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Realistic or Modern Interest check for several plots

So which plot would have most potential as roleplay?

  • What are these... feelings?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Choice is Yours

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • World War II

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Future meets Past

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Killing to Survive

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)
So I had several ideas I see quite some potential in. However I don’t want to make them all in a roleplay at once since that would just take too much of my time and attention. So I decided to let you guys vote. The roleplay that will have the most votes after the weekend, will be made into a roleplay first.

I am always open for a 1x1 regarding any of these plots. Please send me a PM with the title of the plot you want to roleplay with me. However I am a bit more strict with rules when it comes to 1x1, so I would very much like it if you send (any) roleplay sample with your request so I can see what I have to deal with. Thanks very much... I am also open for other plots, just keep PM me with your idea/plot and I see if I can work something out, only remember that I won’t do something scifi or steampunkish... I can play both males and females and I would be okay with MxF and MxM.

The Choice is yours (based on the Divergent-trilogy)

Background; Four nations live in perfect harmony within the city. The world outside the walls that surrounds the city is unknown to the people. In the past people have gone beyond the walls to find out more about the world outside, but none of them have ever returned. The people that now live in the side are happy with their lives, and thought some might question what is beyond that wall, leaving the city is strictly forbidden. The four nations within the city are Earth, Water, Air and Fire. All of them have their own set of morals and sins and all have a certain tasks within the city. The harmony between the nations provides all the people within the city of whatever they may need. The way the citizen live is based on which nation they live in, and that also determines their personality to a great extent. (more info will follow in actual thread/roleplay)

Now everyone until they are 18 lives within the nations they are born in. Every year in July all the children that have turned 18 from last August until this July will have to choose their new nation. Mostly people choose they nation they come from, because it is easy and their personality has already been directed the way it is suppose to be. Though sometimes people decide to change nations. Depending on which nation they come from and which nation they choose for the reaction of their parents, family and nation members may differ. The person who has chosen a nation (no matter if it is the one they grew up in or a different one) will be an initiate to that nation through the whole month July. That means there will be several tests to see if that person is fitted for the nation. Again depending on the nation that is chosen will be the results if that person fails the test. If the test are successfully completely that person may call themselves a member of their chosen nation. (more information about the tests will follow in actual thread/roleplay)

World war II

History; North of the Netherlands is already been freed, but south is still ruled by the Nazi’s. There is great hunger under the people and all kind of resources are hard to get. The resistance in the south is high, but the risk of being part of the resistance, and therefore being send off to camps or just being killed, is high. There are lot of fights over towns and villages, which claims the death of soldiers, but also people who are just in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

Plot; Near one of these villages is a big farm. This farm is home to the resistance and also a safe house for people from minorities, mostly Jews. They are brought here for a while and then transported to some part of North-Netherlands where they will be safe. The fight has claimed the dead of many soldiers and has finally come to an end. Those who have survived the fight are not save yet and will have to search for a place to treat their wounds until they can go back. The Nazi soldiers are aware of the big farm, but do not know what it is used for. The people living at the farm will have to welcome the soldiers and treat them in order to gain no suspicion.

What are these... feelings?

Research facilities had always been very popular, until the government got low on money. Over several years most facilities have been closed down, due to high costs and no result. Now the last few surviving facilities are also bound to close down and let their people go. For the researchers that will be no problem, they will just return from their facilities and try to find a new job. However it is entirely different for the people that have only known the facility and its habit. Some of them might seem like ordinary people, but all of them have their own little talent. It might be extraordinary sensitive senses, or the power to control fire, or the ability to change into an animal. Anything that would make them different from normal humans. Inside the facility they have learned to develop their talents, some more than others, depending on how useful the researchers thought their talents would be. Within the facility there had never been much room for anything else than research, definitely not the last few years when the facility tried to prove its right to remain and only persuaded results to show the government. This had lead to the people in the facility knowing nothing about feelings, or how to show them. They are indifferent and never learned to make their own choices or take care for themselves or anything. A new home for them is found at a boarding school, where they will learn the ways of normal way as long as it provides them off a home. All of them are paired in a room with a person outside the facility to help them adapt to this for them new world. However their human ‘partner’ is only told about the fact they have always lived at the facility. Nothing about the fact they all had a special talent, nor that they are unfamiliar with feelings and their expressions and such. How will this all turn out? Will the human roommates freak out once they learn about the talent? Or will the facility people freak out, because of the weird facial movements of others? They have the weekend to get at least a bit used to each other before school starts.

