• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Institution For The Supernaturally Enhanced (ISE) CS



✧☽ 𝒹 𝓇 𝑒 𝒶 𝓂 𝒾 𝓃 𝑔 ☾✧
















Facial hair:





Other appearance traits:









Good habits:

Bad habits:




Ability Explanation:

Lucien Karnavan - Advanced Powered Combat
Christopher Coren - Self Defence
Charles Wright - Health and Nature
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Name: Setaki Noctis

Nickname: Set

Gender: Male

Species: Superhuman

Sexuality: Straight

Grade/year: Senior

Age: 18

Birthdate: December 30th


Height: 5'11

Weight: Muscular, lbs unknown

Tattoos/Piercings: None

Glasses: None

Makeup: None

Jewelry: Wears a silver dog tag around his neck.

Facial hair: None

Acne/freckles: None

Tail: None

Wings: None

Horns: None

Other appearance traits: Shoulder-length silver hair with cascading left side bangs, silver-gray eyes. 5'11, lean but miuscular, lightly-tanned skin.


Personality: Flirtatious, social butterfly, sly, cunning, smart, quick-witted, kind-hearted, selfless, strong, brave, fierce, very protective, determined.

Likes: Singing, writing his own songs, listening to music, playing instruments (favorites are piano and guitars), athletics, excersize, likes to be outdoors often, especially at night, motor bikes, riding his motorcycle, Black Thunder, challenging himself, standing up for the underdog, hanging out with friends, being socialable, etc.

Dislikes: Bullying, fakes, liars, snooty people, rudeness, smothering, clinginess, disrespectful/careless behavior, nosy people, etc.

Dreams: To become a famous rock singer.

Fears: Losing the ones he loves, the inability to protect those he loves, himself and his power, he fears himself the most.

Talents: Singing, writing his own songs, playing instruments (favorites are piano and guitars), athletics, has trained himself to fight combatively and his speed helps him tremendously as well.

Flaws: Quick temper, confidence varies, possessive, bleeding heart, not quick to trust, impulsive, sarcastic at times, destructive rage. Also pushes himself too much very frequently.

Good habits: Keeping himself in shape, keeping up with his work and turning it in on time, showing respect to all unless they do something to ward away his respect, isn't too quick to trust, has some degree of wisdom, doesn't give up, is brutally honest, etc.

Bad habits: Gets angry too quickly, is impulsive, drinks when he is emotional, sarcastic at times, closes himself off from everyone when upset, dare-devil

Hobbies: Singing, writing his own songs, listening to music, playing instruments (favorites are piano and guitars), athletics, excersize, outdoor activities, riding his motorcycle Black Thunder, fixing up vehicles and other machinery, hanging out with friends, etc.


Ability: Superhuman speed

Ability Explanation: He was born with it. When he was younger he was challenged to a race and found out he could run as fast as lightning.
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Name: Charlotte McGuire

Nickname: Charlie

Gender: Female

Species: Half Siren // Half Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade/year: Junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: October 26th


Height: 5’3”

Weight: 140 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings: She has a single diamond stud in each ear lobe, and a sterling silver industrial bar through her right ear. She has a teeny, tiny sunflower tattooed on the back of her neck.

Glasses: None

Makeup: Most days, she wears nothing but eyeliner sharpened into a black wing, and mascara to lengthen her eyelashes to full extent.

Jewelry: A diamond ring given to her by her father. She wears it always on her right ring finger. It matches her delicate earrings.

Facial hair: None

Acne/freckles: Tiny little freckles dot her nose and the apples of her cheeks.

Tail: None, though her species typically have tails like that of mermaids, she was born with human legs.

Wings: None

Horns: None

Other appearance traits: She has strawberry red hair that cascades down her back as a waterfall of curls. Her eyes are the closest things to emeralds, and her skin is the color of a pale cream.


Personality: Charlotte is shy, quiet, and awkward; but still sweet and kind all the same. She opens up wonderfully to anyone who gets to know her. She is a delicate, soft individual.

Likes: She loves music, singing, instruments, books, poetry, and stargazing.

Dislikes: Rude people, her mother, science class, and getting into trouble are the only things that really get to her.

Dreams: She aspires to be the person her father would want her to be, to make him proud.

Fears: She loathes the idea of abandonment, isolation, and becoming a nobody.

Talents: She excels at singing, playing instruments, and writing.

Flaws: She’s a bit clumsy, procrastinates, and can be quite disorganized. She has trouble joining in on conversations, making her seem very distant. She’s extremely sensitive at times.

Good habits: She’s always on time, always meets her deadlines, and keeps a clean living area despite being disorganized. She’s always kind to everyone, and expects nothing but kindness in return.

Bad habits: She always meets her deadlines.... after procrastinating until last minute. She tends to ignore people on accident, not noticing they’re actually speaking to her directly. She’s too sensitive, and tends to let things hurt her feelings easily.

Hobbies: She dabbles in music, writing, and art. (Mostly the first two; she’s rather bad at art.) Her strengths are poetry and writing her own music.


Ability: Sonic Voice

Ability Explanation: She can knock her enemies back with a song of tremors; her sound waves are so powerful, she can shatter glass, shake the ground, and make her opponent vulnerable. Her mother was a Siren, so her Sonic Voice is genetic. She spent a lot of time training with her father as a kid to control her ability so she could practice her love for music.
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Name: Tomoki Fuji

Nickname: Tomo, Moki

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Straight

Grade/year: Junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: May 20th


Height: 5'9

Weight: 140 lbs

Tattoos/Piercings: Ear piercings

Glasses: N/A

Makeup: N/A

Jewelry: Silver Dangle Earrings

Facial hair: N/A

Acne/freckles: N/A

Tail: N/A

Wings: N/A

Horns: N/A

Other appearance traits: N/A


Personality: Tomoki was a very popular boy in middle school because of his looks and talent. He is a very smart student, as well as being good at sports, and although he was very popular, he doesn't let it go to his head. On the contrary he seems to think the whole popularity-thing is rather troublesome. Most of the time, he has a outgoing and humorous attitude. Not what you would expect from a demon, huh?

Likes: Girls, Video Games, TV, hanging with friends, and fighting

Dislikes: Bees, people who do messed up things, people who hurt the people he loves

Dreams: N/A

Fears: Bees and losing control of his power and hurting the people he loves

Talents: Singing, dancing, sports, playing Instruments, and fighting

Flaws: Can get super jealous sometimes

Good habits: Acknowledging people, holding the door open, and helping people whenever he can

Bad habits: Forgetting stuff

Hobbies: Playing video games, singing, dancing, playing instruments, and fighting.


Abilities: Fire Manipulation and Rage Power

Ability Explanation:

Fire Manipulation - Ability to create, shape and manipulate fire.

Rage Power - Ability to gain strength from anger.​
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Name: Setaki Noctis

Nickname: Set

Gender: Male

Species: Superhuman

Sexuality: Straight

Grade/year: Senior

Age: 18

Birthdate: December 30th


Height: 5'11

Weight: Muscular, lbs unknown

Tattoos/Piercings: None

Glasses: None

Makeup: None

Jewelry: Wears a silver dog tag around his neck.

