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Realistic or Modern ► Insignia: Quests ◄


Quest: Rat Infestation

Status: In Progress

Location: Requiem City; Storehouse

Team: Nikola and Quinn ( Elenion Aura Elenion Aura )

The sight of moving rats didn't bother Nikola much, but it did make him shudder a bit. "Ew," he whispered to himself, taking in the sight of possibly 100 little creatures scurrying across the walls and all over the floor. He wasn't so excited for the quest after that image. Quinn almost ordered him to find the light switch, so he doubled his efforts, sliding his fingers against the wall to the right of him. Unsurprisingly, the boy came across a furry body, and had to suppress a girlish squeal when his fingers came in contact with it. Instead, Niko flicked the heavy body off the wall and was relieved when it revealed the switch. His steady fingers pushed the switch upwards, and the dirty warehouse was revealed in all it's glory.

"Wow, that's a lot of rats." This time, Nikola's comment was louder, and it seemed that the moment he spoke, 200 beady little eyes were now focused on him. He lifted his bow from its position on his side, and grabbed an arrow from off his back, preparing for a rat to jump out at him. The rats seemed to notice that there were intruders, because a few jumped down from the ceiling and scurried towards them. Niko would be lying if he said he wasn't disgusted by just standing there in the middle of a Tenebris rat training ground, with three of them coming towards them. However, he was ready for the monsters, and in less than a second, a shot was fired, and three Tenebris rats where sliced down the middle.


Kaia Eden Nightingale
”What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!”

The Touch Of Excalibur || Hyperion Cave || Uriah & Robbie || In Progress
“You wish you can get in my pants, Robbie,” she retorted as he shifted back and caught her bra. She twirled it over her head with a wide cheeky grin. “Take it off, take it off, take it off. Mmhmm, that’s what I’m talking about,” was chanted as Uriah began removing his clothes. Laughter ensued and then a fake gasp at the jab about her chest. She subconsciously went up to cover it. “My boobs aren’t that small,” she defended them. “They’re still growing. Shhhhh.” She might not be the curviest woman around but Kaia knew she looked good and her self confidence carried her through any comments thrown her way. As Uriah shimmied his butt at Rob, he squealed, covering her eyes.

“Aww Robbie. My hero!” she laughed alongside with him. And this was why she loved this group so much. Clothed or naked, they never fail to bring a smile to her face.

Within just a couple minutes, the weirdest thing in human kind happened but at the same time, it felt completely normal to Kaia. Three naked to-be magisters about to go off to find some sword in a haunted cave. It was also completely adorable that Uriah gave her an out to the dare but she only winked in response. “Robbie worships my body. I’m just doing him a favor,” she joked, giving Uriah’s arm an reassuring pat. While being naked wasn’t exactly her thing, the darkness practically hid most of their anatomy.

The scratching noise caught Kaia’s attention but not before she extended her arm towards the cave. “Go ahead, your highness,” she answered before she started picking up the remainder of her clothes. She began taking off her ankle wrapped caramel suede sandals and other than the dangling of her ankle bracelet, Kaia was completely on for show. The moment her eyes glanced upwards as she got up, her eyes were met with Robbie’s ass and she bit her lips in amusement. Using her white shirt as some type of whip, she swung it against his ass lightly. “I kid, your ass is the number one on my list,” she commented before catching up to the duo. “Don’t forget the bet. Whoever runs first owes five desserts!”

After this whole stunt, Kaia was already contemplating on the long bath she was going to take. She turned off her flashlight, following behind Rob as she cringed inwardly at the wet rocky floor touching her feet directly. As they got closer to their destination, Kaia squinted her eyes, noticing something from far ahead but their prize was met with a large ass obstacle. A human size bat appeared from the sky, swooping down to attack just as Kaia shoved Robbie out of the way and fell backwards to avoid getting smacked. Fighting in complete darkness was a pain and the bat was obscured due to the absence of light, as if it was being camouflage.

“Holy chocolate cakes! That’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen,” she shouted, scrambling to get back up.

Skryx Skryx Makomin Makomin

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Interactions: Octavius Makomin Makomin Bob Skryx Skryx
Quest: Monster Raid
Status: In Progress
Location: Miasto / Crassus' Estate

Khione Silverblade
When Bob had made himself present in the room, Khione was merely a few seconds away from freezing him into a human ice-pop. She made a mental reminder to next time (granted that there was even a next time) someone asked for her help, she'd refuse any offers for extra hands. Body guards, police force, normal civilians; while she could understand their wanting to help, their presence only proved a handicap.

To her surprise however, Octavius seemed to have known the additional member, making her blink in surprise. The warning to leave was held back on her tongue and her expression softened visibly, seeing how Tavi had trusted the new friend enough to fill him in on the details. Dark eyes flickered over the boy's visage, noting the Insignia on his wrist. It clicked then.

A Magister. No, a student at best.

Khione should really take it in mind to know the student body better.

"Khione. Nice to meet you Brendan," she shortly introduced herself, pacing up the stairs behind the two. With each step forward, a trail of ice was trailed behind. Should any Tenebrae dare to attack from behind, the ice coating the ground's surface would prove their attempt to be less accurate.

The stench of the Tenebrae were stronger upstairs. If Khione had to guess, there were probably six inside. Seven at most. Her calculations may have been thrown off though, given the screaming made by one of the residents in the mansion. She was no where close enough to have grabbed the screaming servant aside, but the Tenebris which chased him was nowhere short from the cold of her blade.

The beast had sailed over Brendan, directly into one of halves of Khione's scissor blades. She was grateful then that she had taken it upon herself to sharpen them regularly. Dark flesh sliced itself almost neatly in half, with the head of the Tenebris rolling forward and over the stairway. Blood, the color of black ink, splattered haplessly over the trio; it was the only remains of the Tenebris before the body shortly disappeared into a dark wisp of smoke.

"Are you okay?" Khione asked, shifting both her blades onto one hand to extend the now-free one to Brendan. Helping him up to his feet, she looked around at the number of closed doors down each corridor. Who knew where Mr. Crassus could be hiding?

Interactions: Quinn Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Quest: The Thief
Status: In Progress
Location: Requiem City

Curtis Laucron
With the information at hand, the larger male highly doubted it would take them long to find their wanted thief. There were few stupid enough to commit an open crime in Requiem and in all honesty, the task should've been left to the police force instead. Unfortunately for him, he knew all too well what it was like when Quinn made up her mind. Her word, more oftentimes than Ajax's, were almost always law.

