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Realistic or Modern Inter-dimensional Tale (CS)



Your Bizarre Acquaintance
Roleplay Type(s)
Ahoy! Here's the undoubtedly much-awaited Character Sheet! Take your time, give it a read and/or fire away your questions in the OOC thread. Good luck and have fun!

Name: What's your name?
Age: How old are you?
Nationality: Where did you come from?
Personality: How would you describe yourself?
Appearance: What do you look like?
*School of Arcane: What kind of magic do you practice?
*Cause of Demise: What caused you to leave the realm of the living? Or have you come here of your own accord?

*School of Arcane:
It's just a fancy term for "magical/ritualistic denomination," if you will. It can be Voodoo, Hoodoo or something in between, so long as it's grounded in our reality, e.g. Germanic neopagan rites or some ancient Zoroastrian heresy.
*Cause of Demise:
You don't have to channel your soul into the Wastes (That one magical dimension) straight away. It's a common practice among magic users to cast a Mark on themselves that, upon their death, transports their soul into the Wastes. This Mark can also be cast on unsuspecting commoners, which is why it's not unusual for people who have never had any contact with magic to die one day and wake up in the Wastes.

Name: Frederik Anward
Age: 31
Nationality: Danish
A repugnant and secretive ruralite who uses his asocial concealment to engage in Scandinavian heathenry -- or Forn Sed -- in secret. Being a firm believer in ancient Norse tradition, he scolds all but those he's already been acquainted with until they prove trustworthy. He's certainly the type you could relay your darkest secrets to.
Towering at 5'10'', he's a chestnut-haired Dane endowed with a confident blue-eyed glare and intimidating stature.
Reference Picture URL
School of Arcane: Forn Sed
Cause of Demise: A fatal car accident.
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Name: Kirin Fowl
Age: 29
Nationality: Englishman
Personality: A gentle individual that had a particular fondness for animals, spending much of her time at animal shelters and aiding animals in need, learning the methods of shamanism in the hopes of learning shapeshifting in its entirety, but dying before her studies where entirely complete, resulting in a division of polymorphing instead. Kirin is a polite woman with a high level of self-esteem, yet doesn't care about flaunting either her abilities or her origins. Tends to lose her graces and formality around those that do not care for the creatures of the planet.
Kirin full body.jpg
School of Arcane: Polymorphing
Cause of Demise: Shot whilst flying over a hunting forest
Name: Renellius Caius
Age: 34
Nationality: Born in the states but is Hispanic
Personality: The inquisitive type, always looking for answers to any questions oneself may have and finding the means to answer those questions if possible. Whether its in the lab or out in the field. His scientific mind has allowed him to learn the biology of many differing creatures that live in the world, from the man eating shark to the clucking chicken. with this knowledge he used it to aid any and all creatures of varying species that he could, though one day through a summoning gone wrong, Ren was mauled to death by a bear made of lightning.
Appearance: Ren is your typical Hispanic male, always in a lab flat with short cut hair and a hat. Though the man is true to his heritage, commuting to some practices and styles. His facial hair is always a stubble due to shaving it that way.
*School of Arcane: Elemental Conjuration
*Cause of Demise: Mauled to death by an electric bear
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name: Sabrina Iria Santana
soul age: twenty-three
age at the time of death: sixty-eight
nationality: Australian, though she is bi-racial. she was born in Sydney, NSW to a Cypriot immigrant [mama] and Tican [costa rica] immigrant [papa]. they arrived separately in Australia, in their teens and after they met each other, well~ the rest was history. her accent is australian, but depending on whether she is speaking greek or spanish, it definitely changes. she is the type of person to pronounce everything as it should be. she doesn't know about anyone else, but she hates it when greek or latin words are butchered by inconsiderates
personality: sabrina is, literally, an old soul. with wit beyond measure and knowledge beyond her years, she takes life as it comes. in her 68 years of loving, she has learnt to control her emotions and come to terms with her self and her body, making her very comfortable in her skin, and extremely accepting of others, as well as supportive of others well health and being. Sabrina more often than not advises and guides others to better them. because of this she jokes about being a hippie sometimes [which she was at one point]. as you come to know her you will find that behind her calm facade and naturality, Sabrina is like any other 23 year old 70's girl. when you meet her, she is newly young again; a free spirit unbound by old age and the responsibilities that come with it, blissfully unaware of the consequences of a little fun, reinvigorating herself with the magic she didnt know at this age [way back when] and yet still completely and utterly capable of recognising the weight of her abilities, and the situation she has put herself into. Sabrina is finding her ground, but when she does, she will be a force to be reckoned with. she is not always sure in her abilities, but would never do nothing. risks are there for her pleasure. she takes her challenges head on, loves to talk, favours spontaneity over order, is a known surrealist, values almost all living things, can be vengeful and mischievous, sometimes depends on the gods too much for guidance, can be dishonest, loves listening to other peoples passions, desires a real love connection she shied away from in her last life, is willing ot learn new forms of magic or hear about them, dislikes drugs/alcohol/smoking and never, ever, ever, doesn't have an opinion on something.
appearance/faceclaim: natalia castellar calvani - like any other woman out of time, her clothing plays a big part in her identity. her clothing is straight out of the 70's. bold, colourful, comfortable, practical and flared. her main outfit is her mustard turtleneck, brown/corduroy/leather jacket, dark blue/corduroy slacks and light brown/suede/knee high boots.
[top half pictured]
school of arcane: Binding Magic - Greece & Cyprus - The magic she practices is centred around the binding spells and god involved rituals of ancient greece and cyprus. her most important pieces of equipment are her spell book [which she has memorised front to back], and her talisman. the gold and emerald amulet she wears around her neck acts as a source of power, and guides her when she is feeling lost. it was a gift from her mother, who also practiced the ancient magic and whom in particular, was a seer. [before she migrated due to the war, she was the Pythia of her village - though only other magiki knew-] it took years to convince Sabrina to put The Mark on herself, but she did do it, in the best and worst year of her life [at age 23]. a big mistake her mother also made [at 16]~
cause of Demise: her field of magic has always kept her close to the earth's [and other worldly] flora and fauna.....this gave her a way out of her world, and into the next. she's never been overly fond of spiders' poisonous nature, but nonetheless, she has always cared for their lives. - the day she decided she would be happy moving on, Sabrina blessed her home and her garden for hours... and then she invited a friend into her palm. A female funnel web spider, otherwise known as atrax robustus, did her a good favour of biting Sabrina once, into her wrist. -she had 15 minutes to put the spider to sleep, with her own protection, in the garden- it would go down as an unfortunate spider bite with no call for help.
Sabrina was the neighbourhood lovely. she taught local kids spanish and greek and french, and filled their heads with stories and myths. she even sold handmade goods to their parents when she had a hand in moving them from her home. eventually, they would find her lying beneath her largest and pinkest crepe maple tree, asleep, unbothered, and clutching her fading talisman. though not for a long while it seemed. old ms Sabrina Satine lived by herself in a house on the hill, hours from her neighbours. they knew she was healthy. they knew she was safe. besides, Sabrina doesn't want to be disturbed.
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Name: Mahalia Abaday
Age: 26
Nationality: Filipino
Personality: She's gentle but vicious at the same time. She is very proud of her origins even though people make fun of her for it. She's very bossy and likes people to acknowledge her abilities. If there's someone who she's not very fond of, she won't help them at all even if they beg. The only person that deserves her utmost respect is her instructor, who sees her as the best student. You must show your best qualities in order to catch her attention and must show respect to get on her good side.