Facial hair: None

Acne/freckles: None

Tail: None

Wings: None

Horns: None

Other appearance traits: Shoulder-length silver hair with cascading left side bangs, silver-gray eyes. 5'11, lean but miuscular, lightly-tanned skin.


Personality: Flirtatious, social butterfly, sly, cunning, smart, quick-witted, kind-hearted, selfless, strong, brave, fierce, very protective, determined.

Likes: Singing, writing his own songs, listening to music, playing instruments (favorites are piano and guitars), athletics, excersize, likes to be outdoors often, especially at night, motor bikes, riding his motorcycle, Black Thunder, challenging himself, standing up for the underdog, hanging out with friends, being socialable, etc.

Dislikes: Bullying, fakes, liars, snooty people, rudeness, smothering, clinginess, disrespectful/careless behavior, nosy people, etc.

Dreams: To become a famous rock singer.

Fears: Losing the ones he loves, the inability to protect those he loves, himself and his power, he fears himself the most.

Talents: Singing, writing his own songs, playing instruments (favorites are piano and guitars), athletics, has trained himself to fight combatively and his speed helps him tremendously as well.

Flaws: Quick temper, confidence varies, possessive, bleeding heart, not quick to trust, impulsive, sarcastic at times, destructive rage. Also pushes himself too much very frequently.

Good habits: Keeping himself in shape, keeping up with his work and turning it in on time, showing respect to all unless they do something to ward away his respect, isn't too quick to trust, has some degree of wisdom, doesn't give up, is brutally honest, etc.

Bad habits: Gets angry too quickly, is impulsive, drinks when he is emotional, sarcastic at times, closes himself off from everyone when upset, dare-devil

Hobbies: Singing, writing his own songs, listening to music, playing instruments (favorites are piano and guitars), athletics, excersize, outdoor activities, riding his motorcycle Black Thunder, fixing up vehicles and other machinery, hanging out with friends, etc.


Ability: Superhuman speed

Ability Explanation: He was born with it. When he was younger he was challenged to a race and found out he could run as fast as lightning.

Name: Charlotte McGuire

Nickname: Charlie

Gender: Female

Species: Half Siren // Half Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade/year: Junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: October 26th


Height: 5’3”

Weight: 140 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings: She has a single diamond stud in each ear lobe, and a sterling silver industrial bar through her right ear. She has a teeny, tiny sunflower tattooed on the back of her neck.

Glasses: None

Makeup: Most days, she wears nothing but eyeliner sharpened into a black wing, and mascara to lengthen her eyelashes to full extent.

Jewelry: A diamond ring given to her by her father. She wears it always on her right ring finger. It matches her delicate earrings.

Facial hair: None

Acne/freckles: Tiny little freckles dot her nose and the apples of her cheeks.

Tail: None, though her species typically have tails like that of mermaids, she was born with human legs.

Wings: None

Horns: None

Other appearance traits: She has strawberry red hair that cascades down her back as a waterfall of curls. Her eyes are the closest things to emeralds, and her skin is the color of a pale cream.


Personality: Charlotte is shy, quiet, and awkward; but still sweet and kind all the same. She opens up wonderfully to anyone who gets to know her. She is a delicate, soft individual.

Likes: She loves music, singing, instruments, books, poetry, and stargazing.

Dislikes: Rude people, her mother, science class, and getting into trouble are the only things that really get to her.

Dreams: She aspires to be the person her father would want her to be, to make him proud.

Fears: She loathes the idea of abandonment, isolation, and becoming a nobody.

Talents: She excels at singing, playing instruments, and writing.

Flaws: She’s a bit clumsy, procrastinates, and can be quite disorganized. She has trouble joining in on conversations, making her seem very distant. She’s extremely sensitive at times.

Good habits: She’s always on time, always meets her deadlines, and keeps a clean living area despite being disorganized. She’s always kind to everyone, and expects nothing but kindness in return.

Bad habits: She always meets her deadlines.... after procrastinating until last minute. She tends to ignore people on accident, not noticing they’re actually speaking to her directly. She’s too sensitive, and tends to let things hurt her feelings easily.

Hobbies: She dabbles in music, writing, and art. (Mostly the first two; she’s rather bad at art.) Her strengths are poetry and writing her own music.


Ability: Sonic Voice

Ability Explanation: She can knock her enemies back with a song of tremors; her sound waves are so powerful, she can shatter glass, shake the ground, and make her opponent vulnerable. Her mother was a Siren, so her Sonic Voice is genetic. She spent a lot of time training with her father as a kid to control her ability so she could practice her love for music.
Wow, Wolflily Wolflily would you be able to handle three OCs?

I actually have more I'm making, going to have a total of six for now. And yes believe me, I can handle very many OCs. I am a part of many rps currently and have various different characters for each one. I have been rping since my Freshman year of high school and I'm surprisingly very skilled at it. Other than this one... I have close to ten other rps I am a part of each with 20+ characters I play :)
I even have several rps I created myself. I love to write and draw, its pretty much my life considering I'm making a career out of it 😂
  • tumblr_p6fh7mFOBc1tfcn84o1_540.png Art by Marcia's Art Blog
    Taylor Jordan

    T.J, Ghost






    October, 31​



Name: Haika Black

Nickname: H, Hai, Daika (Demon Haika), Laika (Angel Haika)

Gender: Female

Species: Half Angel, half Demon

Sexuality: Straight

Grade/year: Senior

Age: 18

Birthdate: June 8th


Height: 5'7

Weight: 160 lbs

Tattoos/Piercings: None

Glasses: None

Makeup: Likes to wear nude shades, like browns and golds, as well as shades that can create smokey effects. Also wears blush, mascara, eyeliner, and occasionally concealer and contour.

Jewelry: Varies depending on what she decided to wear each day.

Facial hair: None

Acne/freckles: None

Tail: None

Wings: One white fading gold feathered wing, one black bat wing but she keeps them concealed with her magic. If she goes full Demon, she will have black bat wings. If she goes full Angel, she will have white feathered wings that fade to gold at the tips.

Horns: Only appear when she goes full Demon. They are black and curly.

Other appearance traits: Long black hair with white streaks, bright amber eyes, the red eye she keeps hidden under thick left side bangs. Jagged scar through her left eye, fair skin. Thin, delicate frame. When she goes full Angel mode, her eyes become gold and her hair turns white. When she becomes full Demon mode her eyes become red and her hair becomes black. She also grows a pair of fangs. When using her magic not in her full modes, her left eye becomes red and her right eye becomes gold.


Personality: Bubbly, social butterfly, cute, compassionate, loving, caring, kind-hearted, independent, brave, strong, positive, bright, smart, charming, respectful, motherly nature, fiercely protective, fiercely loyal, sensitive, more on the emotional side, girly girl, boy crazy (especially for Setaki), etc.

Likes: Setaki Noctis, almost obsessively, leading, cheerleading, school, being involved, dancing, social gatherings (big ones too), hanging out with her parental guardian and friends, eating (more than she likes to admit), cooking, etc.

