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Writing the next mediocre thing
First and foremost,

Hi! I go by Nolynn or Lynn here! She/her. I’m also on Discord as Paintedon.

A little about me: I am 28 and an author. I work several jobs and take care of my kiddo so sometimes I am pretty busy. I usually post anywhere from once a week, to multiple times a day. It completely depends on my schedule and how amazing the RP is.

My preferences right off the bat:

  • I enjoy literate posting. Several paragraphs at least to keep things interesting. I can do Novella style with pages, but I enjoy the posts where it gets down to 3-6 paragraphs for major interactions. Either way, as long as we aren’t stooping to one line, I’m usually good.
  • I’m not perfect and I don’t expect you to be either. That being said, I love some decent writing with grammar that doesn’t make my brain hurt. I tend to write in 3rd person, past tense and if that is the route we go, I don’t care for jumping back and forth.
  • I only roleplay with adults, so if you are younger than 18, sorry! I love dark topics and I don’t want to be responsible for corrupting your most likely innocent mind!
  • I don’t really have any triggers but if you do, LET ME KNOW! Again, I drift towards the violence, gore, descriptively dark writing.
  • I honestly try not to ghost. It has happened before, and if I ghosted you, I offer my sincerest apologies. I had a lot going on this past year and I had to focus on real life. It happens. Outside of that, if one of us is unhappy, has concerns, gets stuck… let’s talk about it. I am not below telling you that I cannot work with something you posted if it leaves the RP in an awkward position. I’ll never be nasty about it though, and more often than not I feel horrible anxiety having to say anything at all.
  • I am a romance writer, so I tend to use role-playing for inspiration. That means I really only roleplay romance. I have nothing against LGBTQ+, just isn’t my cup of tea honestly. My comfort zone is M/F although, I have been reading a ton of Reverse Harem novels, so I am open to F/M/M/M+. I get many aren’t into that, so it is what it is.
  • I am a female and I absolutely love writing from the female perspective. With the right partner and plotline, I will write a male though. A ton of my side characters are males and I know I need to work on male character building. Sometimes I need convincing though XD.
  • Slow burn is the way to go for me. I have never been into the “insta-love” Doesn’t make sense to me, so I have an incredibly hard time writing it. The longer our characters take to actually fall in love the better.
  • Enemies to Lovers is my jam!

The fun stuff! Ideas and pairings: These descriptions are a work in progress so please forgive me!

  • Mafia/Gangs etc:
  • Muse A is the leader of a local gang. One of his crew had to put down a traitor and Muse B was an accidental witness. (Oh no!) Muse A takes Muse B captive in order to determine whether they should be allowed to live. Will Muse B prove themselves or find themselves in another shallow grave on the Southside of town?
  • Muse A and Muse B are from rival gangs. Only one crew can survive. There is a secret player on the board though and both characters are abducted under the cover of night. Two blood sworn enemies must work together to escape the clutches of a ruthless underdog who will kill anyone on their way to the top.
  • Muse B’s father owes a substantial debt to Muse A. When Muse A comes to collect, there is nothing left for their father to offer other than his own flesh and blood. Begrudgingly, Muse A accepts Muse B as payment for this outrageous debt.
  • Muse A and Muse B are “victims” of a modern-day arranged marriage. Muse A needs to marry into Muse B’s family name for the status, while Muse B is simply following their family’s demands. Willingly or not.

Modern-day Fantasy:

  • Shifter mates plus rejection. Maybe Muse A rejected Muse B? Or what if one of the Muses had been previously rejected and they think they are too damaged to be a decent mate? What about a juicy multi-mate ordeal? Will Muse A and Muse B fight over Muse C? Oh, the drama.
  • Muse A is a witch on the run from her coven. Why is her coven after her you ask? She may or may not have stolen an artifact that could wipe out half the country if used. Muse B could be a vamp, a shifter, a hunter even. Let’s make this interesting!
  • Muse A is an angel while Muse B is a demon. They were created to destroy each other. When a psychotic goddess decides to destroy the world, Muse A and Muse B are forced to work together to save the world. That way they can return to fighting one another.

