Inquisicom: Heretic Unknown


Dialectical Hermeticist
It began with disappearances.

No one important; a beggar here, a harlot there. Beneath the notice of the Watch.

Then a priest, or an off-duty Watchman, or a handmaiden.

The Watch, whipped into action by the Duke, searched high and low to find the kidnappers.

They found murderers instead. Signs of ritual slaughter, occult markings, blasphemous tomes.

When the Watch was closing in on what they believed to be the home of the cult, the unthinkable happened.

A Demon erupted from the summoning circle and laid waste to the cultists, to the Watch. At great loss of life it was put down, vanishing back into the ether in the wreckage of a burnt inn.

Suspicion is keeping the Guilds, the Ducal Government, The Church from working together.

That is where you come in.

Between them, they have agreed to fund and staff the Inqusition. To root out Cultists, study Demons, and end the threat to Meridian once and for all.

Unfortunately, their skepticism means that for now the Inquisition is staffed with idiots, thieves, cowards, and thugs.

Good luck!
Need a little more information.

What setting and system? Or will it be more of a free-form thing?

Shall we be playing this motley crew of would-be inquisitors? Can we physically beat demons with books because we don't know how to otherwise use them...?

(that last question is optional....)
The setting is designed purely for the game, the city-state of Meridian. Probably no going outside the walls, but we'll see. I was thinking an almost-Renaissance vibe so the Inquisition can research blessed flintlocks and what-have-you. System is as-yet undetermined, but I'm considering various options from nWoD to Crucible to WHFRP 2e.

You would be a motley crew of would-be Inquisitors, thought I am considering having one player act as the 'commander'.

You may physically beat demons with books, but the efficacy of that will vary by demon and density of text.
So while the Masquerade game is priority this month, I was telling someone about this recently and now I would like to try and get it in action sometime...

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