Dislikes: Bullies, trouble makers and rule breakers, disrespect, violence of any kind unless she has to be a part of it, failing or making graded below an A, snooty people, etc.

Dreams: She wants to either become a professional cheerleader, a culinary chef, or a professional dancer.

Fears: Failure, becoming a disappointment, causing someone to be upset, rejection (especially from Setaki), darkness, the inability to control her powers, weakness, never being enough, has extreme claustrophobia and an irrational fear of bugs.

Talents: Cheerleading, dancing, singing though she doesn't do it much, cooking, etc.

Flaws: Has a hard time sometimes controlling her powers because the two sides of her clash violently when she uses them. Can be emotional and very sensitive so she is easy to hurt or upset, she is possessive and clingy, involves herself in drama even if it is unintentional, attracts trouble, is gullible and easy to manipulate, too trusting, too open about herself, etc.

Good habits: Stays on top of her school work and involvements, keeps herself in shape, is honest and wise, is on time and keeps her grades as high as possible, never letting them slip below an A, gets involved with the school and students/teachers, is optimistic, tries to be around when she can be if anyone needs her, etc.

Bad habits: Likes to put her nose in everyone's business, hides some of her feelings sometimes, eats almost gluttonously and makes some poor eating choices, sometimes not eating at all if she doesn't have time, is forgetful and somewhat messy, is too trusting, gets herself into trouble frequently mostly outside of school, involves herself in drama, etc.

Hobbies: Cheerleading, dancing, cooking, listening to music, sometimes singing, reading, studying, learning new things, eating, hanging out, partying, attending and even creating social gatherings and events, stargazing, etc.


Ability: Half Demon Half Angel; weilds both dark and light magic together as Red Magic.

Ability Explanation: Without going full modes, she can weild red magic, a combination of dark and light magic, together. If she goes full Demon or Angel mode, her strength and energy rapidly deplete and can even be damaging severely to her if she overexerts herself. She can also lose control of her abilities.
Human Mode: Can manipulate objects, control objects with her mind, create barriers/projectiles/defensive and offensive objects. Can fly when materializing her wings.
Full Angel Mode: Can weild White Magic; healing (minor injuries mostly), creating and manipulating light, creating light barriers/projectiles/defensive and offensive objects, has a mild ability to manipulate wind but it is not very strong yet.
Full Demon Mode: Can weild Black Magic; create illusions, mind control, deception, manipulate shadows and darkness/dark energy, can create forcefields and dark energy objects, can fly. Her most dangerous form and the hardest for her to control, so she tries not to become Demonic if she can avoid it.

Other: Is the best and childhood friend of Setaki, they grew up together. She is madly in love with him. Her parental guardian is Rosin Praesidio.

Character Development


Name || Lucien Karnavan

Nickname || Lux

Gender || Male

Species || Human (?)

Sexuality || Homosexual

Subject || Teacher, Advanced Powered Combat

Age || Physically, 25. Chronologically 50

Birthdate || August 15th

Lux is a quite handsome man, standing 6' 2" in height and just having 167 lbs in weight. He has a beautiful white hair which he keeps in a style he calls "controlled mess", taking care of it everyday while still looking carefree, many people compare his hair with the softest silk, his eyes are of an unusual light lavender color which he would often hide by closing them. His skin is soft and flawlessly white without traces of scars, piercings or tattoos covering his body, not even acne or freckles, just smooth to the touch, strangely, he won't really get facial hair either but maybe he just has good shaving skills.


Lux is known by the students by many names, some associated with his former job, others with his abilities, but the most characteristic ones are "Soft Angel" and "Mr. Prince". He's a kind and friendly gentleman in every way possible, his manners, how he walks, even his form of laughing may make you see him as a royal blooded man. He would help everyone in need, and that includes rivals if by any chance he could get one. He's very passionate when it comes to love and would make his lover feel cherished and loved each and every passing second.

Although his kind manners are his common persona, when he has to fight seriously, he changes in a very distinct way. He becomes cold and analytical, to the point of no caring if the opponent is in a critical state after one of his worldwide known devastating techniques. He says that this persona is his real one, activated by someone offending one of the principles he stand for and defending it with all he has to offer.

Likes & Disses
↑ Strawberries
↑ Magic
↑ Training
↓ Rude people
↓ Questions about his past
↓ Bullying

Goals & Fears
↑ Finding love
↑ Reach the pinnacle of his powers
↓ Go back to the "old ways"
↓ Die

Talents & Flaws
↑ Singing
↑ Play the violin
↓ He can be slightly naive with common things
↓ He would often run away from painful questions

Ups & Downs
↑ Good listener
↑ Good adviser
↓ Runs away from questions about himself and his past
↓ Often forgets easily

Play instruments
Hone his fighting skills


Lux is a true master of the arts of Light through the use of Aether/Eternano to fuel it. He knew about his affinity with light from the very beginning of his studies of magic, which comes when he was only 10 years old. In 15 years, he learned and created many ways to manipulate the element, to the point of gaining multiple titles, but the one he's proud of is "God of Dawn" as each people who see him using his arts praise his skills to the point of comparing them to that of deities. Each nickname he has is linked with the knowledge he's been gathering over the years, and with this he created beautifully deadly spells, even one which decreased his aging process exponentially, seemingly halting it. As an added bonus, his magic by itself is able to induce a purification effect, cleansing and eradicating all things considered as "impure, evil and a vice" in his eyes, making him an Kessinger, a type of mage comparable to an exorcist.

He stated that he only revealed the 5% of his abilities to the public eye.


A simple and minimalistic form of raw manipulation of light which he honestly doesn't consider to be magic at all. Techniques falling on this category aren't considered as spells and just simple displays of light, by mimicking the power of some people to manipulate elements without a magic circle. People who see this just calls him by the name of "Light Manipulator".

Light Ray
- Lux collects photons from the environment and then he infuses them with his mana to finally shoot a glimmering beam of light. He does consider it a basic manipulation of light rather than a spell, yet his parents think its brilliant.

Light Ball
- Based on an universal basic spell, he made this one. It has the same start as Light Ray, yet its slightly smaller. He recollects photons and finally cover them with a thin layer of mana to give it the shape of a sphere, launching it towards the target with the same power of a physical bullet. Again, he doesn't see it as a true spell and rather a simple manipulation of light.

Light Arrow
- A mixture between Light Ball and Light Ray. It is another basic manipulation of light with a twist, as he gives it the shape of an arrow on the tip. A trail of light follows this projectile while it travels towards the target, penetrating and finally exploding in a small detonation of light.

Light Shield
- Lux releases some of his energy to then make the shape of an hexagonal wall covering his front, then photons start to fill the shape and solidify into a construction of pure light.

First Aid
- Lux covers a wounded area with light and mana to revitalize the area and make the process of healing quicker than normally would, only leaving a faint scar that would also disappear within minutes.

- Lux weaves photons in multiple patterns that together form an illusion. With this spell, he can conceal his real self by manipulating the photons around him and reshaping them to leave an image behind without having to worry about being optically spotted since Lux would be physically invisible.