Reverse Harems:

  • Muse A is a freshman at her college. Her father made her a deal before she enrolled. If she could finish out her degree, then she could follow her own dreams. If she fails, she must run the family business. Muse B-C-D (More?) practically run the school. They have their own reasons for being complete jerks, but they set their sights on Muse A from day one. Their number one goal is to make her life hell. Who will win the battle of wits?
  • Muse A has been raised in a life of crime. The daughter of a gang leader, she does whatever the hell she pleases. When a new gang starts threatening her local gang over some territory, she must rise up as her father’s enforcer and beat the dogs down. Muse B-C-D (More?) Have other plans. What happens when they have dirt on her and will hold it over her head in order to discover the weak links in her father’s empire?

Random pairings in need of a plot:

Human x god/goddess

Vampire x Werewolf/ animal shifter

Witch x Werewolf/ animal shifter

Demon x Angel

Demon x Human

Supernatural x Hunter

Princess x Prince

Knight x Princess

There are so so so many more but those are the ones that came to mind first. I will add to them as I think of more.
I love dark topics and I don’t want to be responsible for corrupting your most likely innocent mind

The thought that anyone under the age of eighteen roleplaying is innocent is quite amusing. I've met some really twisted minors roleplaying over the years.
I am kidding, I have met some good minors in my years as well who just enjoy writing. Personally I just don't roleplay with minors on a comfort level.

Now I am 28 with kids as well, I only play male characters and you seem rather interesting, though I tend to write a lot of horror for my independent novels when I roleplay I bounce off romance often and it's always a slow burn to focus on the plot itself rather jumping to a relationship so I believe we're on the same page there. I must say I am always up for love hate relationships, seeing as I enjoy being a bully in a sense.

Unfortunately I had a burst of inspiration recently so I have been working on one of my novels. Which has made me not so available to roleplay right now and my post rate may vary from frequent to once a week. I won't ghost you though, I usually put too much effort into the structure of the story that I can't abandon it so easily. So if that doesn't bother you...

There were a few plot ideas that I was interested in:
-Muse A is the leader of a local gang. One of his crew had to put down a traitor and Muse B was an accidental witness. (Oh no!) Muse A takes Muse B captive in order to determine whether they should be allowed to live. Will Muse B prove themselves or find themselves in another shallow grave on the Southside of town? (I'd play either, I could work with both)​

- Muse B’s father owes a substantial debt to Muse A. When Muse A comes to collect, there is nothing left for their father to offer other than his own flesh and blood. Begrudgingly, Muse A accepts Muse B as payment for this outrageous debt. (Funny thing, I would like to play Muse B here. Mostly because a woman being traded is very common but a full grown man, that would be interesting)​

- Muse A is a witch on the run from her coven. Why is her coven after her you ask? She may or may not have stolen an artifact that could wipe out half the country if used. Muse B could be a vamp, a shifter, a hunter even. Let’s make this interesting! (I always enjoy a bit of magic, however we would need to talk about a grounding point with the magic so I know exactly what I am working with.)​

- Muse A is an angel while Muse B is a demon. They were created to destroy each other. When a psychotic goddess decides to destroy the world, Muse A and Muse B are forced to work together to save the world. That way they can return to fighting one another. (This just feels like it would be beyond amusing, the arguments between them would be hilarious)​

-Muse A has been raised in a life of crime. The daughter of a gang leader, she does whatever the hell she pleases. When a new gang starts threatening her local gang over some territory, she must rise up as her father’s enforcer and beat the dogs down. Muse B-C-D (More?) Have other plans. What happens when they have dirt on her and will hold it over her head in order to discover the weak links in her father’s empire? (honestly I just really am interested to know what they have over her head. However, I do enjoy bouncing around with multiple personalities in one roleplay. Feels more like a challenge. They already all seem a bit devious so I am intrigued)​

I'm able to roleplay/chat here but I am more active on discord. Especially for chat purposes so which ever you prefer that's fine with me.

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