School of Arcane: Kulam
Cause of Demise: Snake bite
Name: Paovun (pronounced p-A-oh-voon)
Age: 21
Nationality: Mixed (Scottish and Native American)
Personality: Friendly, inquisitive, and occasionally bitchy. Tends to observe and learn before acting/reacting. Sucker for cute animals and books, especially learning new spells and rituals.​
Appearance: 5'11 | 120 lbs | Description as follows:
  • Black hair, which seems to fade to white, with some multi-colored highlights. The unsettling thing is, while looking at their hair, the color seems to be constantly blending - you can never pinpoint where the black roots fade, or where the white begins, and the highlights are different upon looking away. The styling is more or less a faux undercut- sides of the head braided back, with longer hair hanging down over the shoulders. A few feathers and beads can occasionally be seen. The longer portion of hair is also tied back at times.
  • Eyes have been altered as well: all black except for teal-grey irises and a very fine line of white separating the pupil from the iris.
  • Clothing: Generally, dark colors with the occasional lighter/brighter accent or design. Tends to wear a mix of skinny jeans and harem pants, combat boots or platform heels, and designed shirts. You'll always see them carrying a satchel and mostly wearing a black cargo jacket (which they store materials needed for magic and other supplies in)
  • Facial features: Similar to Eugene Lee Yang, from Buzzfeed.
*School of Arcane: Magician - Discipline: Knowledge | Focus: Pagan/Celtic majority, native ritual/symbolism, and use of a familiar.
Cause of Demise: Following a form of Guidance/Vision quest, with the familiar as a focal point, Paovun slips through the planes and into the Wastes during a blood moon.​

* (read the inserted links for reference - not an exact reference as I'm only using base parts of the magical system from this show, not the full background and story, etc)

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