Photonic Blade
- Lux unleashes a bit of his internal energy on his hand, to then manipulate the photons around it and extend a short beam of tangible light that is quite sharp and can be used as a weapon. Depending on the amount of Mana used, it can become longer or shorter.

Light of Dawn
- Lux coats his hands with mana to then attract photons around them, making them glow in an intense light to finally manipulate it to make simple patterns which would let the power of light flow through his hands. With each attack using his fists would release a short stream of a searing yellow brilliance.

This category relies on spells he thinks that are quite basic and simple compared to the other ones he has. As they're proper spells, these are more powerful than the previous category, although still paling in comparison with why he's called "Knight of Light". Although when he displays these skills he's known as "Light Disciple".

Light Pulse
- Lux recollects light from the surroundings to then make it detonate in a remote explosion wherever he's pointing his fingers at the moment. This gives him an advantage since its extremely fast and needs quick reactions to dodge or receive minimal damage.

Shiny Sniper
- Lux points his fingers to then shoot a beam of condensed light which would pierce through the body of the target as a knife through hot butter. It can be shot multiple times without having to rest.

Blinding Shot
- With a swipe of his hand, Lux shoots multiple bullets made out of light which would detonate into blinding flashes that would also contain heat, causing light burns.

Ray Impact
- A large ray of brilliant light blasts from the palms of his hands and engulfs his opponent in the shape of an eagle that carries them back quite a distance. The eagle can be manipulated from a remote distance by Lux, making him able to control the direction it would take.

Rain of Light
- A barrage of multiple light bullets is shot from Lux palm in an almost blinding speed that would pummel anything trying to maneuver into it.

Light Soul
- Lux generates a large golden sphere in his hand and unleashes long snake like souls with faces all shooting towards his opponent. Same as the Ray Impact spell, the light souls can be manipulated to trap the target and make them receive all the damage.

Protection of Light
- Lux creates a sphere of light in his hands and either breaks it enveloping him with light or tosses it at his allies which breaks on contact. The light envelopes the target and creates a bright protective barrier around them which also increases their physical abilities and skills.

Healing Aurora
- Lux envelopes his hand in a soft light with multiple colors and then lifts it up to create a field of light, which would heal those touched by the rays of light, closing their smaller wounds while treating the more lethal ones to not become worse and healing them slowly.

Embraced by Light
- Lux envelopes his whole body in light and then start to float slightly as he sheds light around him as a beacon, those touched by the gently light start to heal slowly as they regain both stamina and mana, increasing their fighting prowesses.

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Name: Christopher Coren.

Nickname: Chris.

Gender: Male

Species: Zombie.

Sexuality: Straight.

Subject: Teacher,self defence.

Age: 20.


Height: below average hight but not to short.

Weight: ???

Tattoos/Piercings: none.

Glasses: none.

Makeup: none.

Jewelry: none.

Facial hair: none.

Acne/freckles: none.

Tail: none.

Wings: none.

Horns: none.

Other appearance traits: short blonde hair,exposed teeth,one complete arm and one stub of a arm. (my Profile Pic is what he looks like)


Personality: kind,caring,selfless,a bit of a temper.

Likes: coffee,working as a Coroner and a Teacher andmaking new friends.

Dislikes: being made fun off,paperwork,overly hyper people,having sudden urges to eat flesh or brains.

Dreams: to be a well know teacher and Coroner.

Fears: that he is gonna one day loose it and kill and infect everyone in the school.

Talents: he can aim a gun straight at someones head and usally not miss,he can easily make friends.

Flaws: he is a huge procrastinator when it comes to paperwork and he puts it off for a long time,he sometimes forgets about the well being over others,he zones out sometimes and it's hard to get him to come back to reality.

Good habits: showering every day before he goes to work,taking daily walks.

Bad habits: zoning out,procrastinating,telling himself he looks horrible.

Hobbies: watching zombie movies,reading books on zombies,doing target practice.


Ability: he can turn others into zombies,but he only does that when he's lost control of himself.

Ability Explanation: when he got turned into a zombie he got that ability.
  • View attachment 513396 Art by Marcia's Art Blog
    Taylor Jordan

    T.J, Ghost






    October, 31​

Character Development


Name || Lucien Karnavan

Nickname || Lux

Gender || Male

Species || Human (?)

Sexuality || Homosexual

Subject || Teacher, Advanced Powered Combat

Age || Physically, 25. Chronologically 50

Birthdate || August 15th

Lux is a quite handsome man, standing 6' 2" in height and just having 167 lbs in weight. He has a beautiful white hair which he keeps in a style he calls "controlled mess", taking care of it everyday while still looking carefree, many people compare his hair with the softest silk, his eyes are of an unusual light lavender color which he would often hide by closing them. His skin is soft and flawlessly white without traces of scars, piercings or tattoos covering his body, not even acne or freckles, just smooth to the touch, strangely, he won't really get facial hair either but maybe he just has good shaving skills.


Lux is known by the students by many names, some associated with his former job, others with his abilities, but the most characteristic ones are "Soft Angel" and "Mr. Prince". He's a kind and friendly gentleman in every way possible, his manners, how he walks, even his form of laughing may make you see him as a royal blooded man. He would help everyone in need, and that includes rivals if by any chance he could get one. He's very passionate when it comes to love and would make his lover feel cherished and loved each and every passing second.

Although his kind manners are his common persona, when he has to fight seriously, he changes in a very distinct way. He becomes cold and analytical, to the point of no caring if the opponent is in a critical state after one of his worldwide known devastating techniques. He says that this persona is his real one, activated by someone offending one of the principles he stand for and defending it with all he has to offer.

Likes & Disses
↑ Strawberries
↑ Magic
↑ Training
↓ Rude people
↓ Questions about his past
↓ Bullying

Goals & Fears
↑ Finding love
↑ Reach the pinnacle of his powers
↓ Go back to the "old ways"
↓ Die

Talents & Flaws
↑ Singing
↑ Play the violin
↓ He can be slightly naive with common things
↓ He would often run away from painful questions

Ups & Downs
↑ Good listener
↑ Good adviser
↓ Runs away from questions about himself and his past
↓ Often forgets easily

Play instruments
Hone his fighting skills


Lux is a true master of the arts of Light through the use of Aether/Eternano to fuel it. He knew about his affinity with light from the very beginning of his studies of magic, which comes when he was only 10 years old. In 15 years, he learned and created many ways to manipulate the element, to the point of gaining multiple titles, but the one he's proud of is "God of Dawn" as each people who see him using his arts praise his skills to the point of comparing them to that of deities. Each nickname he has is linked with the knowledge he's been gathering over the years, and with this he created beautifully deadly spells, even one which decreased his aging process exponentially, seemingly halting it. As an added bonus, his magic by itself is able to induce a purification effect, cleansing and eradicating all things considered as "impure, evil and a vice" in his eyes, making him an Kessinger, a type of mage comparable to an exorcist.

He stated that he only revealed the 5% of his abilities to the public eye.


