Insanity, Surrealism, and Dreams


New Member
Floating, falling, flying. Is there a difference with your eyes closed? If you open you eyes and there is only darkness around you what then? Or what if the earth looms far below you, are you floating, falling, or flying before you hit the ground? None of it matters though, when it is only a dream. Dreams are nothing yet not without meaning. Dreams are the darkness that holds light. Dreams don't matter though, if you are awake.

As Adam awakes he thinks of a dream. Not the dream he had last night but a past one. One that stayed with him for many months after he dreamt it. He would never forget it he knew. Blood red meteors falling from a foggy orange sky. How the fog descended and covered everything. It was beautiful and terrifying.

Adam gropes for a switch in the dark and flicks it up. Sitting up Adam turns his head towards the light bulb. It had been doing strange things in the morning. When he looked at it after a nights sleep it was always completely black, yet somehow the rooms was always light. As he gazes at it light slowly returned like a small sun rising inside the bulb.

Adam rubs his eyes. "I must not be fully awake yet." Adam thinks. That thought was less and less convincing every morning. "Forget about it."

Last nights dream was still vivid. Very vivid, but also very boring. It was strange how that was happening lately. Adam could remember every dream he had had the past week, whether they be dull or exciting. The meteor dream was more interesting to think about though. Adam always yearned to see it once more at night but he was always disappointed.

Adam dresses and shuffles towards the door, dream on mind. He stubs his toe on something and looks down. Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card peers up at him and suddenly the dream is gone, reality pours into the room, and Adam is suffocated by due dates, deadlines, and essays. He has a presentation due on Children of the Mind second period and he hasn't started. Adam has no idea how trivial his panic is compared to wat was soon to come.
Maybe with that we're dreaming something and we wake up, noticing something strange with the room, and it would just go on from there..?

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