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Realistic or Modern [Interest Check] Martial Arts Anyone?


New Member
Being the fanatic that I am, I've had an idea for a realistic, martial arts-themed RP for a while now.

Every player would be a marital artist of some type: you can practice any form, even fictional ones, so long as they are realistic. So, flying around and injuring people without touching them: impossible, so not allowed.

However, you are allowed to push the limits of what people can do. So, ripping someone's nose off with a wooden sword: unlikely, but not impossible, thus it's allowed.

The story would be centered around the characters' determination and what they're willing to risk to become the best martial artist they can be. Much violence and abnormal psychology would likely follow.

This spark anyone's interest? Light anyone's fire? Give you an idea for a similar RP? Do tell.
Well, this is certainly more of a response than I thought I'd get. I expected this to be a 1-on-1, but looks like I might have a change of plans.

Alright, all ye interested, here's a character sheet to help get us started and zero in on the player count:






Body Type:

Distinguishing Features:

Martial Art(s): (Again, can be real or fictional)

Time Practiced: (Approximately how many months/years/hours)

Specialties: (Specific art forms or techniques, doesn't matter)



Other Info:

Bio: (Be as detailed as you like)

I'll post my own info at a later time.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
No making it into a rp thread?
Sorry, still new at this, not quite sure how to go about it.

Plus, I thought I'd stall a little to give me more time to decide on a plot.
FaceYourFear said:
Sorry, still new at this, not quite sure how to go about it.
Plus, I thought I'd stall a little to give me more time to decide on a plot.

Will make character soon. 
Name: Anita Hogan



Height:6ft 7in


Body Type:Athletic

Distinguishing Features: grey haired ponytail, tanned skin, cut scar under left eye and cheek, blue eyes

Martial Art(s): Judo, Taekwondo

Time Practiced: 9 years

Specialties: Turning and jumping kick, grappling counters

Strengths:Long reach attacks, strong strike defense

Weaknesses:Poor lower body defense, aggressive, finds difficulty striking agile opponents

Other Info:

Bio:Assaulted as a student prompted to take up martial arts to look for a way to defend herself and build up confident. Got into so much became almost obsessed training every opportunity she has for hours.(more as we get a plot going.)
I really like the idea, and I would like to participate as well. However, I would prefer to make fill the sheet later on, when there are more information about the RP itself.
I'm going to go so over the top with this RP, got to pay homage to those rediculous seventies kung fu classics.... "you killed my father, now prepare to die at the hands of my Wutang techniques" *Sword clinks*
Name: Rami Elghanayan

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Height: 5'8

Weight: 126lbs

Body Type: slim, muscular

Distinguishing Features: scar down left eye

Martial Art(s):Israeli ju jitsu and Krav Maga which is a self-defence system developed for the military in Israel that consists of a wide combination of techniques sourced from boxing, savate, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Judo, Jujutsu, wrestling, and grappling, along with realistic fight training. Krav Maga is known for its focus on real-world situations and extremely efficient and brutal counter-attacks

Time Practiced: 20 years

Specialties: (Specific art forms or techniques, doesn't matter)

Strengths: Ex-military training, small and nimble, rather durable,

Weaknesses: Light and could be picked up easily, can't see out of left eye

Other Info: He served as a Israeli hand to hand combat trainer for 7 years.

Bio: He was born in Israeli and from the young age of seven at the request of his father who taught Krav Maga and was the co-founder of Israeli ju jitsu. He learned many things off his father and made his way up to a 2nd Degree Black Belt before he even reached the age of twenty. When he was twenty he decided to join the Israeli military to train the troops in Krav Maga and after seven years of training up troops his contract was over and he left the military to go back to training with his father whee he further had increased and was given his 3th Degree Black Belt.
Id love to join this rp. Um let me know when you have something set up and ill write out a character sheet with your requirements. Looking forward to it

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