A simple and minimalistic form of raw manipulation of light which he honestly doesn't consider to be magic at all. Techniques falling on this category aren't considered as spells and just simple displays of light, by mimicking the power of some people to manipulate elements without a magic circle. People who see this just calls him by the name of "Light Manipulator".

Light Ray
- Lux collects photons from the environment and then he infuses them with his mana to finally shoot a glimmering beam of light. He does consider it a basic manipulation of light rather than a spell, yet his parents think its brilliant.

Light Ball
- Based on an universal basic spell, he made this one. It has the same start as Light Ray, yet its slightly smaller. He recollects photons and finally cover them with a thin layer of mana to give it the shape of a sphere, launching it towards the target with the same power of a physical bullet. Again, he doesn't see it as a true spell and rather a simple manipulation of light.

Light Arrow
- A mixture between Light Ball and Light Ray. It is another basic manipulation of light with a twist, as he gives it the shape of an arrow on the tip. A trail of light follows this projectile while it travels towards the target, penetrating and finally exploding in a small detonation of light.

Light Shield
- Lux releases some of his energy to then make the shape of an hexagonal wall covering his front, then photons start to fill the shape and solidify into a construction of pure light.

First Aid
- Lux covers a wounded area with light and mana to revitalize the area and make the process of healing quicker than normally would, only leaving a faint scar that would also disappear within minutes.

- Lux weaves photons in multiple patterns that together form an illusion. With this spell, he can conceal his real self by manipulating the photons around him and reshaping them to leave an image behind without having to worry about being optically spotted since Lux would be physically invisible.

This category relies on spells he thinks that are quite basic and simple compared to the other ones he has. As they're proper spells, these are more powerful than the previous category, although still paling in comparison with why he's called "God of Dawn". Although when he displays these skills he's known as "Light Disciple".

Light Pulse
- Lux recollects light from the surroundings to then make it detonate in a remote explosion wherever he's pointing his fingers at the moment. This gives him an advantage since its extremely fast and needs quick reactions to dodge or receive minimal damage.

Shiny Sniper
- Lux points his fingers to then shoot a beam of condensed light which would pierce through the body of the target as a knife through hot butter. It can be shot multiple times without having to rest.

Blinding Shot
- With a swipe of his hand, Lux shoots multiple bullets made out of light which would detonate into blinding flashes that would also contain heat, causing light burns.

Ray Impact
- A large ray of brilliant light blasts from the palms of his hands and engulfs his opponent in the shape of an eagle that carries them back quite a distance. The eagle can be manipulated from a remote distance by Lux, making him able to control the direction it would take.

Rain of Light
- A barrage of multiple light bullets is shot from Lux palm in an almost blinding speed that would pummel anything trying to maneuver into it.

Light Soul
- Lux generates a large golden sphere in his hand and unleashes long snake like souls with faces all shooting towards his opponent. Same as the Ray Impact spell, the light souls can be manipulated to trap the target and make them receive all the damage.


Name: Christopher Coren.

Nickname: Chris.

Gender: Male

Species: Zombie.

Sexuality: Straight.

Subject: Teacher,self defence.

Age: 20.


Height: below average hight but not to short.

Weight: ???

Tattoos/Piercings: none.

Glasses: none.

Makeup: none.

Jewelry: none.

Facial hair: none.

Acne/freckles: none.

Tail: none.

Wings: none.

Horns: none.

Other appearance traits: short blonde hair,exposed teeth,one complete arm and one stub of a arm. (my Profile Pic is what he looks like)


Personality: kind,caring,selfless,a bit of a temper.

Likes: coffee,working as a Coroner and a Teacher andmaking new friends.

Dislikes: being made fun off,paperwork,overly hyper people,having sudden urges to eat flesh or brains.

Dreams: to be a well know teacher and Coroner.

Fears: that he is gonna one day loose it and kill and infect everyone in the school.

Talents: he can aim a gun straight at someones head and usally not miss,he can easily make friends.

Flaws: he is a huge procrastinator when it comes to paperwork and he puts it off for a long time,he sometimes forgets about the well being over others,he zones out sometimes and it's hard to get him to come back to reality.

Good habits: showering every day before he goes to work,taking daily walks.

Bad habits: zoning out,procrastinating,telling himself he looks horrible.

Hobbies: watching zombie movies,reading books on zombies,doing target practice.


Ability: he can turn others into zombies,but he only does that when he's lost control of himself.

Ability Explanation: when he got turned into a zombie he got that ability.
All accepted.
Major WIP

Name: Dexter Jameson

Nickname: Dex, DJ

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Hetero



Birthdate: 12th March


Height: 6'0

Weight: 140lbs


Glasses: yes

Makeup: no

Jewelry: necklace

Facial hair: no

Acne/freckles: no

Tail: no

Wings: no

Horns: no

Other appearance traits:









Good habits:

Bad habits:



Ability: Weight manipulation

Ability Explanation:

Name: Anastasia

Nickname: Ani

Gender: Female

Species: Gorgon

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade/year: junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: 13/05


Height: 5ft8in

Weight: 45kg

Tattoos/Piercings: n/a

Glasses: basic pair of sunglasses



Facial hair: n/a

Acne/freckles: n/a



Horns:n/ a

Other appearance traits: pale green skin which in parts is patterned in a snake like manner particularly around the eyes. Northern Red belied snakes for hair. Face looks like a normal human girl but can turn more monstrous and snake like with long fangs when she means to look intimidating. Has bright strikingly emerald snake eyes.


Personality: flirtatious, funloving, cheeky, caring, manipulative, emotionally reserved, loner.

Likes: nature, chocolate, learning, video games, music

Dislikes: fast food, harm to her snake hairs, bullying

Dreams: integrate into common society, learn and improve her powers.

Fears: going pack to her former home in the forest alone

Talents: archery, singing and cooking

Flaws: loner, though personable find hard to let people in, does not ask for help, manipulative.

Good habits:

Bad habits:

Hobbies: cooking, story writing, singing and pranks.


Ability: Petrifying sight

Ability Explanation: natural gorgon ability causing whatever looks in her eyes to be petrified. This permanent to humans and animals, for higher beings like demons and angels it is temporary depending on the will of victims. Ghosts and other intangible creatures are immune.

Ability: electrokenisis

Ability Explanation: body is essentially a large battery or lightness rod able to absorb and redirect electrical or lighting at will and in various forms. Electrical energies is also hr only form of sustenance and has to be careful with the use of her powers as needs a certain levels of electrical energy running throughout her remain actibr and healthy. Overuse can cause serious deterioration in health both mental and physical even death.
Last edited:

Name: Loraine Wilson

Nickname: Lori

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Homosexual

Grade/year: Junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: December 4th


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 160 lbs

Tattoos/Piercings: None

Glasses: She usually wears contacts, but has a spare pair of glasses she keeps with her.

Makeup: None unless she's going somewhere fancy.

Jewelry: Keeps a simple necklace, but only wears it to formal events.

Facial hair: None whatsoever

Acne/freckles: None

Tail: None

Wings: None

Horns: None

Other appearance traits: Rather poofy hair, which is usually somewhat messy.