Killing to survive

Psychologists have set up a new world wide project. The project includes two types of persons, the innocent and the guilty. The ‘innocent’ are people that have never broken any big laws. They have never raped, killed or abused someone else. The ‘guilty’ are people that have done this, all for their own, different, reasons. The psychologists are curious to know what happens if a innocent human is partnered up with a guilty person. How will the innocents react on the fact that his/her partner has actually done something unforgivably? How will the guilty live with the fact they are partner up with such a weak person? The couples will spend one hour in a small room, much like a jail cell/interrogation room to get to know each other, after that they will be free to roam the whole island as long as they keep within a radius of 5 meter from each other. They will be watched constantly with (hidden) cameras. After a month they will be collected from the island again and brought back to their normal life. Everyone that completes the project will be given the freedom to ask for one thing, no matter what, and that shall be granted to them. The psychologist however never imaged the fact that things might turn out a lot worse than they thought…

What do our characters know?

Our characters are asked to participate in an psychological project. They will be partner up with someone from a complete different environment and they will brought down to a island to see how the two of them work together. After one month they will be brought back to their normal life and will be granted one wish that shall be fulfilled.

What do our characters not know?

Everything else. They don’t know they will be dropped on an island with all the other couples. They don’t know that if they have not killed/raped/abused someone the other has. They don’t know the island is actually a desolated wilderness, with only one building, the one they start off in. They don’t know they will have to find their own resources like food and water, a place to sleep, a way to treat wounds and things like that.

Future meets past (based on the movie; my future boyfriend)

2877 is a dreadful year. 99% of the humanity dies as result to an unknown reason. The remaining 1% of humanity builds a large wall around the city that is big enough to hold all survivors. A complete new way of living, of society, is created to protect the people. This new habits are successful and humanity retakes itself. New cities are build, all with big walls around them to keep the harmful and wild nature out of it and far away from the people. Technologic intellect skyrockets and wealth and health return quickly.

3265. Humanity has reached its highest level of intellect and harmony. People live in peace and comfort together. There are no worries in this world, no fears and no wars, simply because feelings, emotions, urges, longings and those kind of ‘bestial’ and ‘animal like’ behaviour have been prohibited from the start (2877). Marriage is decided through a computer program that has every individual in its database and calculates the success rate of couple as in supporting each other intellect and things like that. The reproductive system is completely clinical, the DNA of the male from a marriage is planted into the womb of the female and a child will be born. A child sharing the perfect DNA from its parents. By law a male and female marry between the age of 21-27. The first child will be born when the female reaches the age of 25, or when the couple is two years into marriage. Second child will follow two years after the first and the third child will follow four years after the firstborn. It is not allowed to have more than three children, unless there is a very good reason for having more. Everything is taken care off for by the government, though people still have the freedom to choose their own houses, which city they live in, what job they take and things like that.

Now that humanity is on its highest point, the people have decided to take travels back to the past. To learn about the older (unsuccessful) cultures and hopefully find out where it all went wrong in the end. People, that are in either their last years of school or their first years of a life as an adult (aka having a job), are asked as volunteers for the newest program that will bring them back to the 21st century. Of course not everybody agrees, as free choice and free will is the most important thing in this society. However those who accept the offer are taken to the research center to see if they can make the journey back and forth, to check their health levels and to see if they can be replaced (at work) or won’t be ‘missed’ too much (leaving a pregnant wife or having a marriage coming up). Those who are allowed into the program (that will give them a title upon their return and a big sum of money and a special status in society) are brought to separated rooms. In this room they will all receive their personal ‘watch’ (the device that can bring them back instantly when they are in deep trouble and can record their voice for research and take pictures, things like that) and they will meet a hologram of their ‘guide’. After this they will get five minutes to prepare themselves, before activating the ‘watch’ that will drop them off somewhere in the year 2014, near their personal guide. However something went wrong and the people for 2014 have not been asked to cooperate or let alone been told anything about the future... (More information will be given if this would be made into an roleplay)
Hmm it is? It is a kinda crossover between battle royale and killing room... On another forum I used to roleplay years ago this idea was done so much it was hard to find a roleplay abuot anything else xD So I am kinda surprised to hear that :P

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