Insert cliche scifi title here.

Hello! My name is:

The ugliness is blinding: (appearance)

I feel too old: (age)

Everyone looks like me: (species)

I would prefer if doorways were: (height)

I prefer not to own a scale: (weight)

I like to hurt people with: (weapon of choice)

Special talents: (Great with technology, Talented fighter etc)

Role on the ship: (Engineer, Pilot, Doctor, Co-pilot, Security etc) (Remember this is NOT a large ship)

This is me, deal with it: (personality)

Once upon a time: (Character history)

I have Issues: (self explanatory)
Hello! My name is: Sik'Zhima Zitytuvm

The ugliness is blinding:

I feel too old: 31

Everyone looks like me: Sci-hir

I would prefer if doorways were: 7'5"

I prefer not to own a scale: 410 lbs

I like to hurt people with: Semi-automatic rifle and fists

Special talents: Mastery of fighting

Role on the ship: Captain

This is me, deal with it: If you want a picture of short tempered, this is it. When he isn't flying off of the handle over simple things he is very focused and completely fails to grasp the concept of physical human. He tends to be too serious for his own good but somehow manages to have good negotiating skills.

Once upon a time: Due to Sik'Zhima being one of the few members of his species to be born without wings he was ridiculed growing up, so he answered back. With his fists. He may have been one of the few unable to fly but he had been able to physically beat anyone into submission. At the age of 20 the Sci-hir are considered to be adult, unless you are missing you wings in which case you are 'held back' for two more years. This only caused Sik'Zhima's anger issues to evolve further. Once he was of legal age he left his planet on a convoy to Hiyara Station where he was able to find the firefly, naming it after the popular legend of the firefly treasure hunter he worked for years doing odd jobs in an attempt to get the ship up to working status. After hundreds of Piks he was finally able to achieve his dream of fully a fully refurbished firefly.

I have Issues: Easiest person to anger on the ship

H e l l o ! - M y - n a m e - i s : I respond to two separate identity tags; S.E.U. {{Sensitive Evacuation Unit}} and Savnel.

T h e - u g l i n e s s - i s - b l i n d i n g :

I - f e e l - t o o - o l d : I have currently been in service for 7 years, however, I am modeled to appear at the age of approximately 21.

E v e r y o n e - l o o k s - l i k e - m e : My 'species' is Android. My model is Sensitive Evacuation Unit ADR-01a {{S.E.U. ADR-01a}}, fitted for combat, navigation, and healthcare.

I - w o u l d - p r e f e r - i f - d o o r w a y s -

w e r e : My exact height is 5 foot 10 inches, 70 inches, or 177 centimeters.

I - p r e f e r - n o t - t o - o w n - a - s c a l e : Due to my vessel being made of no actual biomass, I am completely made of metal and high strength plastics. When equipped with full ammo and no damaged areas, I weigh in at 293 lbs.

I - l i k e - t o - h u r t - p e o p l e - w i t h : I am fitted with two separate automatic rifles. One uses 'normal' rounds, firing at rapid speeds and puncture sheets of metal up to 1/2 cm thick. The other is equipped to utilize extremely large rounds for penetrating thicker materials, as well as a small grenade launcher. Along my belt are various other pieces of combat-enabled objects, including a select number of knives and shock grenades.

S p e c i a l - t a l e n t s : I myself do not recognize any of my abilities as 'special' or 'unique', as anything I am able to do was either programmed into my CPU or was manually codded by my encoder, located in my left shoulder blade. I am currently trained in distance combat {{guns}}, GPS Navigation, and as a main category in health aid.

R o l e - o n - t h e - s h i p : I normally partake as a nurse or surgeon in most of my daily tasks. I am completely capable of assisting in other tasks, with extra programming in navigation and as a security aid.

T h i s - i s - m e , d e a l - w i t h - i t : As an Android, I'm not completely programmed to experience the full spectrum of bio organisms. Any 'emotions' I can express are extremely limited and are easily suppressed. It is possible, with enough experience, to program new sets into my memory. I have been informed I am 'dull' and 'humorless'.

O n c e - u p o n - a - t i m e : I do not have much of a past, seeing as I only am set to record details that are important for immediate recall. An Android such as myself has no use for actual memory. Upon request, I am able to record events as needed.

I - h a v e - I s s u e s : Although I can think for myself and judge, I lack empathy and caring. I do not grow attached to anything, nor can I express joy or happiness. My weight and low-grade mobility make it difficult for me to participate in hand-to-hand combat. I do not have unlimited ammo, nor can I produce it internally, as I have analyzed fictional units to be able to do. My 'learning' is extremely limited; it requires several shown attempts as my internal encoder is not designed to create advanced processes. I am also not able to run 24/7, as I can either overheat or run out of charge. To fully charge, I require a constant energy supply connection of 5 hours in 'hibernate' mode.
Hello! My name is: Yashar’dangin-Kahnor Gar Karsun (Just Connor For the love of Shar! Because formal titles are annoying as hell)

The ugliness is blinding:


I feel too old: 40 (actually young for his species) Human equivalency 20

Everyone looks like me: Quserkani (if there were a race of uptight aristocrats in a the galaxy…they would be annoyed that someone was more uptight than them. A race steeped in tradition, aristocratic regal, splendor and blah blah blah…don’t believe the tourist pamphlets. Look they require 5 ceremonies three blessings, and invocations of thirteen ancestors before I operate…can I PLEASE just get started?)