Personality: Loraine goes out of her way to be kind, though she's fairy blunt with how she speaks, often messing up with sensitive issues. She's generally reserved, but if she considers someone a friend, she'll pour her heart out to you at a moment's notice. She is a fairly driven person, more than willing to go through plenty of pain if whatever goal she's chasing is worth it.

Likes: Old rock music, strategy games, Dungeons and Dragons (she isn't very good), Fantasy Novels, Art, That good feeling she gets when she helps someone

Dislikes: Anything sticky, fast food, parties, horror movies, accidentally hurting someone, spaghetti.

Dreams: She wants to master use of her ability and help as many people as she's able with it. Barring that, she hopes to become a famed scientist and discover something important.

Fears: She's terrified of people not liking her, of rumors spreading behind her back. She's also creeped out by bugs.

Talents: She's skilled at coming up with things on the fly and improvising solutions to odd issues. She's fairly decent at drawing, though she prefers pencils and ink over paint or pastels.

Flaws: She does poorly in chaotic situations, and is easily overwhelmed. She is somewhat lazy, and leaves a mess around her room.

Good habits: She makes a habit of doing small things like holding doors or people. She also keeps a light workout routine, with a light jog every day.

Bad habits: She bites the inside of her lip a lot, to the point where she's somewhat used to the taste of blood.

Hobbies: She spends a lot of her free time reading, drawing, and playing whatever video game strikes her interest at the moment. She also exercises often and practices her ability.


Ability: ex nihilo

Ability Explanation: Loraine can manifest matter within 5 inches of her skin. She can maintain crude telekinetic control of manifested matter for roughly 4 seconds after its created, after which the created matter behaves normally. Using this ability is fairly taxing, and she can easily exhaust herself if she's not careful. She can consistently create about 30 lbs of raw iron before she's too exhausted, with lighter atoms being easier and heavy atoms being more taxing. She can manifest molecules as well, but struggles to make anything particularly complex.

Name: Anastasia

Nickname: Ani

Gender: Female

Species: Gorgon

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade/year: junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: 13/05


Height: 5ft8in

Weight: 45kg

Tattoos/Piercings: n/a

Glasses: basic pair of sunglasses



Facial hair: n/a

Acne/freckles: n/a



Horns:n/ a

Other appearance traits: pale green skin which in parts is patterned in a snake like manner particularly around the eyes. Northern Red belied snakes for hair. Face looks like a normal human girl but can turn more monstrous and snake like with long fangs when she means to look intimidating. Has bright strikingly emerald snake eyes.


Personality: flirtatious, funloving, cheeky, caring, manipulative, emotionally reserved, loner.

Likes: nature, chocolate, learning, video games, music

Dislikes: fast food, harm to her snake hairs, bullying

Dreams: integrate into common society, learn and improve her powers.

Fears: going pack to her former home in the forest alone

Talents: archery, singing and cooking

Flaws: loner, though personable find hard to let people in, does not ask for help, manipulative.

Good habits:

Bad habits:

Hobbies: cooking, story writing, singing and pranks.


Ability: Petrifying sight

Ability Explanation: natural gorgon ability causing whatever looks in her eyes to be petrified. This permanent to humans and animals, for higher beings like demons and angels it is temporary depending on the will of victims. Ghosts and other intangible creatures are immune.

Ability: electrokenisis

Ability Explanation: body is essentially a large battery or lightness rod able to absorb and redirect electrical or lighting at will and in various forms. Electrical energies is also hr only form of sustenance and has to be careful with the use of her powers as needs a certain levels of electrical energy running throughout her remain actibr and healthy. Overuse can cause serious deterioration in health both mental and physical even death.
View attachment 513690

Name: Loraine Wilson

Nickname: Lori

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Homosexual

Grade/year: Junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: December 4th


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 160 lbs

Tattoos/Piercings: None

Glasses: She usually wears contacts, but has a spare pair of glasses she keeps with her.

Makeup: None unless she's going somewhere fancy.

Jewelry: Keeps a simple necklace, but only wears it to formal events.

Facial hair: None whatsoever

Acne/freckles: None

Tail: None

Wings: None

Horns: None

Other appearance traits: Rather poofy hair, which is usually somewhat messy.


Personality: Loraine goes out of her way to be kind, though she's fairy blunt with how she speaks, often messing up with sensitive issues. She's generally reserved, but if she considers someone a friend, she'll pour her heart out to you at a moment's notice. She is a fairly driven person, more than willing to go through plenty of pain if whatever goal she's chasing is worth it.

Likes: Old rock music, strategy games, Dungeons and Dragons (she isn't very good), Fantasy Novels, Art, That good feeling she gets when she helps someone

Dislikes: Anything sticky, fast food, parties, horror movies, accidentally hurting someone, spaghetti.

Dreams: She wants to master use of her ability and help as many people as she's able with it. Barring that, she hopes to become a famed scientist and discover something important.

Fears: She's terrified of people not liking her, of rumors spreading behind her back. She's also creeped out by bugs.

Talents: She's skilled at coming up with things on the fly and improvising solutions to odd issues. She's fairly decent at drawing, though she prefers pencils and ink over paint or pastels.

Flaws: She does poorly in chaotic situations, and is easily overwhelmed. She is somewhat lazy, and leaves a mess around her room.

Good habits: She makes a habit of doing small things like holding doors or people. She also keeps a light workout routine, with a light jog every day.

Bad habits: She bites the inside of her lip a lot, to the point where she's somewhat used to the taste of blood.

Hobbies: She spends a lot of her free time reading, drawing, and playing whatever video game strikes her interest at the moment. She also exercises often and practices her ability.


Ability: ex nihilo

Ability Explanation: Loraine can manifest matter within 5 inches of her skin. She can maintain crude telekinetic control of manifested matter for roughly 4 seconds after its created, after which the created matter behaves normally. Using this ability is fairly taxing, and she can easily exhaust herself if she's not careful. She can consistently create about 30 lbs of raw iron before she's too exhausted, with lighter atoms being easier and heavy atoms being more taxing. She can manifest molecules as well, but struggles to make anything particularly complex.


Name: Yamato Yanase

Nickname: Jetty

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 25

Birthdate: January 30


Height: 183 cm

Weight: 384 lbs.

Tail: 3'4" long, contributes about a 100 lbs. in total weight

Wings: 2'4" each when fully extended, each contributing 40 lbs.

Other appearance traits: Grey metallic skin that is actual metal. Head shapes to that of an airplane head, bulb eyes behind glass and a snout. Has wheels on his feet, thus never wears non-specialized shoes. Aside from the head, wings, tail, outer layer, and feet, is otherwise visually anatomically similar to other humans.

Personal Information

Personality: While he exudes the aura of an easygoing person, Yamato is at best when teaching his students to the best of his ability, wanting to see each and every one of them in their full potential. He has adopted the classic ideals of protecting those that can't protect themselves. However, due to a lacking experience in teaching, his classes can get relatively slow before he can get to the point, or can get sidetracked in their discussions. It's also not a secret he's one of the younger teachers in the staff, which secretly lowered Yamato's confidence in himself in teaching his students as well and efficient as his coworkers. As for his teaching methods, he's straightforward and teaches by the book, although does not mind to share an experience or instance in relation to the discussion.