Finding himself in a troublesome situation, the male craned his neck; a calloused palm rubbing over the back of his tattoos that trailed up his spine as he contemplated on whether he should just follow along. After all, it wasn't Curtis who took the quest up. Surely there were other vendors they could get their needed item.

Responsibility nagged, gnawing in his gut, before he made up his mind to help out. The sooner the thief was caught, the sooner they could leave. Being trailed by the Academy's staff (even in discreet) made him mildly uncomfortable.

"Alright, let's do this," Curtis said, more to himself than to Quinn. The ravenette babe had already begun stalking down the streets, probably eyeing at anyone who looked vaguely suspicious. When he was sure she had her back to him, he activated his anima. The activation of his Anima was never a pleasant sight and the reaction of the vendor owner's was a reminder that it wasn't.

In his semi-chimeran Jackal form, his senses were far more honed, allowing him to track the thief's scent. Like an invisible trail, the scent alone gave him a good direction of where their wanted man had went. Luckily for the two of them, he hadn't gone far as the theft had happened just recently.

Reverting back to his normal state, with long strides, Curtis caught up to Quinn, stopping her with a gentle but firm grasp to her wrist. "He went that way, towards the quay. He probably plans to load the goods onto a ship. If we hurry we can intercede him before he gets away," he told her briefly, already turning and breaking into a light jog towards the docks. It didn't take Quinn long to catch up.
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Octavius Harred


Interaction: Khione Aster Aster and Brendan Skryx Skryx
Quest: Monster raid
Status: In progress
Location: Miasto // Crassus' Mansion

Everything went by quite fast. The last thing he could recall was Brendan dodging for a creature that resembled a canine that had undoubtedly gone rogue, or more commonly known as rogue. Not to mention, Khione stabbing it directly through its chest before it dissipated or to be more exact, exploded in their face and covered them in blood, the colour of black. Or what he would call 'goop'. Octavius Herred glanced down at the other male before offering him another hand alongside his female friend.

"Be careful, Brendan. Who knows what might come through here," he said before helping Khione pull the other male back up and onto his feet. The larger male of the three gestured to the clone of himself to move to the left, considering they would move to the right from the top of the stairs. The tenebrae came from that direction anyways. "Nice work, Khione." He patted the female on her arm before taking upon himself to move forward, almost leading them.

As he took a step forward, the floor beneath them creaked slightly. It wasn't a loud creak but considering the house itself was silent, said for the grunting and shifting of what Octavius assumed only came from the hostages stuck in one of the room and the tenebrae, he tried not to make too much noise. As though on cue, a shrilling scream was heard, too high to be that of a human, could be heard coming from the first door that was on the right of the party. The male stopped before summoning forward more black liquid from earlier. This time, the black liquid trailed up from the top step of the stairs before approaching them. The blood from the tenebrae. The male flicked his wrist before the trail of visible blood disappeared under the cracks the wooden planks on the floor provided. It made its way slowly into the room and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"There's four of them in there," he muttered softly before flicking his fingers forward, having the blood from the tenebrae stop suddenly. "One of them can change form." He said before reaching into his bag and pulling out his short sword. It was bigger than a dagger but definitely shorter and smaller than a sword.

Uriah Kershaw


Interaction: Kaia Polaris. Polaris. and Rob Skryx Skryx
Quest: The touch of Excalibur
Status: In progress
Location: Requiem Dark Forest // Hyperion Cave

"Jeez," was all the president of Pandora said with a laugh before grabbing Rob's flashlight and exchanging it with his own that was dying out. "You know, considering you might need mine more." He teased before taking a few steps forward into the cave. If the three of them were to keep silent, they would be able to hear the droplets of water falling onto the floor of the cave itself, undoubtedly from the source of water somewhere in this cave, perhaps a stream up ahead. Due to that, the floor of the cave gave a cold and moist feeling to the bottom of their feet, almost disgusting if one would picture the amount of mole or fungi that could be growing on the wall of the cave due to excessive amount of moisture and darkness in the cave itself. However, the cave was quite wide in size, giving a lot of space to the three even if they were to walk in a uniform horizontal manner. As such, the coldness that hit their skin was unavoidable due to their bet.

"You know, I think both of you collectively worship my body because-" Just as he was about to finish his sentence, a large bat had swooped down, aiming at the three of them but heading towards Rob's direction, just in time for Kaia to shove him away. "I've seen more ugly things but I suggest we run now!" He almost yelled before pulling the two others by their hand respectively and going as fast as his bare feet could take him. As they ran, Uriah Kershaw turned his neck around to take a look at whether the tenebrae was following close behind him. He couldn't see and knew that they couldn't too.

"I'm going to change so don't hit me." He said to them before his body lengthened but become narrower in size whilst fur grew on his body, covering his pubic regions as well. He had transformed into one of his mythical forms, the Nguruvilu, a hybrid of a fox and a snake and Uriah's yellow eyes could be seen almost out of place in the dark. Just as he looked up, he noticed that the bat had changed course and was heading towards them. Now that the blond was a few feet taller than the two of his friends, he stood upright, using his tail as support before biting the tenebrae on its left wing and ripping it out. The creature gave a high-pitched cry and Uriah used his claws to stab it in its neck, letting blood, the colour of charcoal, to splatter on his face.


Interactions: Octavius Makomin Makomin Bob Skryx Skryx
Quest: Monster Raid
Status: In Progress
Location: Miasto / Crassus' Estate

Khione Silverblade
Khione followed along and watched as Octavius did his thing. She was never one to question her friend's abilities. They were as frightening as they were useful and she would pity the poor soul who had to face him in any matches. "Are we going to do anything about the guy who ran by just now?" Khione asked, concern laced in her voice. She spoke only after Octavius seemed finished, not wanting to break his concentration.

"Maybe we could send the Tavi clone after it?" she looked over at Brendan, almost contemplating to send him instead. Luckily, she decided against it, not wanting to put the student's life at risk.

With the newly gained information, Khione nodded and stepped forward, standing in front of the room Octavius had inspected. "That'll be no issue," she stated, crouching down. "There's no one inside right?" she asked, just to double check. Given a nod in response, the ashen babe sighed in relief.

She laid her blades beside her and small palms pressed down at the floor before the door. Taking a deep breath in, she channeled ice into the room, freezing its contents entirely. There was a loud crackle and screams from the Tenebrae as she did so and the door before her frosted over. When all went back to silent, she exhaled and pulled herself to her feet.

Drawing water from the air was tricky and changing its form into ice even more so; but at least it got the job done. With five Tenebrae down, there were only three more left to go.

