Interest check in multiple games


Junior Member
I'm thinking of running a game. Not now, but sometime in the future. Maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months. This is just to check for interest as I've got a few different ideas popping around in my head.

Exalted: Black Ops

Dragonblooded, Dragon Kings, Jadeborn and (maybe) Fair Folk. You've got an employer. You might eventually be able to figure out who they are, but at the start of the game you have no idea. All you know is they they need deniable highly skilled people to carry out high risk missions and they're willing to offer you whatever you want. This would include a fair bit of plotting and scheming, as well as crazy explodey action. The goals would be linear, although how you accomplish them would be up to you.

Kingdom building for amateurs, losers and the despised

Dragonblooded game. You've screwed up. Somehow, whether it be your own fault or just bad luck, you've pissed off enough important people that you've been exiled from your House and the Realm. The thing is, with Creation going to hell the Realm can't afford to just throw dynasts away, even dynasts like you. You've been given an ultimatum, either spend the rest of your life living in the Threshold like some animal skin wearing savage or conquer a new satrapy for the Realm. A nice big satrapy. How hard can it be? Fairly sandboxy.

Realpolitik is in Hell

Infernals game. Set just after the destruction of the Jade Prison rather than in the usual timeline, this game would focus on Malfeas more than anything. You would be the first of the Green Sun Princes and the Yozis are unwilling to send you on your brethren out on many missions until all 50 shards have been incarnated and you have all been trained. There would be the occasional mission, but mostly this would revolve around you trying to establish yourselves as powerful players in Malfeas. Quite sandboxy so how much is action and how much is RP is up to the players. Yes, in case it wasn't obvious I've read CoCD: Malfeas and I advise you to if you haven't already.

Looking at the big picture

This is a half formed idea and I'll do my best to explain it. This is a very non traditional game and your characters would be powerful lords. Maybe Solars who've each conquered a kingdom unbeknownst to the Realm who happen to have forces very close by and ready to crush you, heads of a Great House, Sidereals vying for that Northern Convention empty seat, etc. Basically a situation where you are powerful, experienced, have lots of flunkies and will be competing with the other PCs, but cannot act too overtly for whatever reason. The emphasis would be on subtle action and there would be little to no actual adventuring. For instance, someone with Backing (Spirit Courts of INSERT REGION) **** might try to convince the terrestrial gods of the area to withhold their blessings from a certain player's kingdom as part of a power play. Just going "Okay I spend a few weeks making tiger warriors and then I declare war on everyone" would be discouraged by the setting.

Shogun: Total War

This would take place with you being Dragonblooded a little bit after the Usurpation. You'd start with some experience and have lots of nice shiny toys to play with. Your job would be to try and deal with some of the problems that have cropped up due to the Usurpation. Investigating shadowlands caused by all the deaths, leading the charge against fair folk invasions, negotiating with spirits who refuse to bow their heads to false Princes of the Earth, deactivating crazy Solar experiments, hunting down Lunars and reincarnated Solars, trying to scavenge some incredibly powerful First Age artefact, etc.

The Neverending Glory of the First Age

Alternate Reality Solar+Lunar+maybe Sidereal game. The Usurpation failed and as the Solars aged the effects of the Great Curse just got worse and worse. By now there is barely a Solar in existence who isn't corrupt and evil to their core. They conduct vile experiments and cause millions to suffer for the smallest of imagined slights. Some consider themselves virtuous and pure, something they show my murdering millions of mortals that they find corrupt by their exacting standard. The Lunars are just as bad, bending to the will of their Solar mates and indulging in every debauched revelry. They are as glorious as they are terrible.

The only hope comes when for whatever reason a Celestial Exalt dies. Perhaps an unlucky accident, perhaps a lucky murder attempt. When a new Solar or Lunar takes their second breath, they're unmarred by the effects of the Great Curse. They inevitably try to fight back against the horror and madness, but the Elders merely smile. They know that a newly exalted Solar or Lunar is no threat to them and by the time a few centuries have passed and they've come into their true power, these fledgling exalts will have forgotten their limited mortal moralities.
Heh I run an DotFA game, but never got to play in one . That last one and that infernal sound cool to me ^^

I could get in on the conquering aspected ones but I've not played or attempted Join War type scenarios ><
I'd play Realpolitik In Hell. Sounds like a lot of fun.

EDIT: Having read over Looking At The Big Picture again, that actually sounds like my kind of game, too.
The Looking at the big picture one seems fun .I love games of intrigue, diplomacy and chronic backstabbig disorder. All thesedays of atching Yes Minister, observing Ocelot and Kane will pay off.
Looking at the Big Picture seems like the perfect game for Zeniths and Eclipses. Just thinking about all the intrigue, especially when delivering social attacks by mail... ;-)
Well my favourites were Black Ops and Shogun, which is why I guess it's good that I checked things out.

Just so you're aware, of I did run Big Picture then it's possible I'd do it as Solars but unlikely. They've just got too little reason to fight each other and high essence Solar charms are just too unbalancing in my opinion. Dragonblooded, Sidereals or even Lunars are much more likely focuses.
While I am new, I will go ahead and say that Black Ops and Shogun do sound very interesting to play.
I'm quite fond of the idea of the Kingdom Building one, can think of several fun characters who could have pissed off the wrong people...Black Ops also sounds fun.
Exalted: Black Ops

Kingdom building for amateurs, losers and the despised

Looking at the big picture

Shogun: Total War

The Neverending Glory of the First Age

All good with these.
Exalted: Black Ops

Kingdom building for amateurs, losers and the despised

Shogun: Total War

I'd be willing to play in any you described, but these stand out. I love playing dragon-blooded.
All of these sound interesting, but Kingdom Building and Looking at the Big Picture particularly stand out to me.

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