Enough about him teacher-wise; Yamato is a reserved person not exactly intent on leading but takes the initiative if no one else would nonetheless. He hasn't made a lot of acquaintances growing up, giving a a formal demeanor and lacks a casual air. At home, he really only rechecks his study plans and school activities, and does little in the way of hobbies. Maybe just a video game and a good book or two, but that's it.

Likes: Cooperative students, ridiculous amounts of sweets, heroes, heroes in the making, peace & comfort, birds

Dislikes: Danger, "the un-heroic, selfish students", paperwork

Dreams: To be a well-known hero, no matter what it takes

Fears: Living to not being even the least renowned, insects

Talents: Degree in Teaching, Software Engineer

Flaws: Uninspired teaching methods, contradictory, a follower than a leader

Good Habits: Semi-tidy, friend-shaped, worrier

Bad Habits: Limbs hitting people, forgetful, worrier

Hobbies: PC Video Gaming,


Ability: Aircraft

Ability Explanation: Yamato has a fighter-jet mutation personally shaped and imagined by himself, and it has a lot of functions. Firstly, this makes him 50% inorganic with various circuits running in his mind and systems, but still requires Yamato to breath and consume food. Second, this ability gives him a firm stainless steel body, retractable wings, a long & tough tail, wheeled feet, and small thrusters around his personage. Lastly, his sides can store missiles, and can launch these of his own accord. Missiles are created slowly through an unknown process, and is theorized he creates them through parts of the food he eats. These missiles range in a variety of effects that Yamato has differing capabilities of; the classic, small explosions and firework/flare missiles are his iconic tools. The missiles deploy from the sides of his upper torso, with his specialized attire and various tailor-customized clothes made avoid hindering this, along with his wings and tail. He has been experimenting with other effects, to no avail. He has been known to have shot 20 missiles at most a day.

((I could have prettied this up with BBcode, but a recent Hearthstone update took up my whole free time today. Will add more if you ask.))


Name: Yamato Yanase

Nickname: Jetty

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 25

Birthdate: January 30


Height: 183 cm

Weight: 384 lbs.

Tail: 3'4" long, contributes about a 100 lbs. in total weight

Wings: 2'4" each when fully extended, each contributing 40 lbs.

Other appearance traits: Grey metallic skin that is actual metal. Head shapes to that of an airplane head, bulb eyes behind glass and a snout. Has wheels on his feet, thus never wears non-specialized shoes. Aside from the head, wings, tail, outer layer, and feet, is otherwise visually anatomically similar to other humans.

Personal Information

Personality: While he exudes the aura of an easygoing person, Yamato is at best when teaching his students to the best of his ability, wanting to see each and every one of them in their full potential. He has adopted the classic ideals of protecting those that can't protect themselves. However, due to a lacking experience in teaching, his classes can get relatively slow before he can get to the point, or can get sidetracked in their discussions. It's also not a secret he's one of the younger teachers in the staff, which secretly lowered Yamato's confidence in himself in teaching his students as well and efficient as his coworkers. As for his teaching methods, he's straightforward and teaches by the book, although does not mind to share an experience or instance in relation to the discussion.

Enough about him teacher-wise; Yamato is a reserved person not exactly intent on leading but takes the initiative if no one else would nonetheless. He hasn't made a lot of acquaintances growing up, giving a a formal demeanor and lacks a casual air. At home, he really only rechecks his study plans and school activities, and does little in the way of hobbies. Maybe just a video game and a good book or two, but that's it.

Likes: Cooperative students, ridiculous amounts of sweets, heroes, heroes in the making, peace & comfort, birds

Dislikes: Danger, "the un-heroic, selfish students", paperwork

Dreams: To be a well-known hero, no matter what it takes

Fears: Living to not being even the least renowned, insects

Talents: Degree in Teaching, Software Engineer

Flaws: Uninspired teaching methods, contradictory, a follower than a leader

Good Habits: Semi-tidy, friend-shaped, worrier

Bad Habits: Limbs hitting people, forgetful, worrier

Hobbies: PC Video Gaming,


Ability: Aircraft

Ability Explanation: Yamato has a fighter-jet mutation personally shaped and imagined by himself, and it has a lot of functions. Firstly, this makes him 50% inorganic with various circuits running in his mind and systems, but still requires Yamato to breath and consume food. Second, this ability gives him a firm stainless steel body, retractable wings, a long & tough tail, wheeled feet, and small thrusters around his personage. Lastly, his sides can store missiles, and can launch these of his own accord. Missiles are created slowly through an unknown process, and is theorized he creates them through parts of the food he eats. These missiles range in a variety of effects that Yamato has differing capabilities of; the classic, small explosions and firework/flare missiles are his iconic tools. The missiles deploy from the sides of his upper torso, with his specialized attire and various tailor-customized clothes made avoid hindering this, along with his wings and tail. He has been experimenting with other effects, to no avail. He has been known to have shot 20 missiles at most a day.

((I could have prettied this up with BBcode, but a recent Hearthstone update took up my whole free time today. Will add more if you ask.))

Name: Akihito Ferretiz

Nickname: Aki

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade/year: Junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: 9/19


Height: 6'0

Weight: 180 pounds

Tattoos/Piercings: N/A

Glasses: Will sometimes wear shades as an excuse to cover up his bad eye

Makeup: N/A

Jewelry: N/A

Facial hair: N/A

Acne/freckles: N/A

Tail: N/A

Wings: N/A

Horns: N/A

Other appearance traits:
-Burn scars across his left side due to a fire related incident


Personality: Akihito is generally a socially awkward person due to him constantly being self-conscious of his scars. While truthfully he is kind and caring he tends to be somewhat cold towards those that can manipulate fire and those who mention his scars. His attitude drastically changes subconsciously due to his bad experiences involving fire and his scars. Though he will quickly correct himself if he realizes his sudden attitude change. While not the most talkative person Akihito does enjoy taking part in conversations with many of his closest friends. He is loyal, protective, and wishes to become strong to help those need. Though when something involves fire he is quick to panic and his train of thought shatters instantly. He's been training himself to overcome this fear with little success as his most successful attempt still filled him with overwhelming anxiety.

-Star Gazing
-Friendly sparring

-People mentioning his scars
-The word moist

-Hopes to become strong enough to protect the ones he cares for
-Wishes to become a professional soccer player

-Being burned alive
-Feeling useless in times of need

-Astounding soccer player
-Excellent Dancer

-Currently is a mediocre fighter a best. Relies heavily on his abilities to issue damage then to use an actual fighting style.
-Panics whenever fire is nearby whether or not it his

Good habits:
-Is always willing to put others before himself
-Is neat and cleanly person always prepared and organized wherever he goes

Bad habits:
-Lets his fear get the better of him
-Subconsciously becomes judgmental of fire manipulators
-Has a habit of letting his emotions get the better of him and in turn says many things he regrets



Ability: Matter Absorption/Body-Morphing

Ability Explanation:
Matter Absorption: Akihito has the ability to absorb matter, while removing it from the source, into his body to use it in various ways and gaining some form of advantage. He can either use it by enhancing himself, gaining the drained power, or using it as a conductor/power source. However, the effects for each solid material is different. Should he turn into granite his strength would heavily increase but would drastically decrease speed. Morphing into Silver would allow him to conduct electricity and electrify his punches but wouldn't have the same durability as stronger materials. Wood, glass, metals, and even plastic are just a few examples of what he can morph into.