Taking the blades in hand, Khione was ready to turn and move on to the next room.

"Let's hurry and look for Crassus bef--" her words were cut off by the splintering of wood behind her. The door was broken down and before it was an icy but angry (if Tenebrae could even look angry) Tenebris.

Khione had miscalculated. There wasn't three more left, but four.

Interaction: Uriah Makomin Makomin , Kaia Polaris. Polaris.
Quest: The touch of Excalibur
Status: In progress

Not even ten minutes into the quest and they had already been attacked by something. Rob figured that this was a record or something. Weren't monsters supposed to wait a little deeper inside caves? He'd been staring at the floor because he caught a glimpse of something shiny in Uriah's torch -well the torch Uriah was holding, which happened to be his torch- but the beam had swept away before he could see it clearly. Just when he'd been about to say something, when Kaia pushed him, sending him stumbling into the wall. Moments later he heard the rush of air behind him as something and then Kaia's cursing was echoing about the cave. "Ow," he muttered, pushing himself away from the wall- which hurt a lot when you didn't have a stitch of clothing covering you.

Apparently whatever it was that tried to attack them was sufficiently hideous since both of them had chosen to comment on it and suddenly Uriah had grabbed onto him and Kaia, dragging them deeper into the cave. Despite being chased, he couldn't help but grin. "Does this count as you running first?" he couldn't help quipping as they ran. The cave floor was not the nicest thing to run on, but he counted them lucky that they didn't run into a wall or over the edge of a cliff or something.

"Messy," he commented, noting the blood splattering across Uriah's fox-face as he ripped apart the tenebrae with his torch. Of all his friend's different forms, this one was only second to the Basilisk in his opinion. As Uriah made quick work of the bat this -it was pretty damn ugly, from what Rob could see- he picked up the torch Uriah had dropped, handing it to Kaia. "Thanks for shoving me into a wall to save my life K," he told her, and while his words sounded ungrateful, Rob smiled at her briefly to show he meant it. He wasn't sure how good his friend's night vision was in that form, but another set of eyes couldn't hurt so he morphed into an owl, taking flight and settling on Kaia's head just to annoy her. Looking around, he checked and saw no other tenebrae lurking in their immediate vicinity. Up ahead, their path seemed to branch into two, the left side sloping downward. His sharp hearing picked up the sound of rushing water from that direction. The path to the right seemed much narrower and curved sharply. There were slight sounds coming from there too, but he couldn't identify what. Hopefully not the friends of the horrendous bat Uriah has just murdered.

Hopping off Kaia's head, he shifted back and relayed the information to his two friends. "I vote left," he said rather cheerfully for someone who was just chased by a freakishly ugly bat thing. Pointing his torch forward, he started moving in the direction they had decided on.

Kaia Eden Nightingale
”What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!”

The Touch Of Excalibur || Hyperion Cave || Uriah & Robbie || In Progress
“Gross, well, I wouldn’t want to lay my eyes on the things you’ve then,” Kaia answered rather calmly, gathering her clothes that fell onto the floor once more. Even in dire situations, her outfit still remained as her top priority. Just as she finished, Kaia was dragged away from her free hand deeper into the cave. Even while they were running away from their death, Robbie still had that dare in mind much to her amusement. She could imagine the male in his coffin with his last parting words be, “Kaia…I lived longer than you. I win…our bet.” She rolled her eyes at the thought because obviously, she was going to outlive him.

The gravel on the ground caused the female to grimace in pain but they soon halted to a stop when Uriah figured they were far enough. But were they? The pitch black cave made it a challenge for her, the only one who cannot transform into an animal and was left with only human antics. Kaia pulled out her own flashlight that she turned off earlier to provide more light in the cave. She watched as Uriah turned into the majestic Nguruvilu and held onto his bag, shoving her clothes inside and holding the only thing that’s keeping their dignity somewhat intact. No, we didn’t go skinny dipping in the cave. We’re only naked because of Robbie’s stupid dare.

Kaia frowned at the charcoaled blood, watching how close Uriah was to killing the bat by himself. She knew she didn’t have to worry about her president, he was capable of taking care of himself. She took the second flashlight from Rob with a smile in return. His words, while sounding unappreciative, had a different meaning in her head. “What would you do without me?” But those warm feelings quickly dissipated when he shifted into an owl and landed on her head.

“You have got to be kidding me, Robbie. This is one fat owl, you need to lose some weight,” Kaia grumbled at how his claws were digging into her scalp, messing up the hair that she spent hours on in the morning. She knew that Uriah was capable of seeing in the dark in his beast form yet she couldn’t help aiming the light trying to figure out how the fight was going. As much as Kaia wanted to help, she couldn’t see the outline of the bat well and if she used explosive gas, it would be like a bomb causing the cave to crumble right on top of them. Once Uriah managed to finish off the tenebrae, the female handed Robert his torch back as he decided on their new direction. She pointed the light to the left, noticing the downward slope and shrugged. “Let’s go? If anything pops out, we’ll push Robbie towards it as sacrifice and run,” she nodded with Uriah with a thumbs up.

The trio slanted left, walking down the dark dirty path with only two flashlights leading the way. “After we’re done with this dare, I am going to eat the biggest meal of my life,” Kaia commented as they slowly approached what seemed to be light at the end of the road. The open roof came with a welcome breeze as the moonlight shined through, illuminating a specific area in the body of water. There lies a long sword in the midst of the pool of water. Upward was the rushing of water gracefully falling onto the bottom much like a waterfall and it looked utterly ethereal.

“Geezus, I never thought we would find it,” she approached the edge of where land met water before shoving both of her friends into the pool. “Hah suckers,” Kaia laughed. “This is for messing up my hair. Payback is a bitch, isn’t it?” she taunted the blonde. While Uriah didn’t do anything, he still got the short end of the stick since Kaia was just messing around.
Skryx Skryx Makomin Makomin

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Uriah Kershaw


Interaction: Kaia Polaris. Polaris. and Rob Skryx Skryx
Quest: The touch of Excalibur
Status: In progress
Location: Requiem Dark Forest // Hyperion Cave

The male couldn't help but grimace at the meeting of a very warm liquid against his body, especially his face. He made it a point to actually take a very, very long bath when he reaches home. He might even crash at Rob or Kaia's place. He figured that he could use the excuse of saving their lives if they, or to be more exact, Rob is reluctant to let him stay but then again, Uriah Kershaw was never one to be fazed by rejection. He'd probably just invite himself in, which reminded him. "Let's crash at Rob's place, Kaia," the blond said with a grin before draping an arm around both his friends' shoulders respectively, knowing full well that the male would reject the idea but with Kaia and himself really, nothing was impossible.

