Interest Check for Dragon Blooded Game


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I ran a DB game that fizzled a while back, and I'm wondering if anyone is interested in trying it again. I'm looking for 4-6 players for this, and once I have some people lined up, I'll go into more details for background and creation rules.
A Dragonblooded game would be most interesting indeed. I'd probably consider creating a Water Aspect character. I'm still not 100% sure though, due to personal schedule issues. Looking forward to hearing more about what you have in mind in terms of story etc. :D
The basic plot is that you are escorting a fellow member of one of your Houses to a arranged wedding to the crown prince of a island kingdom, with various encounters along the way. So, you are trying to make sure the wedding takes place for various political reasons in the face of the opposition trying to make sure it doesn't.
I've been hoping for a Dragon-Blooded game for a long time; I'd certainly try and join. Water-Aspected are my favorite, but I could try out Wood or something else, gladly.
Water aspected DB's will be a good choice starting out, since this is all happening around a island chain, and will involve some ship-to-ship combat. But, you are by no means required to do that. A Fire aspect can still be effective on a ship, you just have to be careful not to light it on fire.
Well, with two people showing a firm interest with a possible third, I'll put out the info so people can start making up characters.

Standard generation rules apply, but you start with a Breeding of 3 for free. Any higher and you'll have to use bonus points on it.

Characters start with 50xp

All backgrounds are available except for Command. I don't want to have you hauling around a few hundred troops with your characters. A few followers is not a problem, though.

Flaws are allowed subject to approval.

If you have any questions, feel free to either post or PM them to me, and I'll give you a reply soonest.
I forgot to mention that. If you want, you can play a Outcaste from the islands. You won't have the same amount of support that the Dynasts do, but having a local DB playing escort couldn't hurt, but it is by no means required. This will work just fine if all the players are members of the Great Houses.
Character generation sounds good. :D

By the way, any alterations or limits on allowed artifacts (like Armor of the Immaculate Dragons and most magitech armors from Wonders of A Lost Age or Perfected Kata Bracers from Oadenol's Codex etc) ?
Artifacts rated up to level 3 are fine, anything else will need ST approval.
There is a treaty being negotiated between the island nation and the Realm that will bring the islands under the flag of the Blessed Isle. The wedding of a Dynast to the Prince of Wavecrest will seal the deal. Some factions are opposed to this, hoping to keep the independent state of the nation, while others wish to align themselves with Skullstone and tell the Blessed Isle to take a flying leap. As DBs from the Realm you are there to represent your various Houses that have the most at stake in the treaty, and make sure that the wedding takes place without any problems.
Just a couple of questions. Would Immaculate monk characters be allowed or deemed too narrow-minded, overzealous and overly specialized for the game you have in mind?

Also, if a character is a graduate of the House of Bells and serves in the Imperial Navy, could it be plausible that he serves perhaps as a junior officer on the ship that will transport the bride and entourage to Wavecrest, continuing then to help them etc or would his service in the Imperial Navy prevent him from participating properly in the story?
Midboss said:
Hey, is there still room left for another player. I must say this story sound fun to play.
You are welcome to join in. :D

Just a couple of questions. Would Immaculate monk characters be allowed or deemed too narrow-minded, overzealous and overly specialized for the game you have in mind?
Also, if a character is a graduate of the House of Bells and serves in the Imperial Navy, could it be plausible that he serves perhaps as a junior officer on the ship that will transport the bride and entourage to Wavecrest, continuing then to help them etc or would his service in the Imperial Navy prevent him from participating properly in the story?
A monk would be just fine. You could be sent along to make sure that the ceremony is performed correctly according to the will of the Dragons. Being a officer on the ship wouldn't work. ONce the party reaches its destination, you'd be expected to go off somewhere else.
So far, I have confirmed interest from




With possibles from



Please verify that you're interested, and I'll put in a request for the gameboard so we can start posting characters and background fluff.
Also verified, if needed. I think I'm planning on playing a Fire-Aspect; I'm stewing over an idea.
Ok, I'll post the request for the game board with the three of you, and if Blackadder and Storytime want in, I can add them.
The name of the game is going to be 'Wedding Crashers', and I just posted the request for our ourstanding site moderators to set it up.

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