Body-Morphing: With manipulating this materials and can shift parts of his body into different shapes such as turning his fist into hammers or even into blades. Though he is limited to how much he can currently morph as he cannot take away or provide extra material then what his body currently possesses.

Name: Akihito Ferretiz

Nickname: Aki

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade/year: Junior

Age: 17

Birthdate: 9/19


Height: 6'0

Weight: 180 pounds

Tattoos/Piercings: N/A

Glasses: Will sometimes wear shades as an excuse to cover up his bad eye

Makeup: N/A

Jewelry: N/A

Facial hair: N/A

Acne/freckles: N/A

Tail: N/A

Wings: N/A

Horns: N/A

Other appearance traits:
-Burn scars across his left side due to a fire related incident


Personality: Akihito is generally a socially awkward person due to him constantly being self-conscious of his scars. While truthfully he is kind and caring he tends to be somewhat cold towards those that can manipulate fire and those who mention his scars. His attitude drastically changes subconsciously due to his bad experiences involving fire and his scars. Though he will quickly correct himself if he realizes his sudden attitude change. While not the most talkative person Akihito does enjoy taking part in conversations with many of his closest friends. He is loyal, protective, and wishes to become strong to help those need. Though when something involves fire he is quick to panic and his train of thought shatters instantly. He's been training himself to overcome this fear with little success as his most successful attempt still filled him with overwhelming anxiety.

-Star Gazing
-Friendly sparring

-People mentioning his scars
-The word moist

-Hopes to become strong enough to protect the ones he cares for
-Wishes to become a professional soccer player

-Being burned alive
-Feeling useless in times of need

-Astounding soccer player
-Excellent Dancer

-Currently is a mediocre fighter a best. Relies heavily on his abilities to issue damage then to use an actual fighting style.
-Panics whenever fire is nearby whether or not it his

Good habits:
-Is always willing to put others before himself
-Is neat and cleanly person always prepared and organized wherever he goes

Bad habits:
-Lets his fear get the better of him
-Subconsciously becomes judgmental of fire manipulators
-Has a habit of letting his emotions get the better of him and in turn says many things he regrets



Ability: Matter Absorption/Body-Morphing

Ability Explanation:
Matter Absorption: Akihito has the ability to absorb matter, while removing it from the source, into his body to use it in various ways and gaining some form of advantage. He can either use it by enhancing himself, gaining the drained power, or using it as a conductor/power source. However, the effects for each solid material is different. Should he turn into granite his strength would heavily increase but would drastically decrease speed. Morphing into Silver would allow him to conduct electricity and electrify his punches but wouldn't have the same durability as stronger materials. Wood, glass, metals, and even plastic are just a few examples of what he can morph into.

Body-Morphing: With manipulating this materials and can shift parts of his body into different shapes such as turning his fist into hammers or even into blades. Though he is limited to how much he can currently morph as he cannot take away or provide extra material then what his body currently possesses.


Name: Sarah Rayne

Nickname: People just call her by either her first or last name

Gender: Female

Species: Angle(?)

Sexuality: Straight

Grade/year: Teacher/Instructor

Age: Unknown

Birthdate: Unknown but considers it to be the first day she remembers which is December 23


Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 122 lbs.

Tattoos/Piercings: none

Glasses: none

Makeup: none aside from light eyeliner

Jewelry: Necklace that she is seen wearing at all times

Wings: yes

Other appearance traits: Sarah is one of the taller females at the institution and thus doesn't have to tilt her head to talk to most of the guys there. She has long black hair and soft brown eyes. No matter what emotion she wears on her face people can always tell there is pain deep in her eyes. Sarah will primarily be seen wearing a long skirt with some type of boots and a variety of different tops. This is when she's teaching. On off days she can sometimes be seen wearing more casual clothes like a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always can be seen carrying a pack of cigarettes and a lighter with her. Both of their make is unknown but when she has been seen smoking the aroma from the cigarette is that of cinnamon so people think she makes her own cigarette and got a custom made lighter. Her wings have been known to change color when she's in a stressed state or in danger. The color change is gradual and often appear as spreading dots but when her wings are full black then her Power Spikes and she gains different abilities. Her eyes also turn completely black and wings grow large enough to where she can actually perform flight.

Personality: Sarah is kind and has an approachable air about her. She enjoys helping her students and actually cares about each and every one of them like they were her family. With that in mind Sarah is quick to right any wrong behavior she sees. She's stern and can be strict but many students know she does it because she cares. Sarah is soft spoken in a normal conversation but when teaching her voice can be loud and clear. When alone, she is often seen staring out into space. She often daydreams and her face always betrays what is on her mind. It seems like the only time she doesn't have that far away look in her eye is when she interacts with someone and because of her reserved personality, outside of teaching class, isn't too often.

Likes: The students, autumn, art & painting, music, teaching, helping others

Dislikes: troublemakers, rudeness, disorder, people she cares about in danger

Dreams: Would like to find out where she came from and who or what she is.

Fears: Confirming that her dream is a memory or omen of what's to come

Talents: Painting, problem solver, empathetic, smart fighter

Flaws: Sarah is plagued by constant nightmares of her death. She doesn't know if it's to come or if it was an event in the past. She is often mentally drained because her mind is always trying to figure out what it means. Sarah also has a habit of refusing help from others. She is headstrong and will absolutely not look to lean on anyone for help and thus always looks to help others.

Good habits: Painting, taking time to help others, tending to a mini garden

Bad habits: Smoking, often refuses help, dwelling on negative things about herself

Hobbies: Painting, tending to her garden


Ability Explanation:

Creation: Sarah has the ability to conjure and create objects. For combat she can make weapons like swords and bows with arrows. Making complex weapons like guns and firing bullets drains her energy a great deal more than the less complex ones but when her wings turn full black she has been seen to do this task effortlessly.

Light/Dark Energy Manipulation: Sarah can focus light energy and use it as a weapon by firing it from a photon particle she can make anywhere in her immediate area, whether that be from her hands or above her opponent if they are close enough. The attack is often referred to as a pillar of light.

Her Dark form gives her the ability to create black-shadow like-circles that will erupt and explode with dark energy. It's damage is the equivalent to a high explosive like a grenade or C4 and can increase or decrease depending on how much energy she focuses into the circle.

Elemental Augment: Sarah can add elemental energy (wind, light, fire, water, ice, earth, etc.) to any weapon. for a gun, she adds the augment to the clip/magazine and/or bullets. or to a sword, knife, or arrows. When in her dark state the Light element is replaced with Darkness and the elements gain area of effect properties making them much more powerful but more dangerous as well.​

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