than not I don’t; we’ll have to brainstorm. The bolded (is that correct?) role is the role I prefer to play, and the italicized role is the one I’d like you to play. If both names are bolded and italicized, then I don’t have a preference to which role. Some of them I can switch roles, if you’re really unhappy with playing that role but you wanna rp it. And another thing (sorry) is that the pairings with a ‘2’ next to then I’d be willing to double, but we’d do two seperate rps. Or if you don’t wanna double we can do one. Whatever’s cool!

BBC Sherlock
(Ah, this one. I have two OC’s for this one, one male and one female (I can play both equally so whatever you want) so please consider letting me play one! Oh and, I’m still working on rping these characters better so forgive me if I can’t.)

Sherlock x OC (2)
Sherlock x John
Sherlock x Moriarty
Mary x John
Mary x Molly (Uncommon, but plot idea for this one!)
Sherlock x Molly (eh, maybe... convince me.)
OC x Moriarty
Moriarty x Sebastian Moran (Idk about this one, never tried it.)
Eurus x OC (I’d like to try playing her character, so consider this one!)

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My Moriarty is a little rusty but should you ever need one - I'm down to help
Hey! I know this is old but I have a very fleshed-out OFC I'm looking for a MxF pairing for! If you're interested shoot me a PM? :D

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