Insane Asylum for Nekos







How insane are you?{1-10}:

History{How did you get in here?}:



My characters

Name: Lily

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Lily has perfectly straight, never-a-hair-out-of-place, blonde hair, white ears and a white tail. She has a fair complexion, and bright green eyes that hint at her intelligence. Her lips are always faintly smiling in a way that could be considered friendly and sinister. She is normally dressed in the colors yellow, white, and aqua blue, and she never wears the same thing twice, yet she hates shopping.

How insane are you?{1-10}: 6

History{How did you get in here?}: First off, like Karina, Lily is more dangerous than insane. Her childhood is unknown, all she remembers is a harsh elderly lady branding math facts into her head. This unknown woman supposedly always yelled at Lily 'Education is the key to the Universe!'. She was found in a burned down mansion at the age of 12 reciting Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and occasionally digits of Pi. Everyone who met her wanted her to take an IQ test, and she always refused. The one time she did, she broke the test. She was evidently a genius. The first of many entries in her criminal record was breaking out of a US Government Facility, of course the Government wanted to test her. After that Lily always wanted to correct people that were wrong. At first, as most geniuses, she was horrible at communicating because she could not comprehend why other people (and nekos) weren't as smart as she was. Luckily, she had an aptitude for psychology and soon was very adept at communicating. When she was 13 she committed her first murder. She is a controlled psychopath, and soon wanted to continue her education in science by conducting 'experiments'. She started her gruesome period as a mad scientist killing people in all sorts of grotesque ways. Once she was practiced enough in that field, she moved on to her soon-to-be life's work: psychology. She started playing murderous and dangerous 'mind games'…the other people and nekos becoming the 'lab rats'. After many of these 'mind games' she became a master in psychology and could read minds almost perfectly. She could predict anything anyone could do, and she could know what they were thinking. Around this period of absolute power over people the government decided she was getting way too dangerous, and despite other failed attempts to capture her, she let herself be caught. She was deposited here in the Insane Asylum unceremoniously, and no one knows exactly what she is going to do.

Crush/Kids: Despite her record, she would like to have kids, but has had no time in the past for kids or a lover, but now...

Other: Lily doesn't like to brag about her mind, and will often talk normally.

Name: Glitch

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Sandman.jpg.8a38973a10aa6ae8826d472db567cc14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Sandman.jpg.8a38973a10aa6ae8826d472db567cc14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

How insane are you?{1-10}: 5

History{How did you get in here?}: Glitch is an extremely talented and heartless hacker who can do anything with computers (similar to Pelant in Bones). As soon as he touched his first computer he has used them with the intent to hurt others, even hacking into government networks. After a lengthy chase, Glitch was caught and brought to the Asylum. Little did anyone know that this was all part of his plan.

Crush/Kids: Never

Other: He's...well, you'll see soon enough.

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Name:Mike Van Gosh





How insane are you?{1-10}:9

History{How did you get in here?}:Mike served in the special forces squad omega in the army.One day his squadron was sent to infiltrate a cult that had been rumored to be sacrificing humans.The mission was compromised when one of his squadron accidentally fired a pistol too early and this gave the cult leader time to escape.When he got back to the army base everything went swell for a few weeks until he finally reached the end of his tour and when he arrived home he found his wife hung by her small intestine and his dog eating his two year old dead baby.There written on the back wall was "never come after me" with a smiley face.Soon after he had a mental breakdown and killed his whole squadron in cold blood.Right after he was put into the asylum and deemed highly dangerous.

Crush/Kids:dead spouse and child

Other:goes on killing rampages

Name: Hannah

Gender: Female



How insane are you?{1-10}: 7

History{How did you get in here?} :Born into a big city, Hannah always had issues fitting in. She had a weird personality that caused those around her to be pushed away. Try as she might she was never good enough in the eyes of the other children, and she often found herself alone on the playground swing set, drawing what she saw. Fast forward a few years and she's moved on from elementary. Now in high school she's deprived of the comfort of her swing set and takes another shot at making friends. It was most likely her dark humor or her bad puns, but nobody stuck around long enough, and after a while her personality grew jaded. Having no say into the world she was born in, Hannah spent her life hiding herself from others. It was on one fateful day where she snapped. Fueled by anger she snapped the necks of each of the children who teased her, biting and snapping at those who tried to stop her. Once they had finally pinned her down she had killed at least 18 separate children, and her science teacher.

Crush/Kids: Who could love a monster?

Other:Hannah has very few friends. She is a rather bleak figure. She seems to have an emotionless demeanor to her, accompanied by a dark sense of humor. Hannah is a withdrawn person, very quiet, and perhaps that is for her own good. A very intellectual girl she is, knowledgeable on almost every subject, but perhaps her knowledge is too vast for her age. She knows things that she shouldn't, and due to her odd understanding she has a really hard time fitting in.

Name: Cardain Joushel

Gender: Male

Age: 19


How insane are you?{1-10}: 2/9

History: Suffering from a Mental Disorder simply known as Acute Brain Fever. A disorder which doesn't show symptoms unless it's host is put under intense stress/Paranoia (As the name suggests) or is exposed to extremely stressful situations (Death, Copious amounts of blood. Lots of spiders. Whatever might scare it.)

