Interest Check: Dragon Kings!


Black Sun in a White World
I've finally been in the mood to run a game again after long ages of apathy and school! So, after playing too much Assassin's Creed (king of genetic memory!), being reinvigorated on role-play and gaming while playing Sarky's wonderful Cities of Jade game, I'm hopping back in the saddle with an offering of out-of-time saurian action. There's a certain timeless 'we are as aged as our ruins unto the beginning of time' quality to Dragon Kings and they're never, ever shown enough love in this game. I intend to change this.

The players would be part of an perfect elder clutch (one of each Dragon King species) element of a larger contingent pressed into sleep approximately five months after the Balorian Crusade spilled into reality. They are designated guardians of an artifact that was placed in the tomb under (major Second Age city here) that was being threatened by the Fae advance. So, shuttled off, put under, and sleeping the sleep of the dead, goes great right? No.

As all plans and events during the Contagion this went painfully wrong. The players are the only survivors of the contingent (who all various died due to equipment failure, and other reasons outside Dragon King medical purview - like grave robbers). There may be one or two more who survived, but none can tell in the overturned chaos that is your manse-tomb. And what was the prize you were guarding? A Device from the Before. As in, before the First Age. Something forged during the War that escaped the destruction wrought by She Who Lives In Her Name.

The remaining enclaves unearthed it sometime during the Late First Age period, during the peak of Solar decadence and the slow descent toward the Usurpation. Brought to a quiet enclave far from Rathess, the thing was studied. It was determined that the device is intimately connected to the Shattering of the People, the great culling of Dragon Kings during the War. Study was stalled by the Usurpation, the recovery afterward, and the skirmish-wars with the Shogunate. Too precious to be risked to the Fae, it, and the players, were sealed away.

And now, after waking, the Device is missing. But to where? Who took it?

And even more worrisome, how long have the players slept? A game of culture shock, fallen glory, and perhaps a last burning spark of an all-but-forgotten people.

Being elders and paragons of your species, it'll be standard elder chargen and maybe 25-35 xp thrown on top, because they get a metric ton of swag in the first place. Social artifacts that don't let the populace flip the fuck out on first seeing you is very much recommended. You will not get a warm greeting on the surface without. Just keep that in mind. Think on history, your connections to the rest of the clutch, etc. It's important for Dragon Kings. That, and you guys knew each other through each incarnation.

Note: I may, MAY, take an idea for an Outcaste Dragon Blood to be a companion and guide for the clutch. A sort of Great White Hunter or Scavenger Lord who can acclimate them and show them the better sides of Creation. If anyone applies for this, wow me. Because I may not allow one at all.

For now I'm finishing up finals this week and job hunting, but I should be ready to get something off the ground in say two weeks or so? So, if you're interested please feel free to reply here and leave ideas for your characters (no need to get too in-depth yet, a paragraph or two blurb at the most). Cheers, guys!
Maybe, just so I can experience Cthulu_Wakes

(That is intended to be as creepy as it sounds)

Anyways, i could probably go for Mosok, but i'll have to re-read the book between midterms.

Would Jukashi's Lore5 articles be accepted? (Triceroks, etc.). I think someone will eventually ask that question.
Madmal said:
Anyways, i could probably go for Mosok, but i'll have to re-read the book between midterms.

Would Jukashi's Lore5 articles be accepted? (Triceroks, etc.). I think someone will eventually ask that question.
While I too did enjoy them, they shall not.
Yes. Pterok sorceror, I think.... chargen rules? I know a lot of the 2.5 errata is Exalt-specific.
Though an Anklok priest practitioner of that one Dragon King celestial MA could be cool...
The only thing I'd even consider giving the DKs out of the revised chargen is the four specialties, the intimacies, the new Willpower and Virtues. Everything else isn't really applicable to them. And very nice ideas!
C_W, may I just say ARGH. While I have some things to get settled before I can consider joining another game, count me interested even if I'm a bit busy. Maybe by the time you're ready to go I will be too, though...
I would be interested in this. Too many games that I've joined in have sputtered out and died.

My first choice would be a Pterok, but it looks like someone has already claimed that breed. How about a Raptok?
I'm looking over the download Debris of Fallen Races at the Dragon King martial arts, so I'm looking at a Form Charm that lets you raise your strength by the value of your Martial Arts rating, giving me a potential 14 Strength in a fight. Ouch!
So, any special rules on chargen? There was a mention of some starting xp. Anything else we should know about?
Is there going to be an opportunity for the players to become olchilike and be merged with a spirit?
Any updates we need to know about? What are you looking for in the way of character info?
It looks like there is enough interest for more than the perfect clutch of one of each kind of Dragon King.
Also, what about languages?

Our chars will be speaking Old Realm at best, or we just pretend we learn really fast and we spend the xp in linguistics after the first encounter? oO

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