As the two reached an opening, courtesy of Rob picking which turning they were to take, they were mesmerised by the beauty of a waterfall, or at least, the male was. And just at that point, Kaia decided it would be fun to push them in. He merely laughed before reaching up and pulling the female by her hand into the water with them. He was careful as to ensure that that she didn't hurt herself by landing on any shards or stone. He then laughed before turning to Rob before saying, "Well, I didn't do much. Just killed a tenebrae." He then messed the other male's hair before turning to face the waterfall. Just below it, as the three had seen, was the sword that they were looking for, lodged in a large rock.

The sword was lodged in almost three quarters way of the blade. Its handle glistened with stones of colours and shapes having a large diamond-shaped ruby in the middle of it. The handle itself was a vibrant gold and one could tell that it had been gripped many a times because of some black sludge that was on it. "Woah," was all Uriah muttered to himself before swimming towards it gingerly.

"Hey, what happens if one of us do get the chance to pull it out of that?" TheShe president of Pandora said as he used once hand to point at the rock and another cupping water and spashing it all over his body, getting the blood from before off him.
BOB- the lamp thrower
Interactions: Octavius Makomin Makomin Khione Aster Aster
Quest: Monster Raid
Status: In Progress

Bob blinked as he was showered in slimy black liquid. "Uh, yeah," he said, a little more than slightly disconcerted by suddenly being covered in tenebrae juice. Blood. Thing. "Thanks," he remembered to add, as she and Octavius pulled him to his feet. He wiped the most of the gunk off his face before focusing curiously on the weird blades the girl was holding. "I'll try to be more careful." His heart was still racing, the sudden adrenaline rush from being almost jumped by a tenebrae had yet to leave. If anything, it only got worse as they moved deeper into the house. The whole thing just reminded him of a horror movie, the eerie stillness of the air, the creaking floors and the indistinct sounds carried to them from unknown sources. His whole body was tense, waiting for the jump scare. How the other two managed to be so calm, Bob had no idea.

A shrill scream made him flinch and he watched silently as the two of them went to work, hanging back awkwardly. He was feeling pretty useless, not to mention vulnerable -he cast a quick glance around to see if there was anything sneaking up on them- but he would probably just get in their way. The girl -Khione- knelt down, placing her hand on the ground. Inhuman screams came from within the room, and Bob's jaw dropped in admiration as the door froze over. He was about to comment on it when the door suddenly broke apart, revealing a tenebris. At its sudden appearance made him give a startled yelp, and more on instinct, he grabbed the nearest thing in arm's reach -a lamp- and threw it at the monster. The lamp hit it square on what could possibly be its face, knocking it back a few steps. Still panicking, he grabbed the next closest object and threw that too.
Interaction: Uriah Makomin Makomin , Kaia Polaris. Polaris.
Quest: The touch of Excalibur
Status: In progress

"If you both run you owe me ten desserts. Twenty if I make it out alive," Rob reminded her as they walked down the left path. "Holy shit. I totally called it!" He whooped with joy when he saw what must be the sword they were looking for. Unfortunately, him celebrations were interrupted by Kaia pushing both of them into the water. Resurfacing and shaking the water out of his hair, Rob was about to pull Kaia in for revenge when Uriah settled that score for him. Instead, he settled for pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"I could have killed it," he told Uriah, only to scowl when the Pandora president messed up his hair again. Fixing it once more so that the fair strands didn't get into his eyes, he followed the other boy over to the wicked looking sword. Once he was close enough, he grabbed onto Uriah, dunking him under water in revenge for messing up his hair with an evil laugh. With that score settled, he swam right up to the blade and paused. It was a pretty damn fine sword. The gold handle encrusted with jewels was glittering under the spray of water, the red ruby in particular seeming to invite him to touch it. Looking back at his two friends with his signature smirk, Rob said, "Is that a dare?" With that he gripped the handle firmly with both hands, pausing again to make sure they were looking, and pulled hard. An expression of slowing dawning horror crept up onto his face. "Oh goddess, it's -it's-" Rob cringed away from it, still holding onto the handle, as if he couldn't let go. "I can't-" Then he burst out laughing. "Gotcha." He smirked at the two of them.

In reality, Rob liked to imagine the sword budged a little, but true to it's name and legend, it didn't budge. Letting go of the sword, he fell backwards into the water, idly drifting on his back for and enjoying the view of the moon through the hole in the roof before turning into a duck and wading around the pool comically with an occasional quack to amuse his friends, swimming circles around Uriah.

Bennett Miles
Quest: Starapple Orchards
Location: Tref Forest | Status: Complete

In the forest, the sky vanishes almost completely, replaced by a canopy of varying shades of green. Only a few fragments of blue remain scattered like pieces of an impossible jigsaw puzzle. The air is rich with the fragrance of the flora surrounding and the forest's floors were damp from the morning's light shower of rain.

It has been all too long since Bennett surrounded himself with nature. Tref's forest was different from the rolling hills and vast farmland the male had grown up with; but the sounds, the colors and the scents were familiar. Bushes that lined the dirt path he was on were littered with small ruby-like berries. Out of bold curiosity, Bennett picked one and popped it into his mouth; ignorant to how close he could come to poisoning.

It was a huckleberry.

Tart but carrying just the right amount of sweetness to cancel out the sharp tang of sour. Nearing the end of the path, he came to a large opening. A bustling village was the scene laid out before him and he wandered through just as he did the forest.

Getting lost was the least of his concerns and if worse comes to worst, he could always ask the Academy chaperone to lead the way back. That is, if he could find where his chaperone was tailing him. Maybe now was a good time to start looking.

Turning the corner, Bennett ran himself into one of the villager's; an old farmer by the looks of it. The impact caused the both of them to fall and Bennett quickly pulled himself to his feet, apologizing as he helped the old man up. It was a mistake on his part. He had failed to sense the man coming despite his loud coughing.

"Are you okay, sir?" He asked after his apology.

The old man shook his head, grumbling under his breath, "No, it's nothing. Just sick. Are you from around here?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at Bennett and taking a step forward for closer inspection.

"U-uhm no, I'm not actually! I'm just passing by."

"Well boy, are you free? If you are, mind helping an old man with a favor?"

"Sure?" Bennett responded. His day was empty, void of classes and plans. He had time to kill.