I would prefer if doorways were: 6’7

I prefer not to own a scale: 280 Lbs

I like to hurt people with: Guns double Akimbo! (4 pistols and screaming aloud)

Special talents: Doctor extraordinaire I operate on humans, Sci-Hir, E’lffaws, and just about everything else!

Role on the ship: Hello I’ll be your doctor today! Aren’t you lucky? Why are you nervous? There are perfect medical reasons to have bloody saw lying about! (chief medical officer)

This is me, deal with it: Connor is a great and caring doctor…who also is most likely to scream out “TIME ME.” When operating on a patient. The phrase stop and think, do not occur to him. He has a highly developed brain why NOT use it at full speed; sure, he’ll stop to think about how to do a long complex procedure, but for rudimentary medical procedures? He’ll be talking to you like a neighbor passing the breeze, while he’s cleaning out a bullet wound, removing a parasite or whatever the incident may be.

Once upon a time: (Character history) For the son of a prestigious noble family, most would prefer to read tales of their ancestors, mediate on the graces their gods had given them, and live life in peace.

Yeah…screw that noise.

Connor hated the slow paced life, everything was so…boring, he attempted to change his life slowly, “I shall avoid philosophy, and instead embrace the sciences.” Then he found out Quserkani sciences ALSO were filled with tradition bound and fairly stiff scientists. After years of learning biology, and a bit more weary of his species he decided to go even further, “Alright Medical field? Yeah? Lot action there!”


That Is where the “surgery incident” occurred. Where he was prevented from assisting a patient until all traditions had been completed. It was a Bureaucratic nightmare of culture. It was at that point something snapped in him. He went home, grabbed all of his stuff, and left. His parents didn’t know for days as he hadn’t preformed the three prerequisite ceremonies to ask permission to leave, and to receive his parents approval/blessing…been going around from planet to planet since then and (LOOK CAN I JUST GET ON THE SHIP NOW?)

I have Issues: acts without thinking a lot, also “WHY IS THE DOCTOR VOLUNTEERING FOR A COMBAT MISSION?!”

Hello! My name is

Jade Rhea

I feel too old


Everyone looks like me

Human (with cybernetic enhancements)

I would prefer if doorways were


I prefer not to own a scale

150 lbs

I like to hurt people with

A wrench and the occasional gun

Special talents

Insanely Technology Inclined

Role on the ship

Mechanic & all around tech specialist

This is me, deal with it

Jade has been obsessed with technology since she was young and often prefers the company of her creations than other humans. She will spend hours deconstructing and learning about machines, coming up with ways to enhance and upgrade existing tech and brains storming new inventions. Though she is knowledgeable she doesn't offer advice unless asked. She is sometimes forgetful and, oblivious and a bit of an air head when it comes to day to day life. Forgetting to eat or sleep while spending hours with her creations. This often has her coming off as antisocial or ditzy.

Jade has a difficult time making friends and isn't always tact full with her responses often being very blunt. She is very smart and logical in her thinking but can relate to other not completely out of touch with people. To the few friend she does have she is caring and loyal often putting her self in harms way to keep other safe. Jade is oblivious when it comes to anything romantic usually passing it off as they are just being nice. In her opinion romantic relations ships are nothing but drama and a detraction, and would rather avoid them.

She is very out spoken and easily enraged if her Mech or any of her creations are damaged. She has very little tolerance for horseplay while in the work area often reacting in a very vocal and violent manner. Despite hate seeing others neglect their machines she is willing to lend a hand helping to others with their creations. Sometimes going overboard with her aid.

After her planets destruction

The invasion of earth and losing everything and, almost, everyone she knew effected Jade deeply causing her to withdraw socially and emotionally, become pessimistic in her thinking. She tries to avoid conflict, often doubts her self and suffers from PTSD. Due to her lost she has become even more determined not to loose anyone else she cared for, sometimes to the point of self harm. Despite this she tries her best to keep up a positive front and try not to be a burden others. Her passion for technology became her coping mechanism as she became engrossed with the new world of technology open to her through space exploration.

I have Issues

PTSD - Panic attacks triggered by loud explosions, Insomnia, Anxiety during take off and hyper space jumps.

(In a nutshell)

Jade was raised around machines and Technology pretty much her whole life. Her father was a well know mechanic who life was build and fixing Mechs. Her first picture books were schematics and drawings of different models and systems. As she grew older she picked up the family trade learning little by little how machines of all kinds worked. As much as Jades father knew about programming and building mechs, he didn't know much about piloting them, at least not to the standards of a professional. So when Jade found out about an academy for Mech pilots she jumped at the chance to go.

