-Insert New Greeting Here- <3

Avian Aerie

making friends may require social interaction
I have wanted to join a RP community for a while now, but I couldn't bring myself to choose one. Now, I have obviously joined one!

Honestly, I sometimes have a hard time to interact socially even on the internet, so I'm just going to wing it and stop caring about what others think about me.

Okay I know the title of this kind of contradict what I just said, but meh! I'm too lazy to change it now especially after I got used to how it looks at the top of the screen ^^

If anyone ever wants to RP with me later on, just ask or something of that sort. I usually like to RP a girl because I'm not very confident about being convincing as a guy.
-insert typical welcome message here-

No, but seriously, welcome to RPNation! Don't worry, RPNation has a whole slue of strange characters who are incredibly welcoming and friendly. What sort of roleplays do you enjoy?
Well that's good to hear!

To answer your question, I like fantasy and sci-fi roleplays, but I really like realistic ones as well. I don't really have a certain kind of roleplay I enjoy more than others, and if I do it is because of the characters in the story, not the plot or idea itself. The only ones I don't like are the ones that focus solely on horror elements. If it has horror elements, that's fine, but I'd like there to be some kind of meaningful storyline.
Hey! You sound like my kind of roleplayer! Have you ever done 1x1? They make for great storylines :)
I have done a few of them before, and I really enjoy them! It's very easy to keep everything organized in my head that way :)

Usually the people I used to roleplay with before would just suddenly vanish in the middle of it, or we wouldn't have anything thought out beforehand, so we didn't really know where to go from there.

So yes, I have done 1x1 roleplays, but every time I did we both just winged it. After reading some of the fourms on here though, I really like the idea of working together with someone and coming up with an actual storyline or plot :)

Wow, I really wrote down a lot more than necessary (O~O)!
All of that was totally necessary, please lol I've had that problem in the past as well, but they are still my fav to do (with the right person) but I've also done it too (disappear) because I can be very picky about who I roleplay with, especially if I'm overly fond of my character and their story. I hate confrontations but I'm trying to get better at just saying i dont like the way they rp or where the story is going :x
I feel the same. I've always cared too much about what others think about me, and because of that lots of things go unresolved, builds up until a fight starts, or I never say how I actually feel about it and end up getting upset or annoyed with that person even though it was my fault that I didn't tell them sooner.
Well, you don't seem ignorant so I doubt we will have too many problems lol as far as roleplaying goes that's my biggest problem with other people. I want to write with someone slightly under, on, or slightly above par with me ya know?
I understand completely! :)

Also, just by what you wrote it sounds like you want to roleplay with me at some point? This is probably a pointless question, but I just want to make sure.

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