"Down this path here there's an orchard of starapples. I need you to pick me a bushel. There's normally damn wolves around there but I don't need you to kill them. Just scare them away or something. Here, fill this," the man shoved a bushel basket in Bennett's hands and pointed to the house down the row of houses. "And bring it to that house with the green roof when you're finished. Thanks kid. I owe ya one."

With friendly smack on the back, the farmer walked himself away leaving a very daunted Bennett to doubt his choices.

Wolves? He tried his best not to think about that.

It was just picking apples. How hard could that be?


Bennett got his answer soon enough.

Questing was hard when you had poor control of your powers. He had hoped that with his Anima's ability, he could bypass the wolves and quickly pick the apples needed without being detected. What he hadn't anticipated was falling short on skill and teleporting right before the sleeping back of wolves instead of behind them.

His miscalculation made him exclaim in surprise, waking them and triggering them into aggression. Now Bennett was stuck with an empty bushel basket and a pack of snapping wolves at his heel.

"Goddess, why is this happening to me?" he whined aloud, complaining to the blue sky overhead.

His teleportation abilities helped to keep him just far enough from being chomped in half. With little control of how far he could teleport, Bennett could only hope that he doesn't end up teleporting too close to snarling teeth.

After running laps around the orchard, exhausted and sweating from the activity, the male finally shook the wolves off his trail. He was heaved over, hands on his knees, taking in deep gulps of air greedily. His legs trembled and following their unspoken desire, Bennett allowed himself to plot backwards in the grass and caught his breath lying down.

Cotton-shaped clouds moved pace-lessly over the light-blue expanse.

"Ahhh man, I really do need more practice," he groaned, hands pulling out a fistful of grass in needless frustration. He laid there for an extra minute before sitting himself back up, this time determination marking his features.He jogged his way back to where the Starapple trees were, and was glad to see that the wolves from earlier had left.

Scrambling onto the tree's branches, he tossed apples into the basket down below. Some fell short because of the male's aim but the mini game he created from himself was mildly entertaining and lifted his spirits. Once the basket was full, he climbed back down and happily delivered its contents safely. As a reward for his efforts he was paid with some gold and a handful of starapples before he continued his way back, a Starapple in his mouth and change in his pocket.

Interactions: None | Mentions: None

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Octavius Harred


Interaction: Khione Aster Aster and Brendan Skryx Skryx
Quest: Monster raid
Status: In progress
Location: Miasto // Crassus' Mansion

It was a mistake based off miscalculation. He knew that his ice manipulator of a friend rarely ever did come across a mistake in, her work, let alone a quest but he reminded himself that she was human, just like himself. He was still fascinated with her powers or with her element to be exact. The solid of water yet the liquid of gas. Being able to control it was something he looks up to in her. Just as he was about to say something, his train of thoughts were cut when an angry tenebrae had kicked the door of the room Khion just froze.

Octavius wanted to take quick action about it, deciding it was best to get rid of it rather than wait for everyone to decide who's turn it was to kill it but just as he was about to raise his hands, a lamp was thrown in the way of the tenebrae and it had fallen backwards. As Octavius turn around, he noticed that Brendan was clutching onto another item, getting ready to launch at the monster.

Well, that works too. The male smiled discreetly before letting Brendan throw the other object at the tenebrae. He then raised a hand and faced its palm down before lowering it a bit, causing the tenebrae to slowly almost melt into a thick black liquid- blood.

"Nicely done, Brendan," he smiled at the male before patting him on his back. He meant it genuinely rather than sarcastically, having sarcasm not a word in his vocabulary. He then turned to the female before saying, "Okay. I'll get more to check tha place too."

Octavius then repeated the process of conjuring up more blood forms of himself. Two, to be exact before sending them in different directions. He then made his way forward once again before reaching another door. Undoubtedly the last one within the corridor.

He then nodded at the two of his friends to get ready. They could almost hear voices inside. Probably that of Mr Crassus and his party. He then grabbed the doorknob before pushing it open.


Kaia Eden Nightingale
”What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? Bison! Ha-ha!”

The Touch Of Excalibur || Hyperion Cave || Uriah & Robbie || In Progress

She chuckled, kneeling down to watch them struggle to rise to the top of the water. That, however, was her first mistake. Kaia yelped the moment Uriah laughed (evilly in her head) and yanked her into the water. Goosebumps crawled all over her skin as the differing temperature caused the female to slightly shiver in the water before the temperature was just right. She peeked her head out of the water, grinning at the stupidity of all of them. They were all going to get sick after this. She just knew it. They all followed Uriah over, oo-ing and gasping at the gorgeous jewels engraved into the sword. Kaia was busy admiring the sparkling jewels while her friends played who could drown the other faster. She assumed they couldn’t pull the jewels out, much less taking out the sword as Robbie, of course, was attempting to do. At Uriah’s absentminded words, Robbie turned on his full charms and grasped the sword handle tightly. Soon Shakespeare began to play itself out, and Kaia (of course) pretended to be just as shock, gasping in utter dismay before he dropped the act.

She sniggered, “Are you done being a drama queen?” she asked, splashing water at him just as he turned himself into a precious delicious looking dinner. “If you were actually stuck with the handle, I’d have left you here stranded. Naked.” Kaia wouldn’t but he didn’t know that. All she got was a quack as a response as Robbie swam around Uriah. While he was in his duck quacking form, she figured she could use this time to invade his territory before he could answer her.

“I’m with Uriah. Let’s go crash at Robbie’s place. I’ll dig into his fridge to see what we can steal,” she nodded, feeling accomplished and not taking no for an answer. Hearing a quack, Kaia nodded, quickly adding (because she speaks duck), “Robbie agrees! We’re hitting his place after this. I call dibs on the bed!”

Tilting her head upwards, Kaia decided that it was a safer bet to leave the cave skyward rather than retracing their steps in the pit of darkness. She pointed towards the opening in the sky and then at the waterfall. “New dare! Whoever climbs up the waterfall first wins lunch tomorrow too! And I mean climb, Uriah. No cheating and flying out of here,” Kaia added the disclaimer at the end. She took their bags of clothes and handed to Uriah. “And pres, after we get out of here, I think we deserve your whole stack of glow sticks.”

Skryx Skryx Makomin Makomin

Uriah Kershaw


Interaction: Kaia Polaris. Polaris. and Rob Skryx Skryx
Quest: The touch of Excalibur
Status: In progress
Location: Requiem Dark Forest // Hyperion Cave

Uriah should have expected it when Rob had dunk him into the cold water collected below the waterflow. He laughed before he was released by the other male, only to be replaced with more humour as his best friend made his way to the rock that held the Sword of Excalibur within it. As usual, Rob was one for theatricals and almost reenacted every scene out of a coming-of-age play.