Because of this. He was treated properly with suppressants. And each day had to take them.

Sadly. These suppressants where only in testing at the time. And a psychotic episode at the death of his parents (To note. He was only 15 at the time. And had to be under heavy supervision most the time) In a terrible car accident. They had been eating lunch at a restaurant and had stepped in the car when one came speeding off the highway. Crashing directly into it. Instantly killing both his parents but leaving him unharmed. Physically that his.

Not believing what had just happened. The suppressant failed to work. And he rushed back into the restaurant. and started tearing things apart. Pushing people into things. And generally freaking out. Harming quite a lot of people.

When the police rushed to the scene. He was apprehended. But on the way to the station. And the fact that the police had failed to hold him properly along with a problem with the cars door (A..Fortunate set of events for him.). He was able to break the door open and jump out.

Running. he ran into the nearest shop. His broken mind expecting his parents to be there. And not seeing them. He started destroying everything again.

Now that may seem strange. Even for other patents. but you must remember that this disorder causes the patient to become entirely unreasonable and Psychotic.

He started yelling at the store manager asking where they were. And in the managers refusal to say anything. Considering they weren't there. He attacked the manager and almost killed him. the police made it to the scene in time. And apprehended him. After dousing him with a ton of suppressants. The doctors on site decided he would be best in an asylum.

Ever since then. He accepted it. And as such is very normal with only a 2 ranking for possible danger. And has only had to be elevated to the highest level once, although the facility is unsure what caused that.

That's about it. he's been living there fairly fine. Under suppressants most of the time. And able to live normally within the confines of the asylum.

Crush/Kids: He hasn't got to know many others on a personal level. And as such hasn't been able to develop many relationships. Sure. Beforehand he had crushes. bit those are long forgotten.

Other: Despite his rather feminine and extremely young appearance (although that could be attributed to the cat-like parts of his race.) He's rather masculine in terms of personality. Most of the time.
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Name: Sayomi Nakashima

Gender: Female

Age: 18


How insane are you?{1-10}: 5 or 6

History{How did you get in here?}: She was accepted into a harsh family that did nothing but abuse her in any way possible. Her so called parents would yell at her constantly, and for no reason. When she would actually do something bad, they would lock her up with men and let them do whatever they felt like to her. She would come out in a daze with puffy eyes, scratch and bite marks, and bruises all over her body. When she got around to the age, she was sent off to school. The other kids instantly made fun of her and would make her wear a collar around her neck. They would always say, here kitty kitty, and bring cat toys to school. She knew her 'parents' wouldn't do anything about it so she accepted it. It all bubbled up to the surface and she exploded. Her eyes found a bat and a knife. She strapped both of her parents to their bed and brutally murdered them, leaving no evidence that it was even a person. As she walked off to school with both weapons in hand, she got looks and people started to call the police. She made it to her class and held the objects up, laughing while doing so. "Who wants to play a game with the kitty cat?" Her laughter and screaming filled the classroom. When the police and many other officials got there, is was already too late. She didn't struggle against them as they dragged her here and there. She's pretty dangerous but can also be normal but don't underestimate her.

Crush/Kids: She wants to have a crush but doesn't know what love is.

Other: She's calm and nice to mostly everyone, just don't make fun of her, that's when her bad side comes out.
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Name: Skyler

Gender: female

Age: 18


How insane are you?{1-10}: 5

History{How did you get in here?}: well one day Skyler as in the woods in a tree just hanging out and someone saw her and apparently she was cutting a bird up but to her she was just hanging out and this was not the first time she had this happen like ine day she was talking to her mother and she apparently just laughing she ended up going to a asylum because she was just randomly laughing in a mall but she also is have normal the laughing and stuff barely happen but most of the time shes normal

Crush/Kids: glitch

Other:she has blue eyes and on her back she has wings tattooed into the middle of her back. and her ears are black to <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1968be0_emo20anime20neko.jpg.60c1d96bfd5c0aeaff053d6f0844212c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1968be0_emo20anime20neko.jpg.60c1d96bfd5c0aeaff053d6f0844212c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Vitale Vaca

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.bc02cb0d4a05adeb85a7a29dda55cab9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.bc02cb0d4a05adeb85a7a29dda55cab9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

How insane are you?{1-10}: 6

History{How did you get in here?}: Vitale had always loved his little sister. He would do anything for her. They would play together, walk together, work together, and even become criminals together. The two used to steal considering the fact that their family was immensely poor. When the cops appeared, they would vanish upon rooftops or they would knuckle it out until a fleeting opportunity came. However, one day, Vitale's sister was murdered. A cat burglar had broken into their house in the woods when Vitale had to run to the store for groceries. When he returned and seen his sister's crippled body, he was outraged. He began a search to find the killer and take vengeance even though he was only a teenager. Vitale would borrow some hacking equipment from one of his criminal "friends". He used the police data base to find cat burglars and commenced to execute them one by one. His killer confessed before him when he was on the eighth night. Vitale was soon caught because his "friend" ratted him out for some cash.

Crush/Kids: Vitale had always been about his little sister, so he never really had the thought about romance

Other: Now has trust issues



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