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Insert DND Drawing Pun Here


The One, the Only.

  • Right off the bat I'm going to warn you that this will be silly, ridiculous, and not really all that serious- the idea is to use art, prompt, and dice to create a story of chance for purely comedic fun. This is a play on the idea of Drawfee's "Drawga" series, which I loved to no end, however won't have the vote-your-outcome system. In that way, it more relates to the Dungeons and Dragons mechanics of relying on your luck.


    You and your two fellow characters are allies from a series of events that has lead you to where you stand, currently this is in the panic room of a noble family that is prosperous off their trades of futuristic technology, and are prime suspects for crimes of attempted assassination and alleged theft against said family. It seems rather obvious you've all been framed by the chance of circumstance- wrong place, wrong time, and a bad reputation.

    You have a few options to start off with while you are in this room; there is a computer that appears to have partially hacked code on one of it's monitors and is awaiting input of some kind of activation code, if you look around a little you can probably figure out the code quite easily. The other monitor looks as if the actual screen itself might not be physical material at all, and appears to almost shift and shimmy under the blaring red light above the closed panic room door. On the ground near the far wall from the desk where these monitors sit is a partially removed panel, probably where emergency supplies would be hidden, but where the panel is slightly pushed askew you can see a little bit of blue light- possibly the screen of a mobile device, or... not? Your only other option appears to be to brace yourselves to fight the way out and press the button beside the door, and attempt a great escape. It could be risky, but you'll be trying your luck either way.

    What will you guys decide to do?

    Option A
    Approach the desk and attempt to finish the hacker's code. Who knows what it will do?
    Option B
    Get ready to fight and make a break for it- there's a forest off the noble family's property that would provide cover for your escape if you make it as far.
    Option C
    See what magical object awaits you under the removed floor panel, it could provide an easier escape depending on the properties of it's magic.

    (Also pointing out that most of this will not be option-based, but for plot reasons some things will have set options to keep the story from going too far off track. Then again, it's possible you'll never have to approach a point in which I'll have to provide limiting options)


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