He slowly swam towards the male just before he reached forward to grab the sword by its handle, clinging onto the males back as he continued on with his act. The blond let go of the other male as Kaia called dibs on sleeping on Rob's bed. He couldn't help himself.

"I call dibs on sleeping next to Kaia on Rob's bed!" He grinned widely before snickering at Rob, "Looks like you'll have to get the couch or maybe even squeeze with us." Uriah then gave the male a noogie just before he turned into a duck.

It was amusing and adorable too, as such, he couldn't help but carry the duck form of Rob and hug it close to him. Or squishing him against his chest, to be more exact. At just that moment, a new dare arose. He could almost swear that he saw Rob's ear twitch.

And he was a duck.

Suddenly, a thought came across the male's mind and he couldn't help but lean forward and whisper softly to Rob, "Hey, wanna switch when we're almost at the top of the waterfall? You take her left hand, I take her right." He knew that the other blond wouldn't be able to resist the deal. He then placed duck form of Rob back on the surface of the water before standing up and making his way to the sword.

"Fine, no gas on the way too. I would like to not pass out for once," he jested to her before reaching forward and grabbing the handle. Pulling it to himself, as expected, it didn't budge. He gave out an exaggerated and disappointed sigh before replying to her, "I'm more intrested in giving Rob more sticks." He then wink at Kaia before bursting out in more laughter. "Don't worry, I'll give you more than five."


The Thief

In progress

Requiem City; Market

x TEAM x
Zander & Jack ( normal normal )

Quest #1: The Thief
Zander quietly marveled at Jack's positive attitude. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Zander wished he could say the same. This type of work just wasn't for him. He smiled at Jack's 'good cop, bad cop' comment, and followed behind him as he approached the next vendor. He let Jack take the lead, since he seemed suited for it, at least.

"Suspicious activity, you say? Well... Why, nothin' comes to mind." Answered the vendor. Another dead end. Zander was starting to get impatient. This was ridiculous. Why were they the ones doing this kind of work? Zander couldn't find the answer to his question before he was snapped out of his internal monologue by the vendor before them.

"Is there anythin' else I can help ya fine gentlemen with?" The vendor asked with a scraggle-toothed smile, and Zander looked at him and shook his head, 'no', but as he did, he noticed that the vendor was holding his left arm, which appeared to be freshly bandaged. Curious, Zander asked,

“What happened to your arm?” An unspoken accusation, a gambit. The way the shopkeeper’s face seemed to shrink was more telling than anything he’d said so far.

“Ah, this?” The man held up his bandaged forearm, “It’s nothin’, just a little scrape.” There was a brief pause, an uncomfortable silence. Then Zander spoke again.

“But how’d you get it?” Zander pressed, crossing his arms across the front of his chest, his eyes narrowed. If it really was ‘nothing’, then the man shouldn’t have any reason not to tell them about it.

“Fishin’ accident. I’m a fisherman, ya see?” The vendor answered, and indicated with his good arm toward his shop, which was stocked with freshly caught fish.

Zander only nodded. He wasn't about to accuse the man of lying, least of all accuse him of stealing, on nothing more than a feeling. Not without proof, anyway. He looked to Jack, eyed his notepad, and almost smiled. The kid sure came prepared to do some quality detective work.




Quest: Rat Infestation

Status: In Progress

Location: Requiem City; Storehouse

Team: Quinn & Nikola ( C classAteam )

Quest #2: Rat Infestation


Quinn's eyes snapped around the room. The creatures were small, weak... But their sheer numbers made them much more formidable. If only they could find a better position. One not so exposed, preferably elevated. Then they could funnel the rats in a few at a time, picking them off at range, thinning their number with arrows.

"Niko. Look for a corridor, something narrow." Quinn would look, too. Unfortunately, the little monsters weren't going to let them just stand there as they formulated a plan, and instead charged in droves.

Slicing the head off a rat as it tried to gnaw through her boot, Quinn whipped her own head out of the path of a rat falling from the ceiling, impaling it with her sword as it hit the ground. Her eyes widened as she realized where they could go, tilting her head back to stare up at the ceiling, then back down to ground level.

There. Quinn caught sight what she’d hoped to find: of a metal ladder, bolted to the wall, leading up to a series of causeways that crisscrossed above them. That was where the rats were falling from, and it was also where they’d have the best shot of killing them all. The only problem? A sea of undulating black mass was scuttling toward them, and barring their path to the ladder.

Quinn didn’t hesitate. “Follow me.” Instead of waiting to hear Niko’s response, Quinn began cutting a bloody path through the beasts toward the ladder, and hoped the fellow Syndicate would follow her lead. Plumes of black mist smoldered in her wake with each kill.

As they neared their destination, an abnormally large Tenebris Rat snarled. It was guarding the sixth rung up the ladder, and screeched in fury as the Magisters-in-training drew near. Holding out her open palm, Quinn squeezed it closed around a curved, wicked-looking dagger.

Reeling back, in one fluid motion, she launched the blade through the air, straight and true, pinning the rat to the wall through its belly. It squealed in choked agony, then exploded into smoke, leaving the dagger behind. Quinn retrieved it as she quickly ascended the rungs of the ladder, soon reaching the metal-grate platform. Rats scurried along the walkways, but far fewer than on the ground, for now.



q u e s t || the thief

l o c a t i o n || requiem city

t e a m || jack and zander

t a g s || Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

Jack's eyes shifted from the man to his notepad, his pen struggling to produce his signature, neat cursive as Zander started his questioning. He giggled to himself.

'Good cop bad cop'

Jack's ears perked up when he heard Zander point out the man's injury, which he had completely disregarded. He sighed at his own lack of observation; of course, it may be connected with the robbery, so he should've brought it up.

"And, what's your name, sir?"

"Burt." The vendor answered plainly. Jack nodded in response.

'burt - arm injury. maybe connected to theft? acted suspicious when questioned abt it. he's the thief? thief's accomplice?'

He seems to get wrapped up in his own world while writing, as he didn't notice the dead air and uncomfortable coughing from the man.
A blush appeared on Jack's face from embarassment.

"Uh, so—" His voice cracked, his blush becoming more vibrant.

'Goddamnit puberty, I thought we were over this'

"Okay, uh, have a good day!" Walking away from Burt's stand, Jack put away his pen and cleared his throat, he wasn't going through another voice crack again.

