interest check: Deathwatch


Senior Member
Looking for players for a forum-based deathwatch roleplay. I need 2-4 more, as I have 4 pledged from other sites.

Because of that there is a chance that this game will end up a hybrid game, perhaps played via Yahoo! Groups.

I have a multi-mission plot prepared, and it kicks off with investigating the lower tunnels of a hive city hunting for tyranids. It culminates, well, if I told you that would spoil the fun.

I only ask that players have experience at least with other wh40k rpgs, but deathwatch experience is preferred.

AlphaJester said:
Looking for players for a forum-based deathwatch roleplay. I need 2-4 more, as I have 4 pledged from other sites.
Because of that there is a chance that this game will end up a hybrid game, perhaps played via Yahoo! Groups.

I have a multi-mission plot prepared, and it kicks off with investigating the lower tunnels of a hive city hunting for tyranids. It culminates, well, if I told you that would spoil the fun.

I only ask that players have experience at least with other wh40k rpgs, but deathwatch experience is preferred.

Are you running this game here?
The dark wizard: I hope to. Downside is that other chaps need to register etc. I just like the set up here. Otherwise we find the place everyone can agree upon.
AlphaJester said:
The dark wizard: I hope to. Downside is that other chaps need to register etc. I just like the set up here. Otherwise we find the place everyone can agree upon.
Sounds good :) .

I just wanted to make sure because you are only allowed to advertise for your games on our site if you plan to run them here.
I have invited the players who showed interest at other sites to come here and register, as I intend to play the game here. In two days I will conduct the final head count and get the total number of interested parties so as to set up the gaming forum. If the other four turn up here before then I will launch early.
Any restrictions on what we can or can't make? Was looking at perhaps a Charcharodons Assault marine.

Or a White Scars Biker.
Oh Deathwatch I want in please. I'd love to do Dark Angel--not sure what role yet, but Deathwing or Ravenwing would be so sweet.
Hi i'm C0balt0 from the fantasyflight forum

I'd like to fill a specialist role, mainly Techmarine or Apothecary. Still unsure about the chapter.
ak-73 from FFG Forums. If you have spot open, I'll take one. I'll let everyone else make their choices first and then add whatever the team might need.

I'd be interested, except I'm not at all sure what type of marine I'd want to play. (I am assuming that Ordo Malleus is keeping the Grey Knights for themselves....)
Answers to questions: Any chapter is fair game, including black shield. Its the Deathwatch, after all. All I ask is that if your chapter of choice is not in the core book, just give me a book and page number so I can find it quickly.

Specialties are all open at the current time. Please no duplication of specialties until after we have at least one of each, with the exception of tactical marine. Go ahead and list your character name (if you have one) with chapter and specialty here to claim it first.
Going for Assault marine Charcharodon, Keraunos.

Characharodons come from Honour the Chapter, pp. 89 to 96.





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Brother Hyrion, Tech-marine of the Blood Ravens Chapter (Blood Ravens are from Honour the Chapter, pg.26-33)
I wanna play with that Kshatriya dude. If chapter/specialty need to be determined now, I'll pick Black Templar Apothecary but I'll literally play any combination.

Okay. to explain the rolls from earlier: they were determining Keraunos' Armor Mark and history results, per Rites of Battle. The 2 meant it was Mark V Heresy Armor. That meant two rolls on history tables. I rolled "Pick a table" and the Core book table. I got the results of: Thy Strength Be Legend and A Fury Like Lightning for them, meaning his suit grants +10 Str, +5 Agi, +1 Initiative. For being a Carcharodon, he gets +5 WS, +5 WP.
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Count me in. I hail from the B&C.

Was hoping to go a Sang Priest, but if someone wants to go an apothecary I don't mind choosing an assault marine.
I'd like to pull off maybe a Ravenwing Apothecary, or Deathwing depending on where we starts rank wise.
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Quozzo said:
Count me in. I hail from the B&C.
Was hoping to go a Sang Priest, but if someone wants to go an apothecary I don't mind choosing an assault marine.
Am going assault marine.












Name: Brother Keraunos

Chapter affiliation: Unstated. Watch Fortress records suggest Carcharodons likely.

Specialization: Deathwatch Assault Marine


  • WS: 50
  • BS: 43
  • Str: 46
  • T: 38
  • Ag: 42
  • Int: 43
  • Per: 47
  • WP: 46
  • Fel: 43
  • Wounds: 22
  • Fate Points: 3


  • Awareness
  • Ciphers (Chapter Runes)
  • Climb
  • Dodge
  • Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes)
  • Common Lore (Imperium)
  • Common Lore (War)
  • Common Lore (Deathwatch)
  • Concealment
  • Drive (Ground Vehicles)
  • Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
  • Intimidate
  • Literacy
  • Navigation (Surface)
  • Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)
  • Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed)
  • Silent Move
  • Speak Language (High Gothic)
  • Speak Language (Low Gothic)
  • Tactics (Assault Doctrine)
  • Tracking


  • Ambidextrous
  • Astartes Weapon Training
  • Bulging Biceps
  • Flesh Render
  • Frenzy
  • Heightened Senses (Hearing)
  • Heigtened Senses (Sight)
  • Killing Strike
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Quick Draw
  • Resistance (Psychic Powers)
  • True Grit
  • Unarmed Master


  • Mark V Heresy Armor
  • Astartes Bolt Pistol
  • Astartes Krak Grenade (x3)
  • Astartes Frag Grenade (x3)
  • Astartes Combat Knife
  • Repair Cement
  • Scrimshaw Talismans
  • Astartes Jump Pack
  • Astartes Chainsword


  • Frenzy: 250 xp
  • Flesh Render: 250 xp
  • Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed): 200
  • Swim: 100
  • Weapon Skill +5: 200
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