Other Instant Interest Captures - What Hooks you In?

Bang Bang

what can I say except
What features in an interest check / open RP will always hook you enough to get you reading more (e.g. checking out lore, characters, ooc)?
The title first.

If a title catch my eyes, I will check the thread out. Sometimes a different title will affect greatly whether I would read more or not. If a detailed generic hero quest against generic evil overlord put the title as "Hero of The Land", I will be more inclined to read than if the title is "Detailed Hero RP (still accepting!)"
The title first.

If a title catch my eyes, I will check the thread out. Sometimes a different title will affect greatly whether I would read more or not. If a detailed generic hero quest against generic evil overlord put the title as "Hero of The Land", I will be more inclined to read than if the title is "Detailed Hero RP (still accepting!)"

On the other hand, I like it when the title contains keywords about what the RP is going to be about. I'm a Very Busy Person (as evidenced by the fact that I'm here all the time) so it helps if I have a vague idea what I'm clicking into.

Similarly, I should know what's going on 50 words into the blurb. If it messes with the creative presentation, provide a tl;dr instead.

Some other stuff that I think helps:

Beware the info dump. Too much lore all at once overwhelms me. If I'm crying in the corner, thinking about how my mind is too incompetent to handle so much info all at once, then I wouldn't be able to reply to the IC now, would I?

Predetermined roles are cool. But as long as they are open-ended enough / provide enough space for me to release my creative juices (I'm sorry for that mental image). I like this a lot because it gives me the impression that the RP has some direction. Also an easy way for lazy old me to establish relationships with other characters.

Hand me some visuals. Just don't overdo it. I've noticed that fancy code sometimes intimidates the fuck out of other people. I've noticed this because I am in fact in that category. Try to go for minimal (but existent) styling. Remember that all-lowercase, sans serif, size 2 font is pretty look at, but not pretty to read.
I can’t really pinpoint what exactly draws me in, but I can tell you what drives me away!

I am turned off by interest checks that focuses more on the setting than the campaign. I am told what is different about their world but left ignorant about how the plot and what are our general roles in the story is. I often see this in highschool RPs.

I am also turned off by interest checks that appear tonhave been hastily written within 5 minutes. This tells me this person is either too lazy or too desperate for a game. They seem to have cool basic ideas but neglect to develop them.
Not too much information at once or at least a short summary explaining everything in a nutshell. If the short little summary is interesting, I read the rest.

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