She attended school for Mech pilots but gradually moved more towards researching and developing new tech rather than piloting. Still she excelled in stealth and speed based combat perfecting team matches instead of solo ones. The day of her class graduation the sky was darkened and a rain of destruction and chaos fell as an alien force invaded her planet wiping out most of the life on her planet. She managed to make it off the planet when a small rescue force landed after the initial invasion force. She managed to survive the first few nights hiding out in a subway system until a rescue force arrived on the planet to try and save and survivors.

During the escape the invading force attacked trying to keep the survivors from escaping. Jade was caught in an explosion and her legs partially crushed under debris. The rescuers managed to get her onto the ship and stabilize her enough to live. Jade had to have both of her legs and her left arm replaced with cybernetics, which was depressing at first but once she realized the possibilities of advancing her own limbs she fell in love with having cybernetics. Since then she has devoted her life to pretty much learning any and all kinds of technology the universe has to offer.


- In combat Jade is more of a stealth based fighter. Most of her technology is stealth and infiltration based. To list some: Cloaking device, hologram emitter, hacking device, Data-pad on a tech-bracer she wears on her right arm.

- Her limbs have been slowly tweaked enhanced and added to through trial and error.

Appearance of artificial limbs
Hello! My name is: Sa'ilkilata "Hunter" the Basitin

The ugliness is blinding: View attachment 79897

I feel too old: 17 "Basitin legal adult age is ten, by the way."

Everyone looks like me: "My species was evolutionarily designed to be the ultimate killer: stealth, strength, senses, we work with deadly efficiency, and if I hear one more gods-damned time that I'm 'cute' or 'fluffy' I swear, I'm going to stab someone in the k'ritan throat... again." Basitin are a tribal species from the SDSSp R2164297.96-013543.24 system on the planet locally known as Basidia Prime. Basitin males begin military training at four, active duty at eight, and, if unable to endure the strenuous procedures of Basidian military, exiled into slavery at nine. Basitin are heavily resistant to all but the strongest conventional poisons, by rigorous testing turned eugenics.

I would prefer if doorways were: "Not short." 165 cm

I prefer not to own a scale: 58 kg

I like to hurt people with:

(Details to follow)

  1. Large battleknife
  2. Twin mantis blades
  3. Small injection blade
  4. Several throwing blades
  5. EMP baton
  6. Utility blade
  7. Rail rifle
  8. Twin pistols
  9. Shotgun
  10. Plasma SMG
  11. Bare claws
  12. Bare fists
  13. Bare teeth
  14. Feet
  15. Legs
  16. Arms
  17. Tail
  18. The patented Basidian Death Glare

Special talents: Talented fighter. Very much so. Can also pilot many vehicles. Mediocre chef. He wanted to guarantee getting a job on the Firefly

Role on the ship: Pilot

This is me, deal with it: "K'ritan bite me." Abrasive to the point of hostile, Hunter doesn't care about making friends or relationships of any nature, often only receiving niceties because of his small and fuzzy exterior.

Once upon a time: "Not much to say really, rather run-of-the-mill life." His mother died in childbirth, also miscarrying his would-be twin. Sa'ilkilata was raised by his father, though 'raised by' isn't the right phrasing so much as 'kept breathing by'. Hunter's father loathed his son, keeping him fed (sort of) only by Basitin law. When Hunter was eight, he fell in love with a squadmate in the military who was posing as a male to serve her tribe. When Hunter's father discovered this, he pulled strings to have her tried and executed for lying to government officials about her gender. At the age of ten, when Hunter was finally a legal adult, his father challenged him to combat, as a complete lack of offspring is the only way a Basitin can change mates, even post-mortem. By some combination of Hunter's training, natural ability, his father's hubris, and a healthy dose of luck, Hunter was the survivor of that battle. In celebration (or mourning, whichever) he downed several bottles of liquor, and accidentally left his newly inherited home with bare ankles, subsequently being arrested for public indecency. Sentenced to life imprisonment in the Basidian mines, Hunter was resigned to his fate of the inevitable (practically biannual) cave-in. Five years passed with no luck of quick death, so Hunter entered a tournament to earn early release. Strengthened further from years of hard mining, he had little difficulty defeating the lazy, entitled newcomers that hoped for immediate freedom. He took the first trade ship off his planet, working as security when the crew stopped off on some of the seedier trade hubs. When he caught wind of the Firefly, Hunter was elated that he found a ship with a higher chance of non-suicide death than working as the sole guard for a businessman of questionable morals (and intelligence).

I have Issues: Armed with the impressive arsenal of curses, slurs, and unsavory language of the Basitin language, he could probably find some way to swear at you for any specific occasion. Basitin are not a pleasant race.

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