Theories and questions starting forming in his mind as he flipped through the pages he took notes on from his questioning; one of the vendors noting a low amount of traffic on the street around the time of the robbery, another vendor spoke about how his honeyfruit got knocked over mysteriously, as no one was around at the time.

"What if the thief is a magister who has, like, an invisibility anima? And that guy was his accomplice or something." Jack sprung excitedly at Zander, deeply proud of his deduction skills.

Last edited:


~Kaye Nightingale ~
➣ Quest name: The Thief
➣ Interactions: Ajex (AJ) Polaris. Polaris.
➣ Status: In progress

"AJ! Come on, you're falling behind again." Kaye exclaimed stopping in the middle of the busy market, causing some very unhappy grumps from the people she stopped mid stride. After apologizing to the few the brunette took quick strides to get back to her Presidents side who was meandering farther and farther behind.

In all honesty, Kaye should have just been grateful that AJ had even considered coming with her to do the little shopping. Bribery that included some kind of food was on the table but also flipping him out of his mid-day nap also helped. While most people didn't enjoy the grumbling that was the Syndicate President, Kaye just found endearing on some level. His grumbles didn't bother her, in a way she went out of her way to make sure that she got him to at least do something that may, at some point, cause him to smile.

But that was hardly the case but Kaye did her best.

That was the best she could hope for.

After a little more pushing and shoving Kaye finally joined AJ's side, taking a moment to catch her breath she brushed off her shoulders before looking up to AJ. "I understand that this is your mid-day nap but if you really want someone to take your quest and clean up we are going to have to at least give something for the people to work with. The duster I have been using is hardly able to get any of the cobwebs anymore, and don't even get me started on the bathrooms." Kaye made a look of discomfort, the memory at that very moment had her shivering. Clogged, unwashed--spiders in the nooks and crannies. How could anyone even think to do anything in such a place?

If she didn't clean it seemed almost no one would, but he wanted someone to do it other then her. Why, she wasn't sure. If no one took the quest soon though she was just going to do it to put her little mind at ease.

"It's nice outside too, enjoy the sunshine while we can. The weather is called for some rain later this evening." Kaye added in starting to walk ahead once more, the shop they were headed towards was coming into view, after a quick glance she slowed her pace to walk alongside Ajax, the small smile not leaving her face all the while.​


”Seeing people change isn’t what hurts the most. It’s remember who they used to be.”

The Thief || The Market || Kaye & Ajax || In Progress

If one wanted to find Ajax, the best place to search was at the Syndicate library which is usually closed and locked when he was taking his naps. Unfortunately, he miscalculated when Kaye asked him for the key and without questioning it, he gave it to her. Worst. Fucking. Idea. Ever. Probably second to the time he signed Curtis’s resignation paper because he was half asleep. He did noticed the creaking turn of the doorknob and the near silent footsteps but he didn’t think she would grab onto the hammock and flip him over. “So why can’t you go shopping on your own?” he asked, irritated at the very least but she only smiled brightly back.

“Where’s the fun in that?” she quipped and before he knew it, Ajax lost the conversation. It also didn’t help that she came in prepared with a sandwich. He remembered when they first met and the one excuse that worked on others got him nowhere with her.

“I can’t leave Syndicate. I’m allergic to the sun.”

Sure, you are,” she snorted and that was it.

So now, there they are, in the bustling markets full of people who cannot stop screaming or haggling. He slowed his pace, hoping to disappear in the crowd and if she didn’t notice, Ajax would have sneaked off.

But she did notice. Drat. With a mere sigh and a hand running through his hair, he picked up his steps and followed beside her with his hand in his black hoodie pocket. His hood was up, shielding him away from the blazing sun as well as keeping him toasty. “I only posted that quest because Curtis wouldn’t stop giving me dirty looks,” Ajax answered. Ever since Kaye joined Syndicate, Curtis became her guardian angel and every time Kaye moved her fingers, the male would stare at Ajax like he committed the greatest sin on Earth: making Kaye lift a finger.

“And this job is not a two people job,” he muttered underneath his breath but she knew that he would go if she pushed hard enough. But that was the thing in Syndicate, nobody else dared to push him hard in fear that his tonfa would crush their throat in retaliation. His weapons were tucked in the inside of his hoodie which had slots made specifically for them. His cerulean orbs scanned through the market spotting their usual supply store but before he was able to head in, a scream caused Ajax to halt in his steps.

“Someone stole all of my apples!” an old man cried hysterically. At the sound of more troublesome matters and how he knew Kaye would get involve, Ajax walked faster almost pulling her along.

“Look! Supplies!” he pointed but her attention already diverged. Shit!

“Please! Someone! Please help me. My wife and kids depend on the apples I sell. If I don’t have those apples, we won’t have dinner on the table.”

Don’t do it, Kaye. Don’t turn around. Oh fuck. And he knew his nap was going to have to wait.

Sasil Sasil

Interaction: Uriah Makomin Makomin , Kaia Polaris. Polaris.
Quest: The touch of Excalibur
Status: In progress

Rob had been about to squirm out of Uriah's grasp when he caught the word 'dare' and he stilled when Uriah leaned in to whisper his devious plan. Giving no indication of hearing it aside from a loud quack which could easily have been mistaken as 'put me down!' and a decidedly peculiar gleam in his duck eyes that was almost mischievous, he swam after the pandora president. As Uriah tried his luck with the sword, he shifted back, as per the rules of the dare. "Robbie deserves all the sticks!" He yelled in glee, before getting a head start on both of them, leaping at the waterfall. "And all the free lunches!" He added, laughing loudly.

Climbing the waterfall was...well he didn't really expect it to be easy. It would have been difficult enough climbing up a cliff like this - with it's slimy stones worn smooth by the constant cascade of water- but the flow of water that splashed in his face made it a lot harder. The only comfort was that if he fell he could easily just turn back into a duck. Or if Kaia fell he could probably turn into a big enough bird to slow her fall. Or Uriah could do it. Due to his head start, he was a little faster than the two of them and glanced back once in a while to make sure they were alright. As he neared the top, he slowed doen a little, pretending to be running out of steam so that the two of them and more importantly Kaia was next to him. He looked over and caught Uriah's eye with a sly grin. Mouthing a countdown while Kaia seemed too be distracted by a difficult foothold, he let go and shifted, grabbing onto her wrist as gently as he could with his claws and flapping his wings to bring them skyward and up into open air.

Kaia Eden Nightingale
”What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? Bison! Ha-ha!”

The Touch Of Excalibur || Hyperion Cave || Uriah & Robbie || In Progress
“I wouldn’t cheat,” Kaia stuck out her tongue. Okay, maybe she does sometimes but it’s because she likes seeing Robbie lose. It makes her cackle with joy. “Don’t worry Uriah, I know where all your hiding spots are, those glow sticks are mine whether you like it or not,” she grinned but her attention shifted back to Robbie who decided to get a head start and immediately followed after him. The moment she tried climbing the waterfall, Kaia dubbed herself the Queen of Dumb Dares because jackpot, this had to be the stupidest one yet.

The water made it difficult for her to have a firm grasp on the slippery rocks and she could barely find any crevices to use as leverage or footing. This game was a lot more difficult for a female who liked to paint her nails and watch TV as a pastime. She would have to spend every few seconds trying to breathe before sticking her head back in the water and figuring out her next move. The whole time, Kaia momentarily forgot about the dare, only focused on getting the hell out of the waterfall. The bag of clothes was wearing her down and she considered tossing it into the abyss but she cared more about her things than buying lunch for the guys.

As time passes, Kaia swore she saw the top and it only fueled her fire before the two schemers beside her turned into animals catching the brunette completely off guard. Kaia screamed when she was grabbed by each arm, realizing she completely lost her balance but her friends held onto her tight flying them out of the hell hole. With her thundering heart, Kaia took a second to admire the scenery as they dove into the sky and out of the cave. Breathtaking and fucking terrifying at the same time.

She would have killed them but they knew she loved them too much for that. When the trio safely landed onto the ground in front of the cave’s opening, Kaia waited for them to shift back to their human forms before she lightly punched both in the arm.

“You murderers, Kaia tried to sound serious but the curve of her lips cracked into a small smile. “You scared the pickles out of me. I’ll need to write in my will who to frame if I ever lose my life. Neither if you guys are getting your clothes back,” she commented as she waited for Uriah to lead the way back. As usual, Kaia still had no idea where they were and if it was left up to her, she would have just gone in a straight line praying for the best.

“Oh! And you shifted into animals before reaching the very top,” she suddenly realized. “Does this mean I get two lunches?”

Skryx Skryx Makomin Makomin

Uriah Kershaw


Interaction: Kaia Polaris. Polaris. and Rob Skryx Skryx
Quest: The touch of Excalibur
Status: Completed
Location: Requiem Dark Forest // Hyperion Cave

Rock climbing was neither one of their suits or cup of tea but he would figure that Rob and himself would get a head start of sort, considering their constant need to transfigure into a form or another. Well, at least for Uriah, considering the stamina to do so wasn't as easy as snapping his fingers. Immediately after his male friend made for a run to the wall of the waterfall, the blonde almost took flight, figuratively speaking of course.

"Hey, doesn't this mean Rob has to buy the desserts? He technically and in reality fled first of the three of us," the president of Pandora yelled out as his voice was albeit drowned out by the rush of the water coming from the waterfall just beside them. "I want chocolate souffle topped with vanilla bean ice cream and drizzled with caramel sauce." He savoured in his thoughts as his foot stepped upon a particularly wet and slimy rock. He cringed internally but knew that he had been covered in worst things.

As the whoosh of air hit him from the top of his head, he knew that he was already reaching the top. Just then, his eye caught Rob and knew that their plan of execution was to be carried out then. He mouthed along with the male before he slowly let go of the rock e firmly gripped with his right hand, feathers growing on his arm as he flapped it. Gradually, he did the same to the other until he had turned into his Ziz form. And just as Rob did, he used his claw to circle around her other had and begin to fly higher into the night sky before actually lowering her onto the ground.

He laughed but it ended up being almost like an eagle cackle. Immediately afterwards, he changed back before turning to Kaia, "Uh uh, Kaia. You don't get any glowsticks because you didn't touch the sword of Excalibur at all. So, your penalty is no glowsticks and more entree for me." He gave a sly grin before looking at both of his friends. He then folded his arms, as he usually did whenever e was giving punishment to his Pandora members. "I came in last racing to the cave, Rob was the first to flee and Kaia never touched the sword, hence not completing the quest." He then walked to his friend before engulfing them in a big Uriah cuddle-hug.

"I guess we're all having a feast tonight." Uriah Kershaw gave his infamous grin before giving each of his best friends a kiss on the cheek, even Rob. This was why he loved his friends. Never once was there a dull moment. If he had to exchange them for anything in the world, he would exchange them only for each other.



Quest: The Thief

Status: In Progress

Location: Requiem City

Team: Quinn & Curtis ( Aster Aster )

Quest #1: The Thief
Quinn smirked. Well done, Curtis. She followed him as they made their way toward the docks, hoping to catch their quarry before he or she boarded a ship, and eluded Syndicate's justice. Soon enough the pair emerged onto the wharf, bustling in the mid-day rush.

Quinn peered into the crowd, but relented when she realized she wasn't learning anything of value. Too many people. Too much cargo being loaded and unloaded."Curtis, which way?" If his nose could pinpoint the location of their thief on the docks, then they could be finished with this within the next few minutes. Curtis turned his nose to the air for a moment, and Quinn waited patiently, her eyes on him.

It didn’t take him long. He nodded with his chin toward another alleyway leading back into the city. That way. Traffic bustled between them and their destination, but Quinn was undeterred, shoving her way through the crowds until she came upon the alley where Curtis' nose had led them. It was nearly deserted, and had the feel of danger. Quinn kept her eyes sharp, her senses alert, and her hand on the pommel of her sword. They came up to an intersection, and Curtis led them down the right-most path. After a short jog, they arrived at a dead-end, save for an old wooden door, guarded on either side by two large, armed, and unsavory-looking men.

“Move along.” The man on the left bristled, while the man on the right just stared. “This is no place for little girls.” He chuckled, but eyed Curtis warily, brushing back his cloak to reveal the hilt of a longsword strapped to his waist. His partner was equally equipped. This was most certainly the place.

“We’re here to take back what you stole. Stand down and you won’t get hurt.” Quinn drew her blade halfway from its casing, the metal glinting in the stray light that reached down to their level as she turned her attention from one man to the other, observing them. Battle-hardened. That much was obvious at first glance. Old enough to be experienced, but still young enough that the frailty of age had yet to take root. The man on the left had his sword strapped to his right hip, making him likely left-handed. The man on the right was nursing a leg injury, as he had shifted most of his weight onto his right leg. Neither of them budged, and even smirked at her words. They underestimated her. Good.

"You have five seconds to step aside. Five...Four..."



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